I noticed new material on the "Official" JW site yesterday pertaining to avoiding over drinking......
Yes, unless evidence emerges to the contrary, I do suspect drinking was the cause of, or at least contributed to, the situation. AMIII had been so obviously under the influence in a number of his talks. That and the infamous Bottlegate story of him buying large quantities of booze on a Sunday during the meeting time, though none of them conclusive of major 'sin', all added up to a suspicious pattern. Anyone who has struggled with alcohol themself or has known loved ones who has, could see signs that were pointing that way.
No doubt he'd received 'counsel' from the rest of the GB, if only to save them face, but he presumably didn't listen, and it's either that stubbornness or a specific situation where the alcohol caused embarrassment (others on this thread with possible knowledge have suggested what that might be) that tipped the scales and the rest of the GB decided to act.
I would bet Tony and they are milking their "sick" story and keeping a very low profile with online meetings...pretend or real. Tony strikes me as a proud pompous person who would be quite humiliated right now.
Indeed, which makes me wonder if we've not heard the last of this. His resentment, or lowering of his guard over time, might mean more information leaks out later, although it might not happen for some time. It also depends on whether he can actually get control of his drinking, or if he takes refuge in it more.