hi BX
Send me an e mail to let me know how things are.
i am settling in here after a long stay on anoter site.
well, that's the nice thing with cyberspace.
you can be in two places at one time.. i see many faithful christians here.
hi BX
Send me an e mail to let me know how things are.
last night on bbc1 there was a programme that was talking of the life of christ.one of the things that it mentioned was that the jews were waiting for the messiah to appear although they were expecting a warrior leader.. this got me thinking.
i remember reading an article that show 70 "prophecies" in the bible, that were fulfilled by the birth of christ.the jews would have known about these.
also what about the 70 weeks prophecy that is meant to prophecy the birth of christ?
Interesting point Mensa but I was attacking this from the veiw of the Bible being inspired and true.
i am reading a book recomended by ginny tosken.. in it, it states that there were no walls around the city of jericho.
i seem to remember someone posting last week about this which contradicts the above.. uo
I am trying to read a chapter a night as it is a lot to take in. One thing that struck me last night was that although Archeaologists can find no trace of Isreal in the time period that the Bible sets it in, they have found later traces of foundations and Tent sites. And the interesting thing is that according to the bones that they found, they did not eat pork as no pig bones were found. Anyone got any comments on this?
i am reading a book recomended by ginny tosken.. in it, it states that there were no walls around the city of jericho.
i seem to remember someone posting last week about this which contradicts the above.. uo
sure. it is:
The Bible unearthed:Archeaologys new vision of Ancient Isreal and the origin of its sacred texts.
i am reading a book recomended by ginny tosken.. in it, it states that there were no walls around the city of jericho.
i seem to remember someone posting last week about this which contradicts the above.. uo
I am reading a book recomended by Ginny Tosken.
In it, it states that there were no walls around the city of Jericho. I seem to remember someone posting last week about this which contradicts the above.
last night on bbc1 there was a programme that was talking of the life of christ.one of the things that it mentioned was that the jews were waiting for the messiah to appear although they were expecting a warrior leader.. this got me thinking.
i remember reading an article that show 70 "prophecies" in the bible, that were fulfilled by the birth of christ.the jews would have known about these.
also what about the 70 weeks prophecy that is meant to prophecy the birth of christ?
Last night on BBC1 there was a programme that was talking of the life of Christ.One of the things that it mentioned was that the Jews were waiting for the messiah to appear although they were expecting a warrior leader.
This got me thinking. I remember reading an article that show 70 "prophecies" in the Bible, that were fulfilled by the birth of Christ.The jews would have known about these. Also what about the 70 weeks prophecy that is meant to prophecy the birth of Christ? The Jews must have known about this as well as they were expecting him?
Also Jan H. I am interested in why you think the Tomb (that was found that had a cross on the coffin which you refered to in my last thread) was a fake?
Thank you in advance everyone for your help and Fred.... I am still waiting!
the "pedophile survey" is a way to give information and it be used to give survey results to see the extent of the problem.
we have added victim stories and a few other modifications it is a gradual work in progress.
check in from time to time and sign the guestbook.
You are out of order making jest of this situation. I just hope that you never have to do deal with this in your family.
i want to share a perspective, with everyone that comes here to read, for i feel it will take some of us in a new direction.
perhaps it will allow for some creative thinking and interesting discussion or maybe it simply wont go anywhere.
it does not really matter either way, for there are subjects which can only be speculated on and thoughts which can only be shared.
Bad associate
Is it really necessary to swear in nearly every post that you write!
jesus christ is the main feature of christianity.
what proof is there of him existing?
we touched on this subject on the the last thread that i started, but i would appreciate in depth veiw points and "evidence" please.
Ginny tosken
I have read that quote that you posted. It all seems credible but where is the author getting their proof from? Is there any references to the material that they quote from so that we can check it for ourselves?
I have had 28 years of being told what such and such says, so this time around I want to check the sources myself.
BTW the book arrived yesterday, cant wait to read it!
jesus christ is the main feature of christianity.
what proof is there of him existing?
we touched on this subject on the the last thread that i started, but i would appreciate in depth veiw points and "evidence" please.
Hi all
So can anyone recomend a good book that deals with all this please?