Ken P.
Ken P.
i live about an hours drive from the blue ridge mountains and yesterday my wife and a couple of friends and i went by critz va and visited the old estate of the reynolds family.
it was built in the 1800s.
when i was in my teens we were calling on patrick county as an unassigned territory and critz was in that county.
A couple of pictures, not very good though.
i live about an hours drive from the blue ridge mountains and yesterday my wife and a couple of friends and i went by critz va and visited the old estate of the reynolds family.
it was built in the 1800s.
when i was in my teens we were calling on patrick county as an unassigned territory and critz was in that county.
I live about an hours drive from the blue ridge mountains and yesterday my wife and a couple of friends and I went by Critz Va and visited the old estate of the Reynolds family. It was built in the 1800s. When I was in my teens we were calling on Patrick county as an unassigned territory and Critz was in that county. The Reynolds family was still alive back then and living in the old house and we called on them. It's a historic site now and you can visit the house with all the old furniture etc. It originally had 5,000 acres back during the civil war. We enjoyed it. The Reynolds were rich and his son started the Reynolds Tobacco Co, in Winston Salem, NC. It was 55 years ago when I was a JW working that terrirory. I have a lot of good memories from back then with my family. Almost all the ones I was with back then are dead now. The three who I can remember who are alive from then are no longer JWs.
Ken P.
well today is footwashing sunday at my home church in kentucky.
this is always a favorite event for me.
they usually have guest preachers, special singing, and of course, dinner on the grounds.
I go to church with my wife, just because she likes to go and thinks she has some touch with God. I just see it as a social gathering, some good people, some not so good. The rituals seem to me just something to do to please some imaginative person in the sky. There are too many different ways to please God, depending on which religion you chose. Which one has a clue as to what a super power in space would want us to do, if anything? It seems he has lost interest in this little experiment he started billions of years ago. He made us to die, as well as everything else so I guess we just should enjoy each day as best we can.
If you can find some comfort in a religion that doesn't cause harm to others, then go for it. The bible has so many different ways to explain what God want's and what he plans on doing(mostly destruction and revenge) that I couldn't decide on what to believe. So here I am just taking each day as it comes, trying to enjoy it until that fateful day when I die. If he want's to cook me in a fire forever, I guess I will be really hot then.
Ken P.
i lost my password in the move and since my old e-mail is dead, i have ot use this screenname.
if a mod reads this please pm me to let me know what to do.
i had this problem about a year ago and it was never resolved.. thanks!
the person that wrote that scripture was obviously not dead nor had died, so he got his information of God
If he could get his information from God, why can't we do that?
Ken P.
the true church!
* "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth" (doctrine and covenants, 1:30).
or the church must be true because it has had a good influence on your family.
The more I hear and examine religion the more I respect Rutherfords statement,"Religion is a snare and a racket." He seems to have made just one correct one though.
Ken P.
one of the major premises of most religions is to accept that some must be destroyed in order for others to obtain everlasting life.
of course, there are many platitudes that a person relies on to soothe the conscience and sanitize the mind.. the ones to be destroyed deserve it.
they refuse to do something, worship god, beg for forgiveness, live a clean life, whatever.they are selfish and nobody can change them but themselves.. but underneath the smug acceptance of salvation, while the others suffer destruction is probably the most selfish concept of all.
I wonder what this feeling the saved ones get comes from? Sometimes it makes people better and sometimes it makes them kill other non-believers. God has caused more death and destruction than any other source so I wonder how he is so loving?
Ken P.
lately on here someone got a piecing and my question is did it mean anything to you or was it a thing to do?
i have thought of getting a tattoo but i don't know what to get.
it needs to repersent something of significance in my life.
I have seen so many lately right above the butt of young girls that show when they are wearing paints right below their belly botton. Don't know what it means but they usually have nice butts.
Ken P.
Even and old man likes pretty butts.
john 15:14,15.
"you are my friends if you do what i am commanding you.
i no longer call you slaves, because a slave doesn't know what his master does.
John 15:14,15. "You are my friends if you do what I am commanding you. I no longer call you slaves, because a slave doesn't know what his master does. But I have called you friends, because all the things I have heard from my father I have made known to you."
So should they be called the friends of Jesus or slaves?
Ken P.
....spelling errors on the topic headers?.
how much effort does it take to check your spelling before you post a topic??.
just read over some of the topics up for discussion right now and you'll see a very shocking (to me, at least) disregard for accuracy.. if you can't trouble yourself to get your spelling right how are the rest of us going to respect the fact you have your reasoning right either??.
My memory is leaving me as I grow old. I will be talking and can't remember a word that I know but can't recall and I have to reword the sentence. It is so irritating to me. I can't remember the name of things or places, like fast food places at times. I can recognize misspelled words but can't spell them myself.(I just spelled misspelled as mispelled and caught it) It kind of makes me nervious to think of getting alzheimers.
Ken P.