The elders sat out front our property until my husband came to unlock them, The neighbours had called us to let us know they were sitting there so we kept an eye on them and four and a half hours later one Sat afternoon my husband unlocked the gates. Within a half hour it was over and hubby walked away from them as they were yelling out apostate and your disfellowshipped.
Then it was my turn and I went to my jc which was a joke. Six hours later they publically reproved me on grounds that I had discouraged young ones in our hall five or six years ago from pioneering. Those young ones happened to be the relatives to a guy we knew the elders were covering up. My story is under Label Licker. The elders had full intensions of dfing me but after I had told them if they try that I would go public with my tape. So they did the next best thing and that was tell everyone not to speak to me. The goons will do what they want to do and protect whom they want to protect even if it means protecting those who break the law.
This cult is a snake pit!