And where is the open debate on whether we want to be involved in this war in Ukraine? We have no choice in the matter we are dragged into it without a vote and whether we like it or not.
I understand this viewpoint, although it was the same with the Gulf Wars, especially the second one for the (IMO illegal) overthrow of Saddam, based on lies about WMD. The UK was pulled into it by Blair who was determined to unquestioningly back up his buddy George W. But that's already "old history" and so much more has been built on top of that.
What does seem different now though, perhaps due to social media - is that everyone, including the public, are expected to buy fully into supporting the Ukraine military and financial campaign (UKR flags on their profiles, their car windows and bumpers, etc, etc). At least with Iraq, for example, although the people on the whole were told to accept it was the "right" thing to do, noone was really expected to support it to the extent of posting propaganda material themselves.
But then that's happening will all kinds of causes, campaigns and movements today too, from MeToo to BLM to Pride and anything else than can be summed up with a fancy hashtag or flag/symbol. Strange times.