Do you know what site might have all the hall closures listed? Many many people are upset and now we are getting calls after seven years of no contact. We are filling them in and bringing them here to this site as well as jw survey and jw facts
JoinedPosts by newsheep
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
His old church had kicked him out when he started studying with the witnesses in 1960's. He is in a semi-retirement two bedroom condo where the church he use to go to is right down the road. I know that for sure. It's the old mennonite church in Elmira. Every Wed night the mennonites come together and have sing song and games night. All the people living in that commune are mostly mennonite. As far as anointed goes, he felt everyone should partake. He would only use his king james bible and not theirs. He also believes that you have to be born again to enter heaven. Eighty percent of the Elmira territory is mennonite. Old order, Amish, new order, you name it. He says he is done. It was him that had shown up on our door step the evening he heard we were out and gave us a book written from a Russel Reed. In return we gave him a book Crisis of Conscience which he read twice.
He has 101 family members that are mennonite and has no problem going back to their belief. He does have one son who is an elder outside of Ottawa. It would be funny if that guys hall is sold too.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
A while back someone had posted a video with Cedars being interviewed and in that interview he said something big was coming but couldn't say what. Can anyone please send me the link. I have a friend leaving that wants to see it. It wasn't that long ago.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
Chicopee congregation just got shut down this week along with a hall in St Catherines. One in Kitchener as well. This was in the making without anyone knowing their halls had been sold off. They have one month to be reassigned to their new congregations. Many people are pissed. What was just a few minutes drive is now a forty minute drive and many here are elderly. I wonder if this is what Cedars meant about something big coming in Canada. It's going right across Canada. The halls that are being sold off are on the outskirts of big cities.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
I don't know why they don't sell the Georgetown Bethel here. It's sitting on a lot of land doing nothing. It would be worth millions and millions being Toronto.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
So would I. Such an evil cult!!!
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
Just got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother. He said he didn't believe me when I told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls. He said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night. Tony the Turd gave a talk about giving your everything even down to the smallest of things. Then an announcement was made that Elmira congregation is sold. No one was even told about it being up for sale. So now the congregation will be divided into four sections and each section will be assigned their new congregation to go to.
This man is in his eighty's and so he will be going back to his old church since him and his wife can walk to it from their home. We filled him in on everything. There's a hall about a half hour away from them that had purchased the land and was ready to build on it until society came along and sold that land on them. They were told it was to further kingdom interests and it's been eight years now and they still have no new hall but instead was just informed their hall is now sold too. They have have been divided up and sent to their new congregations.
Now comes the ripple across Canada. If this doesn't wake people up I don't know what else will. Glad to see this old timer leave the cult!
by truthlover123 ina letter was read this week from the platform stating that publishers should not scour the obituaries and respond to the websites for condolences messaging.
apparently, it is not being taken too well by family and friends and the pubs are asked to refrain from sending a message if they are not friends or family of the deceased.. i recall one sister used to visit grave yard sites and if she saw individuals there, went over and "consoled" them by offering the tract on death and your loved ones.
i cannot even think of how i would have received her, being in my space and thinking she could do that.. apparently they have graduated by reading the obits..
Just like this one? No name but the letters MB on the top Saturday, June 15, 2019Dear Family, Please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of Grange. May you be comforted beyond measure as you reflect on the solid promise of a resurrection for all who have died. (John 5:28-29) Almighty God cannot lie, his promises are our guarantee and will soon become our reality. (Titus 1:2) JW.ORGHe was our neighbor and his widow stated that she didn't even know who this was. They didn't know any jw's but always shoo shooed them away. -
Lowel MA. Convention, Plenty of Empty Seats
by RESPECTFUL OBSERVER inall the empty seats … lowell ma.
regional convention, july 6, 2019 over 2000 missing!.
Forty-five thousand is expected to attend the international assembly July 19th in Toronto. Can't see it but you never know. Even the org's advertising is mostly on what to do while in TO and places to see. Our old congregation was invited to go but not much hype or excitement over it. No one seems to care. And they will have to drive two and a half hours to get there. -
If you saw a governing body member being pummeled would you help them?
by Tenacious inbefore you answer; .
think about how they could care less how many families are broken up just to retain their power.
how they could care less if members are driven to suicide because of the deep programming and severe depression or strained family situations.. how they would rather let members die in order to retain their power and refuse to acknowledge their faulty bible reasoning regarding blood.. i could go on and on and on.
If I knew for sure it was one of them, I would keep on driving pass them and admonishing those words that Jesus himself said at Matthew 7:22: 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ There is nothing violent about that at all!!!