Go back to the bible times where god always would withdraw his spirit and would let wickedness prevail like Solomon for example.
At the beginning of his reign, Solomon loved the God of Israel and covenanted with God that he would walk in obedience throughout his administration as king of Israel. Solomon was promised wisdom, riches, honor, and long life if he would continue in righteousness before the Lord. The promise was fulfilled. During his life, Solomon became famous for his wisdom. Great men and women from many nations came to hear him and test his understanding and knowledge. Solomon also acquired great wealth, and there were said to be no kings in all the earth who could compare to him. Under Solomon’s reign Israel reached her greatest point as a nation—honor, wealth, power, and respect were hers because of the administration of her greatest king.
Nevertheless, at the end of Solomon’s reign, ( 1 Kings chapter 11) Israel became temporally and spiritually bankrupt. Deterioration and strife were everywhere. Within a year of Solomon’s death, the land was divided into two kingdoms, and the course of Israel’s history was permanently altered.
Hence draw close to god and he will draw close to you, so that's what I always use to hear. So no gods spirit was never on the jw's. They even admit the are not inspired with holy spirit. How can there even be holy spirit where they deny having it? Plus look at all the wrongful dealings that go on in each and every congregation and nothing is ever done. All I would ever hear is wait on Jehovah and he will clean it up in his due time. No, he withdraws his spirit and never does clean it up.
It's a cult!!!