CRT makes me think of this:
JoinedPosts by Journeyman
The corrosive nature of CRT
by LoveUniHateExams indiane abbot has been temporarily suspended from the labour party whilst they investigate her behaviour.. what's she done?.
it was leaked that a first draft of a letter she was going to write had the claim that jews can't experience racism.. the influence of crt is obvious.
according to this warped worldview, there are two types of people, oppressors and oppressed.
July 2023 Study Watchtower - Great Tribulation is coming soooooooooooooon!
by BoogerMan inis this the "great tribulation" which jesus warned he would bring upon the corrupt christian congregations worldwide, (revelation 2:22; 7:14) or is it the same 1st century g.t.
which he said would never occur again?
(matthew 24:21).
(Proverbs 24:4) "And by knowledge will the interior rooms be filled with all precious and pleasant things of value."
Where is knowledge retained and stored? In the heart & mind?Actually, the org are likely to say that reinforces their interpretation that the "inner/interior rooms" relates to congregations, because it parallels Haggai 2:7 which says "'And I will shake all the nations, and the precious things of all the nations will come in; and I will fill this house with glory', says Jehovah of armies."
They interpret the "precious things" to mean 'honest-hearted' people who come into the congregations, so they would probably say the same about Proverbs 24:4, as "precious" new ones are drawn to the congregation by "taking in knowledge" about God.
The corrosive nature of CRT
by LoveUniHateExams indiane abbot has been temporarily suspended from the labour party whilst they investigate her behaviour.. what's she done?.
it was leaked that a first draft of a letter she was going to write had the claim that jews can't experience racism.. the influence of crt is obvious.
according to this warped worldview, there are two types of people, oppressors and oppressed.
Diane Abbott's comments are no surprise. She's one of those high-profile people who buy into, and promote, the "white man = bad, brown man = good" orthodoxy that is becoming so common now. The most sinister part of that is the 'cancelling' of history - erasing people from the historical record (removing statues, renaming buildings, censoring or re-writing history books) and trying to create false narratives about how long ethnic minorities have been around and in prominent positions in western society.
To think, a few years ago she could've become the British Home Secretary, and depending on what happens now she may yet be in a Labour cabinet if they are elected! I fear people like her will spark disorder through their ignorant race-baiting if they are successful in achieving a position of power.
There is a British Youtuber called History Debunked who I think talks a lot of sense about the way race is being distorted and portrayed in the UK these days. -
Joined an online meeting incognito
by joey jojo ingot a link for a zoom meeting and thought id share my experience about the mid-week meeting.. guessing about 100 - 120 in cong.. 50 on zoom, only 8 with cameras on - all elderly.
watching from a detached point of view it's so obvious at how it is nothing but a glorified sales meeting, all designed to promote the org.
inspirational videos about how everyone can/ should do more to help with projects, in particular how to look after the kingdom hall, complete with bar charts showing levels of achievement to aspire to.. interestingly, tonights book study is about alcohol..
There was a reddit poster who mentioned that to log into zoom you had to get approval from the elders. Wt cannot go completely on line. It will finish them.
As far as I can see, some congregations with particularly 'zealous' elders might be doing that, but I think it's a long way from that across the board yet. A lot of bodies of elders would not be happy enforcing that, in part because members of their own families like to stay online when it suits them, especially ones that have young children. It would be hard to deny access to most of the rest of the congregation under those circumstances.
I could be wrong though. It's possible the branches may issue an order to make congregations do that, if the GB feels not enough people are returning to meetings around the world over the next year or so. But I think that would also cause serious problems, with many disappearing altogether if they can no longer connect via Zoom.
But then someone on another thread recently speculated that one of the GB's goals might be to weed out the 'weak' ones and let them leave so that they can concentrate on retaining the ones who are fully indoctrinated and obedient. I think that's a self-defeating policy, but if true, this might be one way of achieving that.
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
I noticed new material on the "Official" JW site yesterday pertaining to avoiding over drinking......
Yes, unless evidence emerges to the contrary, I do suspect drinking was the cause of, or at least contributed to, the situation. AMIII had been so obviously under the influence in a number of his talks. That and the infamous Bottlegate story of him buying large quantities of booze on a Sunday during the meeting time, though none of them conclusive of major 'sin', all added up to a suspicious pattern. Anyone who has struggled with alcohol themself or has known loved ones who has, could see signs that were pointing that way.
No doubt he'd received 'counsel' from the rest of the GB, if only to save them face, but he presumably didn't listen, and it's either that stubbornness or a specific situation where the alcohol caused embarrassment (others on this thread with possible knowledge have suggested what that might be) that tipped the scales and the rest of the GB decided to act.
I would bet Tony and they are milking their "sick" story and keeping a very low profile with online meetings...pretend or real. Tony strikes me as a proud pompous person who would be quite humiliated right now.
Indeed, which makes me wonder if we've not heard the last of this. His resentment, or lowering of his guard over time, might mean more information leaks out later, although it might not happen for some time. It also depends on whether he can actually get control of his drinking, or if he takes refuge in it more. -
Joined an online meeting incognito
by joey jojo ingot a link for a zoom meeting and thought id share my experience about the mid-week meeting.. guessing about 100 - 120 in cong.. 50 on zoom, only 8 with cameras on - all elderly.
watching from a detached point of view it's so obvious at how it is nothing but a glorified sales meeting, all designed to promote the org.
inspirational videos about how everyone can/ should do more to help with projects, in particular how to look after the kingdom hall, complete with bar charts showing levels of achievement to aspire to.. interestingly, tonights book study is about alcohol..
The people that dont turn on their cameras are the same ones that trash talk and shun ex-jw's that dont buy into it anymore, yet they cant even turn on their cameras to encourage others?
I suppose, although I never bought into the whole "turn on your camera to encourage the brothers" thing during the meetings. Afterwards when they used to meet in breakout rooms, ok fine, but not during the meeting. After all, no-one sits facing all the congregation at the hall, watching their faces during a meeting (unless you're the 'brother' sitting on the platform to read the WT study, but that's another issue)!
It seemed just a way for the elders to monitor everyone was dressed appropriately and at their device for the whole time. Too intrusive. Some congregations were more aggressive about that during lockdown than others, but in my experience it seems now they're more interested in who is physically at the meetings - the elders around my way no longer bother making comments asking people online to turn on their cameras.
Breaking News: Anthony Morris III no longer serving on the Governing Body
by WingCommander inthis has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Age and health definitely seems unlikely, given that all the other elderly GB members have stayed to the end despite their age or infirmity. As has been pointed out, Herd and Losch themselves are still there despite also becoming more frail and possibly borderline senile now. The GB usually get the best care from Bethel.
More likely, he either had a major difference over doctrine or procedure with the rest of the GB, or he was caught out in some indiscretion (possibly linked to drunkenness, as has been speculated). We may not find out for a long time, depending on how well the "friends" close ranks to protect him, but it will probably leak out eventually.
Smart move on Watchtower's part to be the landlord. Few people bite the hand that feeds them.
Also keeps him in their sphere of influence. He knows too much about 'where the bodies are buried' to be allowed to completely leave the circle of the GB. That also suggests that whatever he said or did, he's obviously not turned apostate, as some had wondered/hoped. What will be interesting is if he becomes resentful or careless over time, and lets slip some clues as to what happened.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Well, it seems our mutual friend's Patreon numbers have levelled off around the 590 mark - nearly 200 more since his Stephen-Lett-style begging video, which puts him back where he was about this time last year. However, as slim pointed out earlier, it's well short of his peak of nearly 900 patrons eighteen months ago, and how many will he keep as we get to the end of April - then May, June, etc? How many of those 200 will experience 'buyer's remorse' and pull the plug on their payments?
He might be celebrating now, but time will tell how long-lived his 'revival' proves to be.
For Dijana, who has already been treated like crap by him, and for Tibor, who might still get the sack if the numbers don't stay up, here's a handy t-shirt design to add to the merchandise...
July 2023 Study Watchtower - Great Tribulation is coming soooooooooooooon!
by BoogerMan inis this the "great tribulation" which jesus warned he would bring upon the corrupt christian congregations worldwide, (revelation 2:22; 7:14) or is it the same 1st century g.t.
which he said would never occur again?
(matthew 24:21).
To be fair, the org says "inner rooms" relates to congregations not kingdom halls. It doesn't mean that everyone will be expected to physically go to a hall to hide.
That couldn't be right, as with all the hall closures in recent years, it's often necessary for witnesses to travel long distances to the nearest hall, and also the fact that most halls are not big enough to hold all the local witnesses together. For example, where I attend we have seating for maybe 200 people max, but multiple congregations meet there probably totalling about 400 people. How could they all come together in the one hall without attracting attention of the authorities, and without causing crowding problems? It causes enough hassle with the neighbours as it is on Memorial night with all the crowding in and out!
The NWT parallels the "inner rooms" verse with Exodus 12:22,23 where the angel passes over Egypt and strikes the firstborn while the Jews hide in their homes with the doorposts daubed with animal blood, and that WT paragraph itself says: "Consider what Jehovah instructed his people to do when ancient Babylon was attacked..." Again, that was a situation where the people were distributed in their own homes and places, not all gathered in one location. One old WT from 2009 said: "This prophecy may have had its first fulfillment in 539 B.C.E. when the Medes and the Persians conquered Babylon. Upon entering Babylon, Cyrus the Persian apparently commanded everyone to stay indoors because his soldiers were ordered to execute any found out-of-doors."
Also, it contradicts their portrayals in the bunker videos of 1) the authorities probably closing down halls and 2) witnesses taking refuge in private basements or attics.
As enoughisenough says, their actions during lockdown went completely contrary to the idea of congregations coming together, and even caused some to wonder if isolation at home would be a fulfillment of going to "interior rooms". That would seem to make more sense if it happens at all, but I suspect the org doesn't want to say that in case it encourages more to stay at home and just connect on zoom, so instead they imply congregations should be "together", despite their depictions showing the opposite (only small groups in private rooms).
A case of putting their own organisational desires ahead of what the scriptures actually suggest? If so, that wouldn't be unusual.
Joined an online meeting incognito
by joey jojo ingot a link for a zoom meeting and thought id share my experience about the mid-week meeting.. guessing about 100 - 120 in cong.. 50 on zoom, only 8 with cameras on - all elderly.
watching from a detached point of view it's so obvious at how it is nothing but a glorified sales meeting, all designed to promote the org.
inspirational videos about how everyone can/ should do more to help with projects, in particular how to look after the kingdom hall, complete with bar charts showing levels of achievement to aspire to.. interestingly, tonights book study is about alcohol..
In my experience, they don't announce attendance anymore in regular meetings (they only used to do it for the public talk and for the Memorial) but they still do at assemblies and conventions.
What they have is a monthly attendance form on the noticeboard (the org does love forms) where they write the in-person and online attendances separately (with combined total) for each meeting. That's how I know the general attendance rate around my circuit is about a 50/50 split these days.