I agree with the OP.
A lot of the chatter, if it is about anything to do with the religion rather than the people, is about the 'original songs' (ugh), what a good meeting or Watchtower article the last one was (usually said immediately after the meeting, regardless of what the content was) or how encouraging the last JW broadcast was. It's quite telling how often someone says how great a meeting or talk was but then admits they can't remember the detail, or if pressed, is unable to give a specific example of something "upbuilding" from it.
Fortunately, even discussions of the broadcasts seems to be dying out. It was a real nightmare when they first introduced the JW televangelist Broadcasting channel because every month with each new episode, most of the congregation would go crazy with asking each other "have you seen the latest broadcast? So encouraging. What was your favourite part? What did you think of..." and wanting to share their thoughts on whatever was said. I haven't heard anything like that since the return to face-to-face meetings after the COVID lockdown.
The other main topic is along the lines of "the end can't be far off now because things are so bad/everyone is struggling so much/the news is so horrible" etc.
In contrast to what smiddy said (and what I remember), very little time now is spent talking about actual scriptures in depth, or details of the lives of Bible characters like Paul, Jesus or whoever.