This is nothing less than WT admittling that they never believed the old filty whore schtick about churches, just as they never believed the fear porn about the UN being the wild beast of Satan when they agreed to support UN objectives while they were listed as a UN NGO.
It's not quite as simple as that. It's quite possible for someone to believe two or more contradictory things - most of us do in some aspect or other of our life, whether religion, politics, our working life or whatever.
So within the JW org there are those, from top to bottom, who DO believe (and have always done so) that all other religions are "Babylon the Harlot", and that the UN is the prophesied "image of the Beast". The official teaching is still that all political elements will come together to attack JWs, so although it is less overtly stated that the UN will lead that attack, it is clearly still doctrine that the majority, if not all, of nations will come together to fight against God, which is basically the UN by any other name (or its successor, should there be such an organisation). JW teaching is still clear that the UN as an organisation is heading into oblivion because it fundamentally opposes God.
However, what IS happening is a lack of unity and clarity over many beliefs that used to be "set in stone". This is because the apparently ironclad certainty of Fred Franz's teachings before the 1990s has broken down and there is no longer such total consensus from the top down. I think it is these divisions and schisms that have led to the radical changes we have seen since the 2010s - "new" NWT bible, dumping of "types and anti-types", videos everywhere, JW televangelist Broadcasting channel, "original" songs, changes on ministry and fashions, and who knows what else to come - and was possibly even behind AMIII's departure from the GB.
Where it's going, who knows, but sooner or later the Org is going to get itself openly caught in a contradictory "Catch 22" kind of bind over its past, present and potential future teachings. It's already approaching that with the whole supposed justification for the total "divine authority" of the GB. The cracks have started to show since the Australian Royal Commission and then the WT where they admitted to not being "infallible". As time goes on and they have to concede more and more - including probably to secular courts and governments - their assumed unique spiritual position will look increasingly shaky, and once that goes, all the other reasons - the "incentives to stay" that Vidiot mentioned - will collapse.
The JW org has been so certain of its "destiny" up until recently, that I suspect the GB are now panicking behind closed doors, wondering what they should do to buy more time before they expect God to save them. I think at least a significant number of key figures still believe those main doctrines about Babylon and the UN, but they are trying to play clever - "theocratic warfare" - and please all sides, especially to protect the cashflow. That's bound to end badly, either way, since they've neither been honest with the "wordly" organisations, nor true to their own teachings (which, if true, would mean they have been doing exactly what they accuse "Babylon" of doing and "sharing with the world", which would displease God and Jesus too).