As a child I ended up with red measles, german measles, chicken pox, mumps, whooping cough and roseola. Parents were dead against getting vaccines. Next time I'm at the docs I will ask if I can get these again or can adults still get the vaccines as to what they got as kids. Just curious. Our neighbor had gotten his flu shot and they didn't know what had caused his paralysis from head to toe. It was so bad they had to tape his eyes shut at night so they wouldn't dry out. In the end he ended up with Guillain-Barre syndrome. It wasn't until months and months later they connected his guillian-barre syndrome with the flu shot. He's highly allergic to the flu shot as he found out. Today he is back to normal but for sure you can get Guillain-Barre syndrome from it. The specialists told him he was very lucky that it started in his feet first and spread upwards. If the syndrome starts in the head and works down it could have killed him. He had also gotten an out of court pay settlement from the drug company