After me being out for 30 years one of my bible studies talked to me in the grocery store and said she wanted to thank me for bringing them into the truth. I didn't know what to say.
Ken P.
do you feel any additional bitterness from the brother or sister that gave you a bible study and expected you to remain a good jw.. althought i'm not df'd, the one that gave me a bible study that led to my baptism never calls, or comes over, although he is an elder today.. i feel plenty of bitterness from his part..
After me being out for 30 years one of my bible studies talked to me in the grocery store and said she wanted to thank me for bringing them into the truth. I didn't know what to say.
Ken P.
dna for dummies.
it would be remiss of me to not state that i know absolutely nothing about dna, except that the abbreviation points to a collection of words that no one can pronounce: it means something like "deoxygenated ribo-rabid-nucleaic acid trip", or something like that.
i first heard about dna in 1964 in a high school biology class and promptly went comotose.
Thanks for explaining that to me. I always thought it ment Dumb Nut's Assholes.
Ken P.
<!-- .style1 { font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .style3 { font-family: arial; font-size: 20px; color: #000066; } .style4 { font-family: arial; font-size: 16px; color: #000066; } --> the mystery behind the conventions and assembliesin the organization, the idea behind the conventions was to unite gods people under one roof.. .
looking back and knowing it is not gods organization raises.
a few questions about the conventions and assemblies.. what was the real motivation behind the conventions?did the watchtower hold conventions to show the world god has a united people?.
Now MQ, stop talking about me.
It really seems like a lot of people at conventions, especially if you live in some backwater in North Carolina and attend a congregation of 60 or fewer members.
Ken P.
garybuss said not one single thing they told him about in his younger years (since the 50's) came true.
it made me think....does anyone know of anything they said that was/is right?????
New light, a lot of invisible stuff, millions now living will die, God would make slaves of WT followers, etc. I'm so old I can't remember too well.
Ken P.
my husband was hurt saturday while sledding.
he suffered 2 compression disc fractures.
has anyone here ever experience this?
I just noticed this.
2 of her vertebrae are actually fractured
You are not lesbian are you?
I hope she or he gets over the pain, my son has to take pain pills all the time because of an accident he had at work. I just had pain from a pinched nerve in my back but it's getting better each day. I don't know why my back went bad. You might like to look on the internet for back pain, it gives a lot of information about what to expect and the remedies available.
Ken P.
i was at my jw's friends house a few days ago and she had a jar on her counter that had "trip to bethel" written on it.. there was some chump change inside.
i never asked.
is bethel kind of like mecca?.
I visited Bethel a little over 50 years ago. I don't remember much of what I saw. I do remember that they made their ink for printing and I saw some of the printing presses. I was a teenager and it was sort of impressive to me then. I knew a few of the ones working there too. I think I was attending the 1953 8 day assembly where I met my first wife from New Mexico. I enjoyed visiting NY. I liked the assemblies back then, if it weren't for the assemblies I wouldn't have gone to any of those big cities.
Ken P.
i had started to post this a long time ago and i thought better of it.
i ran across it last night and was again reminded of how absolutely kewl this poerson i wrote to is.
i have edited the information that made it too personal to post and would like to share.
Very profound thinking and feelings. I couldn't write such a letter as I don't have feelings that deep and what others do don't affect me that much, or maybe I haven't been shot at like you have.
Ken P.
in trying to show a relative the error of the wts's ways, i need to know exactly what the wts's rebuttal is on the 607 bc vs 586 bc.
what could they possibly say?
the history books & encyclopedias show the fall of ancient jerusalem in the year 586/587 bc .....not 607 bc as the wts claims.
Maybe 1914 has lost it's importance to the JW's since the generation thing has changed. Since Christ waited 2000 years to return, maybe he will wait another 2000 years before he does anything.
Ken P.
do you think the ministry school helped you in your secular life?
that is, in business or sales, or in communication with customers or suppliers?.
of course the society was trying to make a good salesman out of me for their agenda but i had to 'quit' their job.. outaservice .
.It helped me learn to present what I considered to be facts but I had very little emotion in my talks. I always enjoyed those who had some fire in their talks.
Ken P.
was it,math?..was it,a new way of looking at things?..was it,you were not alone?..was it,patience?..was it,a way to deal with pain?..what have you "learned from jwd"?...outlaw
There are all kinds of apostates out there, and I kinda like them all.
Ken P.