His old church had kicked him out when he started studying with the witnesses in 1960's. He is in a semi-retirement two bedroom condo where the church he use to go to is right down the road. I know that for sure. It's the old mennonite church in Elmira. Every Wed night the mennonites come together and have sing song and games night. All the people living in that commune are mostly mennonite. As far as anointed goes, he felt everyone should partake. He would only use his king james bible and not theirs. He also believes that you have to be born again to enter heaven. Eighty percent of the Elmira territory is mennonite. Old order, Amish, new order, you name it. He says he is done. It was him that had shown up on our door step the evening he heard we were out and gave us a book written from a Russel Reed. In return we gave him a book Crisis of Conscience which he read twice.
He has 101 family members that are mennonite and has no problem going back to their belief. He does have one son who is an elder outside of Ottawa. It would be funny if that guys hall is sold too.