Thanks for the support folks. A couple of comments on the site would be appreciated I thought this would fuel more controversy.
Posts by srd
Were the Biblical writers writing history?
by srd inand how would you know or not know.
read and respond
Were the Biblical writers writing history?
by srd inand how would you know or not know.
read and respond
And how would you know or not know. Read and respond
To circumcise or not to circumcise?
by srd inhere's a good one for you, looking at gen 17 and paul's subversive interpretive practices.
Actually it was done to make and preserve an ethnic distinction, while Paul on the other hand sought to do just the opposite. Here's an excerpt from my post:
The former text (Gen 17) was written to reaffirm and safeguard ethnic identity and Yahweh's "eternal" covenant to a Jewish people currently sitting in exile in Babylon wondering if their god would keep his covenantal promise to return them to their land (see contradictions #28-30). The latter (Galatians) was written to deconstruct ethnic and religious boundaries and identities in a strife-ridden pluralistic geopolitical world under a single ruler.
To circumcise or not to circumcise?
by srd inhere's a good one for you, looking at gen 17 and paul's subversive interpretive practices.
Here's a good one for you, looking at Gen 17 and Paul's subversive interpretive practices.
Conversation with a Seminary Student in Starbucks today
by Terry inthis is a distilled (and from memory) reconstruction of a chat this morning.... my 81 year old ex-baptist minister friend dub and i went to starbucks for coffee and conversation.
dub likes to start conversations with strangers.. today a seminary student caught his eye.
they talked for about half an hour before dub dropped me into it.
Love your response to the first question. Well articulated and thoughtful.
How to fight biblical ignorance??
by srd inthe bible this; the bible that; 'tis the word of the almighty.
we all be following its every word... blah, blah, blah.
many biblical scholars lament the fact that the bible is the most misunderstood, abused, and appropriated text by numerous different religious communities, each one claiming to provide its right interpretation, while ironically supporting their own belief system.
by ÁrbolesdeArabia in .
"the story of noah's ark and its associated flood continues to be retold to children and studied by theologians, alike.
while some dismiss it as a mere fable, others believe wholeheartedly that the event literally unfolded, with a massive down-pouring of water ravaging the earth at god's command.
This whole endeavor is endemic to pushing our own presuppositions onto ancient texts, rather than looking at them from the historical and literary contexts that produced them. For shame
How to fight biblical ignorance??
by srd inthe bible this; the bible that; 'tis the word of the almighty.
we all be following its every word... blah, blah, blah.
many biblical scholars lament the fact that the bible is the most misunderstood, abused, and appropriated text by numerous different religious communities, each one claiming to provide its right interpretation, while ironically supporting their own belief system.
Thanks for the support. Yea the material is pretty dense and maybe too scholarly in its tone. I've been trying to tone it down in more recent posts. Please leave a comment on the site since I'm desperately trying to get some dialogue going on over there. Tired of looking at 0 comments today. :(
I'd be very curious to know what type of problems or conflicts you might have with what I'm doing giving your background, and secondly how to reach more people like yourself. Again, converse with me at the blog.
Jacob wrestled with God?
by MrFreeze inone story in the bible that always left me puzzled was the story of jacob wrestling with the man/angel/god.
whoever it was that was wrestling with him was said not to have been able to overpower jacob so he disjointed his hip.
at the end of the account it said jacob named the place peniel because "there i saw god face to face and and yet my life was spared.".
It is a story modeled on an old folklore them -- the crossing of a ford and the need to fight a spirit/troll/deity. Here Jacob is crossing the Jabbok (pun intened by the author). In other words the returnee is returning to the land of Canaan. It's a monumentuous event. Jacob is now Israel. The folklore story merely accentuates the importance of this crossing/transformation.
Over at my site ( we are currently going through the Abraham stories, and then we will get into the Jacob stories. I will be comparing this story with the one in chapter 28, where it is recorded that Jacob also crosses the Jordan and gets his name changed to Israel. Both stories were preserved, but they come from two different traditions.
Armstrong is NOT a biblical scholar. She's a theologian who speaks in very general terms, over generalizations....
What Are Words That You Or Others Have A Hard Time Pronouncing?
by minimus init drives me crazy when people say "altimers disease".. or jewlery.. .