JoinedPosts by newsheep
by truthlover123 ina letter was read this week from the platform stating that publishers should not scour the obituaries and respond to the websites for condolences messaging.
apparently, it is not being taken too well by family and friends and the pubs are asked to refrain from sending a message if they are not friends or family of the deceased.. i recall one sister used to visit grave yard sites and if she saw individuals there, went over and "consoled" them by offering the tract on death and your loved ones.
i cannot even think of how i would have received her, being in my space and thinking she could do that.. apparently they have graduated by reading the obits..
Just like this one? No name but the letters MB on the top Saturday, June 15, 2019Dear Family, Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of Grange. May you be comforted beyond measure as you reflect on the solid promise of a resurrection for all who have died. (John 5:28-29) Almighty God cannot lie, his promises are our guarantee and will soon become our reality. (Titus 1:2) JW.ORGHe was our neighbor and his widow stated that she didn't even know who this was. They didn't know any jw's but always shoo shooed them away. -
Lowel MA. Convention, Plenty of Empty Seats
by RESPECTFUL OBSERVER inall the empty seats … lowell ma.
regional convention, july 6, 2019 over 2000 missing!.
Forty-five thousand is expected to attend the international assembly July 19th in Toronto. Can't see it but you never know. Even the org's advertising is mostly on what to do while in TO and places to see. Our old congregation was invited to go but not much hype or excitement over it. No one seems to care. And they will have to drive two and a half hours to get there. -
If you saw a governing body member being pummeled would you help them?
by Tenacious inbefore you answer; .
think about how they could care less how many families are broken up just to retain their power.
how they could care less if members are driven to suicide because of the deep programming and severe depression or strained family situations.. how they would rather let members die in order to retain their power and refuse to acknowledge their faulty bible reasoning regarding blood.. i could go on and on and on.
If I knew for sure it was one of them, I would keep on driving pass them and admonishing those words that Jesus himself said at Matthew 7:22: 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ There is nothing violent about that at all!!!
Getting disfellowshipped to marry and return
by confused ini was just wondering if there is any official rules on dealing with this.
a sister in the congregation is planning to divorce her husband who is also a witness so she can marry a different brother in the same hall!
yes this is a huge scandal!
There were two couples who were trading spouses and got found out. They were df'd and two and a half years later they were reinstated but for the last eight years they are not allowed any privileges except to clean the hall. Another couple out west fooled around. She was single and he was married with two kids. They were df'd. She was reinstated but he wasn't until four years later. Different halls, different rules.
Losing a loyal friend of 14 years
by Still Totally ADD inthis last tuesday was one of the most stressful and sad days of our life when we had our lab morgan put to sleep.
she was so sick and out of it we just had to do it.
when i called the spca on monday to make a appointment to have her put to sleep i felt like i betrayed her.
Really sorry for what you have to go through. Our Rotti had to be put down last year. He stuck it out while I was going through my chemo treatments then one day as I was getting stronger he came up to me with those sad eyes and put his head on my lap. I right there knew it was time. He hadn't eaten on and off but at the very end he wouldn't even eat his favorite treats yet he wouldn't leave my side for a moment until he knew I would be ok.
Your dog was loyal to you but you were loyal to your dog for also sticking by his side as it took its last breath. I too took all my dogs deaths more harder than my parents. So sorry for your loss
Who shoots 223 AR15s?
by rockemsockem ini have a few and built two 80% lowers.
just got a larue two stage trigger.
i can get 2moa out of it at 100 yards with a nikon 223 scope.
You just answered your own question. Just think of the very last question you asked and then reread what you wrote just above it. There is no excuse to be ignorant on what gun to use to kill a deer. Absolutely none unless you weren't taught and thought just owning a gun would automatically come with instructions. In that case your a fool!
Who shoots 223 AR15s?
by rockemsockem ini have a few and built two 80% lowers.
just got a larue two stage trigger.
i can get 2moa out of it at 100 yards with a nikon 223 scope.
How many times does one have to "prove" themselves, Simon? Even you said yourself some of his past posts have mentioned being cruel to animals and called him an idiot yet you let it go on. Here in Canada we take our guns just as serious as torturing animals as well as humans.
You have made it quite known it's your site and your rules so no argument there. But it is opened to the public so tread lightly when throwing a tantrum and calling people names.
As the old saying goes: Be careful when arguing with a fool that you don't become the fool". On that note have a nice day, Simon:).
Who shoots 223 AR15s?
by rockemsockem ini have a few and built two 80% lowers.
just got a larue two stage trigger.
i can get 2moa out of it at 100 yards with a nikon 223 scope.
Simon, people have been kicked off of here for a lot less. Why are you enjoying this???!!! Torturing animals was not what we signed up for. This site is to help jw's get out and yet if most were to see this they would think the org is right about us. If your not into torture then please delete this idiot or be a hypocrite. You say you don't like this yet your allowing it.
Who shoots 223 AR15s?
by rockemsockem ini have a few and built two 80% lowers.
just got a larue two stage trigger.
i can get 2moa out of it at 100 yards with a nikon 223 scope.
I have to agree with Simon here. If you shot a deer at twenty-five feet away and let it go off suffering you had to have shot in the wrong area of the deer like more closer to the stomach or back which here in Canada is not allowed if caught doing it. To let the animal go off and suffer and I knew you did that would force me to report you and you would be fined. You really should study up on code of ethics and morals. You also sound extremely immature and are looking to spark a fight here. If it were my sight you would be deleted as well as this post. Your an idiot and should be charged.
Who shoots 223 AR15s?
by rockemsockem ini have a few and built two 80% lowers.
just got a larue two stage trigger.
i can get 2moa out of it at 100 yards with a nikon 223 scope.
Simon, you living in Canada would know how strict it is here to own a gun and operate it. We would never ever make a joke about killings especially from those that own guns. Just joking about it can end with a heavy fine and six months in jail. That's the rules in Canada but the US not so much of anything.
Recently when I took my gun course the teacher had told us that even when we are driving and get pissed off at the driver in front of us and decide to make gestures as though we want to shoot them off the road, that is a ten thousand dollar fine if caught on video or cell phone. It's a ten thousand dollar fine, and/or six months in prison plus lose our gun permit if we point a gun at someone. Even if it's empty. Do it in the field test for hunters safety course and that's an automatic fail. I don't think most understand how serious it is with guns.
Go to the States and it's a whole different ball game. No courses required. All you need is to show that you are a resident of the US and you have your permit. No wonder there are so many deaths there. Over a million hunters in Canada and not one got shot last year.
So depending on where some of these people live you can have a better understanding why they say what they say. Still no excuse but it is what it is. No one should be allowed to own a gun unless they have taken courses on how to prove the gun safe. And for all the guns here that have been mentioned we have to learn how to operate, clean and prove them safe. Whether it's the muzzle loader or flintlock, rifle, shot guns ect,, And for all the guns that have not been mentioned here we also have to know everything about them as well. In our field tria we had eight guns we had to identify and prove safe. Even though I had no intention of buying some of them ever I still had to know how to operate them. The restricted course was the same. It's really nothing to brag about. Again, it's not the gun but the people who operate them.