> The Momos were trying to convict me of theirs being the True church in these last days,and they help up a picture of Joseph Smith (The prophet) and asked me to focus upon it while they spoke
Unbelieveable!! Do you see anywhere in scripture when anything like this is a litmus test for God to be speaking to someone? I mean, who is the best impersonator of God in the world? The Devil is! I cannot believe that someone[the Mormons in this case] would pose something so subjective as to being the 'sign'' that theirs is the truth.
>>I swear...the picture MOVED! The beam of light shining on prophet Joe intensified and Joe shifted position a fraction where he was kneeling before God.
A sign!
I believe you, you know why? Cause Satan loves 'signs'.
Jesus said 'A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign....'
Satan loves it when people ask God for a sign that is not already something revealed in His Word.
I had a conversion experience when I met Christ, but in no way do I look to that as proof of my salvation, or that I have the right God. I look to Jesus on a cross, and the Word of God as the anchor for my soul. Interesting topic. Thanks for posting it :)