Michael Purbrick was never liked in our congregation, everyone glad to see the back of him.
I don't know anyone who's ever said otherwise! He's the only person - CO, elder or anyone else in a JW congregation - that I've never heard anyone have a good word for!
The only thing I can say in his favour is that he was a very good speaker.
I remember him giving a talk about the impalement of Jesus, and his ability to paint the picture of the last hours of Jesus' life, including the nails being driven into him and the likely effect on his heart of the pressure of being suspended so long on the stake (or cross, if you prefer) causing the heart muscles to rupture and produce the "blood and water" separation the Bible refers to, was very vivid and dramatic.
Especially now in these days of 30 minute public talks, and items and 'symposium' parts which are so salami-sliced and dumbed down, I miss those captivating speakers who could hold an audience for 45 minutes or more without needing to resort to a script of Q&A questions or, even worse, a video or animation.
However, of course the main point of a CO should be that he can do the pastoral care part well - encouraging and supporting everyone in the congregation - and Purbrick had no gifts in that department at all!
In reality, most COs are just administrators - like regional sales auditors sent in to assess overall performance and report back to the branch. But it's a bonus when you do find one who actually seems to care for people, not just numbers and rules.