I have no problem with owning guns but take a safety course first. We have two exjw friends in Georgia where they each own two 9mm glocks. All they had to produce was identity proving they live in the US. That was it. They didn't even know what a back drop meant just before you shoot something. Asked why they got the guns and it was for protection only. No safety course required on how to properly store, load, unload, ammunition ect,,,,.
Here in Ontario we have to take a safety course in order to get our PAL ( Possession and Acquisition License ) license and if you want to hunt then on top of the PAL course you have to take the hunting course as well in order to get your small games license and if you want to hunt wild turkey that's another course attached to the hunting course. (it use to be separate) Also if you want to own a handgun then that's still another course and you can only use it at a firing range. You cannot use it for target practice on your own property unless you put up your own firing range and that's too expensive and lots of red tape BS to go through. And when it leaves the property you have to let the police know when you're leaving and when you'll be back home with it. ( unless you plan on killing someone then all the rules are out the window and the person will do it no matter what )
Own as many guns as you want but gun safety courses should be mandatory first before you're allowed to own one.