“The Good News According to Jesus” is an 18-episode comprehensive look at the life and ministry of Jesus Christ — his personality and his interactions with people. Episode 1 will be released as a special feature of the 2024 “Declare the Good News!” conventions of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Subsequent episodes will be released at future conventions.Oh, Lord (pun intended). So now this Org thinks it's becoming a Biblical Netflix? Releasing extended multi-episode dramas?
EIGHTEEN episodes, to be broadcast at future conventions?!
It sounds like they're only releasing part 1 for 2024. So there will be SEVENTEEN more years of this?
Even if they released one part each day of a convention, with three-day conventions the norm, that would mean this will still drag on for about six years.
So I guess they're not expecting the end of the system before 2030 at least, then? 🤣
I still don't get how this can work. Surely you will have to shoot all the episodes within no more than a couple of years max, as you risk continuity issues with actors being missing (what if they die, become too ill to take part, or leave the JWs in the meantime between shootings?)
But then, if you have all 18 episodes in the can within 1-2 years and just dribble them out a few at a time over several years, how can you stop them all "leaking"? We know the Org is hopeless at preventing leaks of literature and videos as it is.
The whole thing just sounds a ridiculous idea. Just shoot the whole series and release it a part a month with each broadcast, or something like that, if you must. Why drag it out so tediously like that?!
It's not like we don't know how the story goes. It's been around for two thousand years! 🤣