Excellent comments, Magnum. Some of the most pertinent points to me are:
It used to appeal to intelligent, thinking, reasonable, stable, successful, discerning people, but not anymore.
Of course, some will disagree and claim that most or all JWs have always been unhinged or idiots, but I think what you say is true. Many JWs I grew up around many years ago at least used to enjoy learning, reading fairly challenging and stimulating material and debating with others about Biblical, moral or spiritual subjects. True, not many JWs have ever been in the top sectors of society in terms of graduates and leaders, but there were enough who were at least thoughtful and lucid enough to give some credibility to the society. Today, that's definitely no longer the case.
If JWdom were what it claims to be, the internet would have been a great asset - a great tool for the advancement of "the truth." Ironically, JWs claim to be lovers of light, whereas the org actually wants/loves darkness.
Indeed. Where GB1.0 were cautious and even perhaps suspicious of new technology, GB2.0 probably thought they could embrace it and bring a modern angle to JW life, and possible attract a lot of young new tech-savvy members in. To some extent they have, with a few young go-getters in the Bethels and most city circuits at least have a couple of young ones like that, but what they've got is 'gloss' (TV channel, fancy logo and videos) at the cost of depth (mental, emotional and spiritual), and it's far less attractive to outsiders.
The biggest failing with the increased scrutiny of the internet age has been the failure to apologise for, and turn away from, some of the most bizarre, outdated and extreme aspects of their doctrine and history. If they had been far more transparent around the turn of 2000, they may have seen a dip in members for a few years, but that could have begun steadily recovering if they'd had a proper doctrinal and procedural "reset".
The JW "preaching" work is now a lame, puny, faint whisper. [..] where is the clear, bold warning?
Definitely. In line with the above, it's more as though they are circling the wagons and becoming more insular, rather than opening up and trying to gather as many "honest-hearted, sheeplike" ones in while the time is "favourable", according to their supposed beliefs.
JWdom is a mere shadow of its former self. [...] It is no longer proactive; it is now just reactive.
Agreed, and sadly, the only two ways I can see of the current GB trying to regain the initiative and lift the JW membership, is either with more 'gloss' (like their slick but superficial video productions), or by stoking up the "end times", possibly by hyping "the coming attack on Babylon the Great" and the "preaching of a hailstone message". That will only accelerate their decline, as most people will back away from that and it will only gain them more negative publicity.