Did you have a "religious experience" ?

by refiners fire 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    By "religious experience" I mean a moment, an incident, where you felt that God was directly addressing YOU thru a public talk, a Watchtower article. Did God give you a "sign" that convicted you of the truth of "The Truth"?

    My mother told me about one she had.
    She had become innactive and her personal life was in turmoil, she and the old man were fighting and she was driving around at 2 am, crying and yowling aloud to God.
    "Why Jehovah! What am I supposed to do!?"
    etc. Very hysterical person my mother. Anyway, she turned a corner and her car headlights lit up a sign,her eyes focused upon it...
    "Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses"
    God was calling her back!

    I had a similar thing myself when I was messing with the Mormons (or they were messing with me).
    The Momos were trying to convict me of theirs being the True church in these last days,and they help up a picture of Joseph Smith (The prophet) and asked me to focus upon it while they spoke.
    The room was dim, and the lad speaking lowered his voice and spoke in rhythm with my heartbeat.
    I swear...the picture MOVED! The beam of light shining on prophet Joe intensified and Joe shifted position a fraction where he was kneeling before God.
    A sign!

    Did you have a moment like that in connection with the dubs??

  • LB

    Nope, not a single one, ever. Guess God doesn't want anything to do with me

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • sf

    "...a moment, an incident, where you felt that God was directly addressing YOU..."

    Absolutely, yet it was when I was extremely young and in the hospital; long before the corrupt book publishing mafia entered into our family nucleus. I have almost total recall of what occured that night in my hospital crib.

    Such as much of my past...total recall of just about all of my life's eVents can be a bitch at times. It isn't that I do not want to recall, it is that I have no choice..."the past IS the past, yet It IS always present".


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

    “What a blessing such integrity keepers are to the congregation!”(5/15/02 WT magazine, pg. 27)

  • wonderwoman77

    I feel I had a momentous experience. It was long after I left the JW, so it was not through any of the mechanisms. I was sitting at a lake at my friends house and there was a blue heron. I sat in meditation and prayer, I knew God was there, I do not know how to describe the feeling but it happened. This is what lead me to the conclusion that being close to God is about being close to your inner spirit

  • Undecided

    The only time I had anything happen that impressed me as being from God(at least at the time)was when my whole family was pioneering and my mom said we didn't have anything to fix for supper as we were in the car going from house to house. Someone said,"Jehovah will provide." I made some remark like it is about time.

    When we got home my aunt had fixed us supper and it was waiting for us on the table. I had a funny feeling as soon as I saw it.

    Ken P.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    The 'religious experience' of Guy Chevreau, it happened at the Vineyard church in Toronto.
    Book "Catch the Fire".

    The night before, Chevreaus wife, Janis, had failed to cook a proper meal because she was totally 'slain in spirit' and couldnt function for laughing.
    She served greasy fish and chips,"tossing" pieces of fish in the families general directions, and laughing her ass off.
    Chevreau was grossly annoyed.
    Next day:

    I came forward for prayer...I went down yeilding to feelings of weakness and heaviness.I lay there thinking 'the guy that prayed for me had a pretty heavy hand, did I get pushed'?
    When I came forward for prayer the next time, I was in a bad mood.
    Again I lay there,I said. "God I dont care if this is you or not, Im so tired Im just going to lie here a while".
    The third time Janis was on the floor , loony tunes,again. Randy prayed over me, very gently, very quietly, and I went over feeling too tired to stand any longer.
    As I lay there I started weeping. Wailing if the truth be told, for 40 minutes."

    Guess what happened next?
    Later that afternoon I heard in my spirit, a spoken commission from the Lord, clearer than Ive ever heard the Lord speak before

  • Kep

    During my time on reproof and before my Df I was severly depressed.
    I left work early and drove to the beach.
    As I drove there I wanted to end it all. I love the sea and so wanted to walk into the ocean and never come out.
    I sat on the beach trying to build up the courage, cursing myself and the life I was living.
    The day was warm and clear, the waves crashing on the sandy shore.
    I sat there with tears in my eyes trying to clear my mind of all the terrible things I was thinking.
    A young seagull landed on the sand some 20' in front of me and was squawking at me.
    I sat there looking at it tossing sand with a shell.
    This bird then walked right up to me and plucked the shell from my hand, then flicked it onto the sand.
    I picked the shell up and it would do the same thing again.
    We sat there for some 30-40 mintues playing with this shell.
    I noticed people walking along the waters edge, and they would hear this bird, and see what it was doing and smile up at us.
    At that time I felt special, the woes and concerns I had vanished.
    The bird stayed with me until I left the beach.
    The birds at the beaches I visit never do that, as soon as you move toward them they fly away, and never do they come up to you.
    Why did that happen ?? I like to think that God was saying something to me, helping me see that I wasn't the worthless piece of sh*t I felt I was.

  • Elsewhere

    My first bowel movement after hemorrhoid surgery was the closest thing to a religious experience that I ever had. [>:(]

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • Unclepenn1

    > The Momos were trying to convict me of theirs being the True church in these last days,and they help up a picture of Joseph Smith (The prophet) and asked me to focus upon it while they spoke

    Unbelieveable!! Do you see anywhere in scripture when anything like this is a litmus test for God to be speaking to someone? I mean, who is the best impersonator of God in the world? The Devil is! I cannot believe that someone[the Mormons in this case] would pose something so subjective as to being the 'sign'' that theirs is the truth.

    >>I swear...the picture MOVED! The beam of light shining on prophet Joe intensified and Joe shifted position a fraction where he was kneeling before God.
    A sign!

    I believe you, you know why? Cause Satan loves 'signs'.

    Jesus said 'A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign....'

    Satan loves it when people ask God for a sign that is not already something revealed in His Word.
    I had a conversion experience when I met Christ, but in no way do I look to that as proof of my salvation, or that I have the right God. I look to Jesus on a cross, and the Word of God as the anchor for my soul. Interesting topic. Thanks for posting it :)


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Kep, I enjoyed your story.... I'm sure only you can truly appreciate how special it was, but I believe it that there are moments like that when we can look back during trying times and say "ah yes, there was that time......."

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