The sad looking woman looks like she is thinking
"Oh God, if I drop my smile that catcus is going to go right up my butt"
If you look closely you can see the catcus in the artwork.
once again, my wife left some of her wt literature within easy reach of yours truly, ostensibly in the hope that i'll pick it up and reappraise.
it's bookmarked with the current week's study material; anf frankly, if anything can reinforce my inclination to stay away, it's this drivel.
does it not dawn on any of these that all this hallucinogenic blather about 1918, 1919, 1922, etc.
The sad looking woman looks like she is thinking
"Oh God, if I drop my smile that catcus is going to go right up my butt"
If you look closely you can see the catcus in the artwork.
oh dear you people are really filled with hate, the jws are "evil" are they?.
i think evil is a bit over the top dont you, jahs people may be many things but noy quite that i am afraid, how about loving, compasionate, caring and steadfast in their belief of the truth?..
is it any wonder jws are warned and understandably cautious of you when statements like these abound, lets expose them you cry and then wonder why they view sites like this as part of satans body.
I think that this person is in denial.
The fact that he or she has visited this site and posted shows that they are unhappy. Maybe they thought it was a JW site
and that it would be full of kingdom songs and cheesy 'Whats your favourite Colour' type posts, or some 'wholesome entertainment' like bible sharades or even a bible quiz:)
It must have been a shock and now they are cat-calling through the door and running away.
What they will never accept (as a good many 'Loyal JW's won't) is that posters on this site are very angry and that this is a good place to vent their spleen. After years of wasted opportunities and putting up with persecution of one sort or another - and as you all know, being 'different' as a child is a form of silent internal torture and mixed with the grief that comes with it all - keep calm, keep calm b r e a t h e s l l l o o o w w l l y y .
Ah, that better.
No, really, I can honestly say that being a JW did nothing but bring me grief and sorrow and there is nothing that I can say, or hold up and show as having been of any value. Now I am freeeeeee and am glad I can come here and kick virtual arse (ass for our cousins across the pond)
plmkrzy's post about the wt article on who should partake of the "emblems" really brings to light a serious contradiction in the watch tower society's own convoluted theology.
many here have already pointed out these contradictions but i think it needs repeating in a clear post of its own.
if, as this new wt article claims, an anointed one does not have any "greater understanding" of scripture than the non-anointed then what happens to the old teaching that the anointed are regularly in communication with jah's holy spirit and transmit these communications to the wt society's leadership?
I agree with what liberty said. When I was younger and well in the org, we used to sit around the table trying to imagine how the holy spirit gave it utterences. The local elders held the view, and one which we accepted, was that they would all sit around reading the bible and would all simultaniously have the same thought and write it down and this became the WT and Awake articles. I also held the anointed brothers and sisters in awe and gave them reverential respect because I was lead to believe that they were in direct contact with Jehovah and how we treated them would be held against us. I also used to imagine that angels were somehow protecting us all assembled in the stadiums and that if one of the many planes that went overhead crahed we would all be OK. I never dreamed, and nobody I knew did either, that the books and mags were one, maybe two mens writings and not from holy spirit. It all comes as an unwelcome surprise and I can get bitter at the missed opportunities and the course my life took because I put faith in the word of men.
while the wts is very proud to trot out its stats now, it is like mining for diamonds to find the stats before 1935. here is what i found.. 1914 18,243 attendance.
1917 21,274 attendance.
1935 63,146 attendance (52,456 pubs; 56,153 partakers).
You see, Blondie, minimus has got it right.
These ner'do-well's, looking inwards as only Satans cohorts do, did not see the blinding flash of divine light that explained all these things. If they had not showed a stubborn shoulder to Jehovah instead of marching 'shoulder to shoulder' and had 'waited on jehovah', humbly accepting what the divinely appointed Faithful and discreet slave provided as 'meat in due season' as do loyal ones of whom it is said 'my loyals ones I shall not leave saith jehovah' they would have come to understand and been invigorated to carry on the divinely authorised work and 'moved forward with the organisation', never 'sniffing at the bounteous table of jehovah' nor saying 'it is a wearyness' nor allowing their 'hand to fall slack'. At that time, see, the brothers were in eager anticipation of what to do next! What would the work of the master be! The answer was not long in coming 'It will keep panting on to the end it will not be late!' Were these brothers, who eagerly awaited the instructions from the lord through the faithful and discrete salve dissappointed! A resounding 'NO!' is the answer. In a blinding flash of divine light the brotyhers clearly saw the way as the 'Watchtower' of May 15th 1935 clearly showed that the way forward was to do more of the same but with one important difference! What was that? The article goes on to show that it was with ever-increasing zeal and commitment that the work was to go on. So, the brothers fired up with holy spirit went into the field service with renewed vigor and sounded out the message to all who would hear to bring in the Great Harvest 'because the fields were white and ready for harvesting'. Were thse efforts by the brothers blessed by the Great Orchestrator useing his Chief Executive to have them carried out? The answer is a resounding 'YES!!' as is demonstrated by the resolution so resoundly accepted at the Cedar point Ohio assembly of 1936 when the assembled brothers raised a mighty 'YES!' to the resolution entitled 'Forward you witnesses - the battle is close will you Advertise it?'
Blimey, i'm wasted in this job I could be on the writing commitee. Zealous activity anyone?
amen, probably the most relieving word for a witness!
remember how those meetings went on and on and on and then you get that brother who loves to turn his prayer into the "sermon on the podium".
yes delivering words as if they were being channeled through jehovah right to you!.
I remember those. Not onlky were they long but were full of superlatives that were totally unnecessary and made you cringe. For example they could not just say "dear heavenly Father.....Through Jesus name Amen", no they would say:-
"Our dear and gracious heavenly Father who gave us life and all the things we have, you the Great designer and purposer, we approach you humbly and with praise to supplicate you and ask, humbly, that we be heard before your great throne.....and we ask this prayer in the name of the one you sent forth, your loving son and our King, who died on the stake that we may approach your un-approachable light and be forgiven our sins, our lord and King the redeemer and head of the christian congregation and of your holy organisation, Jesus, amen.
Talk about the use of many words imagining they would get a hearing.
recently i posted a thread "e-watchman - what's his game".
he hasd replied as posted below.. my opinion remains the same, that he answers a question you haven't asked.. what say any of you?.
this is not my question but one i read on and which i feel deserves an answer.
Thanks y'all and thanks expandedmind for your thanks - glad to have been of service.
I don't know this 'You Know' person but who ever e-Watchman is he wants to watch that he doesn't burst with self importance.
Now that would make a mess.
recently i posted a thread "e-watchman - what's his game".
he hasd replied as posted below.. my opinion remains the same, that he answers a question you haven't asked.. what say any of you?.
this is not my question but one i read on and which i feel deserves an answer.
Recently I posted a thread "E-Watchman - what's his game"
A question was raised and so I posted it back to him to reply. He hasd replied as posted below.
My opinion remains the same, that he answers a question you haven't asked.
What say any of you?
This is not my question but one I read on and which I feel deserves an answer. The question is: e-watchman admonishes others not to be causing divisions and seems to think it is best not to speak of things that one is doubting about, yet how is his/her writing not causing division? It would be interesting to have him/her openly state why they have the authority to expose the WTS, etc and yet others do not. So, e-watchman, what is your reply? |
First, watchman is definitely a reference to him and not a her. But as for the question you posed: It seems that you are really confusing two different issues. On the one hand, you speak of deliberately exposing the Watchtower, but then you refer to one who has doubts. We shouldn't really imagine that they are necessarily the same, should we? If a person has doubts about their faith, why should they want to share their doubts with others? What can you possibly hope to accomplish except that you will likely cause others to develop doubts themselves or cause them to view you with suspicion and distrust? On the matter of exposing the Watchtower, as you call it: That's not what e-Watchman is about. The fact is that there are evidently hundreds of web sites on the Internet run by ex-JW's, and others opposed to our faith, that are devoted to "exposing" and bashing the Watchtower. e-Watchman tries to honestly and squarely confront some of the many accusations leveled against the Watchtower by acknowledging that some issues have a basis in fact. So, rather than dismissing such things outrightly as ‘apostate lies,’ as some of Jehovah's Witnesses may be inclined to do, the approach taken on e-Watchman is to examine such things by taking a fresh look at Bible prophecy. The intent is not to cause doubts or divisions but to impart to others a renewed confidence in God's Word. The irony of that approach, of course, is that it does further expose the Watchtower's lack of insight, particularly as regards Jehovah's judgments against his organization. But, be that as it may. Obviously, at some point Jehovah's judgments will become manifest. That being the case, it is entirely consistent with the way God has dealt with his wayward people in ancient times, that those who do the "exposing" of the errors of his people should themselves be loyal worshippers of Jehovah and not enemies of Jehovah's people or malcontents. That was, after all, the work that the Hebrew prophets did. For example, through Isaiah, Jehovah gives the command: "Call out full-throated; do not hold back. Raise your voice just like a horn, and tell my people their revolt, and the house of Jacob their sins." Now the question arises: Was Isaiah an apostate enemy of the house of Jacob? Or a doubter of the Word of God? The answer of course is no. Isaiah and all the other prophets were worshippers of Jehovah. In the modern fulfillment of the prophecy, it seems reasonable that those who obey Jehovah’s command to tell God’s "people their revolt" are themselves also Jehovah's Witnesses. There is a rule that attorneys in the courtroom try to observe in order to prevent any little surprises. It states that they should never ask a question of someone on the stand that they do not know already know the answer to. So it is that, e-Watchman is not merely exposing error for the sake of exposing error, but also presenting answers and solutions to the potentially faith-destroying problems confronting Jehovah’s Witnesses. Ultimately, like Job’s impassioned defense and Jacob’s wrestling with the angel in order to obtain a blessing, we argue for our faith and state our defense before God, as if to convince him of the genuineness of our faith. That is why Paul closed out his letter to the Corinthians by saying: “Have you been thinking all this while that we have been making our defense to you? It is before God that we are speaking in connection with Christ. But, beloved ones, all things are for your upbuilding.” |
i don't know if anyone else has posted this yet, but i must say, that the isaiah's prophecy books are the most boring drivel i have ever had to endure.
i don't know which member of the writing department or the gb wrote this 2 part set, but i have to say that it is super-duper-dull beyond words.
perhaps the author suffers from alzheimers and forgot that he wrote the same thing again and again and again... .
Dear Joe
Thank you for your sincere comments. I am afraid that there was no punchline included - mainly because I didn't think about it but also because I was writing rather tongue-in-cheek, which I thought might have been apparent, it seems I failed. Whilst it was very tempting to 'wind you up' it would not have been fair nor kind. So I confess, I am a fraud and don't do any of the things stated. I don't actually know anyone who could do that kind of schedule and remain sane.
i don't know if anyone else has posted this yet, but i must say, that the isaiah's prophecy books are the most boring drivel i have ever had to endure.
i don't know which member of the writing department or the gb wrote this 2 part set, but i have to say that it is super-duper-dull beyond words.
perhaps the author suffers from alzheimers and forgot that he wrote the same thing again and again and again... .
I hope all you people are not SNIFFING at the bounteous table set before you and regarding all this banquet of spiritual food as a mere weariness. Shame on you. To spur you to get an adjusted mental attitue, I present my theocratic schedule for your edification and adoption so that you may refrainfrom this slug-a-bed-ed-ness.
Mon: get up early and read days text and check all ref's in WT. Pre-study for tues book.
Tue " " go to book study. Read proclaimers book for 1 hour before sleep of the just.
Wed " " pre-study for thursday meeting and do ALL, yes ALL assignments so's I can volunteer if some ne'r-do-well fails to turn up. Read portion of insight book
Thurs " " go to meeting AND VOLUNTEER my sevices BEFORE the meeting you dunderheads.
Friday " " do personal study and practise my presentations for Field Ministry
Sat " " go in FM all day come home and study WT for sunday and have answers for ALL paragraphs
Sun " " Go to meeting and answer up LOADS of times (take note you slackers), then home and onto FM for 2 hours, come home and do bible reading and have family study.
During the week, I take unread WT and other literature to work to read in my breaks and on the train.
There, and I am trying to schedule even more time for FM.
below i copy a question and part of the answer.i have highlighted in red what i consider to be the salient part of the question.
if you go and look at the full answer you will see that he does not answer the question at all but pads out his reply, casting red herrings into the water so that it appears to be an answer and by the time you have read to the end you have, more or less forgotten what the question was.
this reminds me of a mormon i used to correspond with.
I have copied and pasted your question in the last paragraph, and sent it to e-watchman. I await his reply with interest. I also thought it dubious that a practising JW would write a 'Christmas Message'. Maybe he thinks he is his holiness the pope?
I think Czar is probably right in his assumption and that this guy, whilst writing some thought provoking things, is on a 'messiah' trip. Time will tell.