Just placed our orders for our processing plant and every single item is up ten dollars including a box of plastic bags. I see people cashing in on this which is really sad in times like these. Things are already expensive. Today I went to buy two prescriptions and they were back ordered and not knowing when they can be filled. This scared me so that I got my doctor to write up the two prescriptions for my stash which I will pay out of pocket but then return next month for my regular scripts if there are any and have my medical plan cover those monthly. I will die if I don't have these two drugs on hand which I take everyday for the rest of my life. Already have a backup plan if all fails. The shelves of antacids, gravol, hand sanitizers are all cleaned out. No one was in the doctors office yet both doctors had their masks on walking around. I have never seen that ever. In the hospital my internal medicine doctor had her mask on. Even the hospital was dead come to think of it. Don't know how anyone can say we live in exciting times. Our investments are doing well so far and have nothing to do with the stock markets. They have really taken a dive. I wish all of you the best through these trying times and hope none of you get it. Best of luck!
JoinedPosts by newsheep
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
The Coronavirus Is Trump’s Fault!
by minimus inyes, it’s donald trump’s problem and he has no idea of how to take care of this!
and he gets his vp mike pence to oversee this situation.
donald trump doesn’t care about who could get this virus.
This just the beginning of what's to come and maybe we will wish that it would only be the coronavirus to deal with.But it's not. Toronto had to cancel some operations due to surgical gowns the surgeons wear were contaminated as well as some of their equipment and medical tools. There is also the problem of medications being put on hold because we just can't get them like antibiotics. Hospitals would be in trouble, diseases like TB would be on the rise and so on. I went to get my antacid filled and it's been on back order for two months due to this problem with China. So I went to look on the shelves and all three rows of shelves are empty along with gravol. People are stock piling alright. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-human-drug-shortage-food-drug-administration/?fbclid=IwAR0d4D7iqRq2nDOntiCzGxgmwIqVfMCEpC1tn-BdYPcgt21It0HR_FS69Zc
by punkofnice ina jobo i know has cancer.
her son goes and cleans her house and generally cares for her.
so does another non-jobo relative.. the congregation, interestingly, has shown very little support apart from the odd one rabbiting on about 'bible promises this and that'.. so, the co visited and said, 'but your son is an apostate(tm).
We also had a nightmare of an experience where we had to move to be left alone and then three months after we had moved came down with cancer. Didn't know anyone and had to deal with learning about the cancer. No friends, no family and no children to help us. Just the two of us alone. Such an evil evil cult!
by punkofnice ina jobo i know has cancer.
her son goes and cleans her house and generally cares for her.
so does another non-jobo relative.. the congregation, interestingly, has shown very little support apart from the odd one rabbiting on about 'bible promises this and that'.. so, the co visited and said, 'but your son is an apostate(tm).
Maybe someone can read the CO these scriptures as to who the real apostates are:
1 John 2:22
Who is the liar, if it is not the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, who denies the Father and the Son.
1 John 4:1
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God. For many false prophets have gone out into the world.
1 John 4:3
and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is coming, and is already in the world at this time.
2 John 1:7
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, refusing to confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Any such person is the deceiver and the antichrist.Here we see it's ones that denies the Christ. I'm not an apostate for I still believe in the Christ. Their interpretation of the word Apostate is someone who left JW.Org which by the way is not in the bible
Kh's will be gone in 5 years! Here's how it will work
by nowwhat? inbesides the media center they are going to build in n.y. it's been noted they are also building one and a studio in australia.
there is no way donations can cover these massive projects.
so the money will have to come from the sale of the remaining halls.
Nowwhat? This very well could be the new way they do things. Here you don't need to be zoned to have groups meet in homes. The Messianic Hebrew Roots are doing it. They go online and follow different Torah teachers, have fellowship teaching one another what they have learnt and then a pot luck dinner together. Then they go home. They're all over the world by using this method. So yes this could very well be the new normal for them as well as others.
5 Letters From the UK Arrived!
by Atlantis inall the letters are about fire alarm stuff except the announcements and reminders.. 2019-12-26-2020--kingdom hall fire alarm survey (gbr) great britain.
2019-12-27-2020--kingdom hall fire alarm survey (irl) ireland.
Lol! Looks like the org is worried someone within their congregations will burn down their halls because many within know what the org's intentions are and that is to sell off their halls. Go for it!!!
Does anyone have a rough idea how many halls world wide have been sold
by newsheep inwe're curious since in toronto alone there were fifty-three, kitchener there were a couple lansdown, elmira, renfrew by ottawa ect,, just wondering if someone has added them up.
I didn't see Elmira,Barnswallow Drive, Ontario or Kitcheners plus Renfrew, Ontario up by Ottawa and there's one just before Cornwall.
Also, none of these halls are being used and wondered why there are no for sale signs on the lawns. We even checked with the real estate listings and there are none. Does the org have their own real estate firms?
Does anyone have a rough idea how many halls world wide have been sold
by newsheep inwe're curious since in toronto alone there were fifty-three, kitchener there were a couple lansdown, elmira, renfrew by ottawa ect,, just wondering if someone has added them up.
Any bit helps guys and gals. Thanks so much for the links Atlantis
Does anyone have a rough idea how many halls world wide have been sold
by newsheep inwe're curious since in toronto alone there were fifty-three, kitchener there were a couple lansdown, elmira, renfrew by ottawa ect,, just wondering if someone has added them up.
We're curious since in Toronto alone there were fifty-three, Kitchener there were a couple Lansdown, Elmira, Renfrew by Ottawa ect,, Just wondering if someone has added them up. Thanks!
Not invited to congregation “get togethers”. They finally said it
by solomon inwe don’t get many invitations to congregational social gatherings.
we don’t attend midweek meetings and miss about 1/3 of sunday meetings.
we go in service at least once a month.
This elderly couple were originally from the old order mennonite community and they have a pile of money that these elders would have loved to get their hands on when they die but they also have a pile of kids. They have in their entire family one hundred and five total. And all of them are happy that their parents are out.
I feel sorry for the mother since she was just diagnosed with liver cancer and also missed forty years or so of their lives not being able to have much to do with their family. Now they are.