Thanks for this post, forza. I agree.
Here is a post of BoogerMan on the subject:
"Career Christians" ignore these Scriptures
And thanks to Belisem for reposting that link. Fascinating thread which reinforces the principle, and shows that the current CO arrangement is yet another area where the GB have (supposedly) aimed to "imitate the first-century Christian congregation" but got it badly wrong, with lots of dire consequences (misuse of donations, unnecessary burden placed on circuit congregations, COs and their wives thrown aside with no skills when they're removed, etc).
The problem with this that I see now is that the org would have to recruit more COs to allow for the fact that each individual would have fewer hours available to serve the congregations. That wouldn't have been a problem up until the early 2000s, when numbers of experienced brothers was ok, but with it getting harder to find men who are willing to work for this current GB, I doubt that could happen. Also, in many cities especially, the cost of living means earnings from part-time work barely cover a person's weekly expenses for food, bills, etc, so a CO would have to spend many more hours in secular work (a problem the R&F such as regular pioneers are already experiencing). And the biggest single cost for most is accommodation, but the org has been closing halls with circuit flats and selling off other residential properties.
So it's an arrangement that they could and should have put in place while it was a "favourable season", but it's now too late to start that. Another sign the org is reaping the results of flawed past decisions.