JoinedTopics Started by Valentine
I'm all torn up Inside
by Patriot ini've had two nights wihtout being able to sleep.
i've been turning all night.. i'm having images of my old days in the gulf.
from first being dropped in at 1500 feet to the stupid republican guard holding there ground.. i see and feel the blackening sky as the oil wells were lit on fire and the intense heat they produced in an already oven like country.. i feel so bad for my old comrades as they encounter the "new enemy" and feel as if i abandoned them.. i should be there i keep thinking...i should be there..i should..i should....*.
The axe falls...
by Abaddon in... hi ho hi ho, it's not off to work we go.... well, i am redundant, or will be as of end april, when the two factories of my company shut-down and approx.
500 people get made redundant.. nil desperandum and all that... i don't see this as a disaster... if it had been announced in a month i would probably have just signed mortgage papers, and that, whilst still not a disaster would be a tad inconvenient!.
gizza job?.
by nelly136 inand i'd just like to add ya .
dont look a day over 60. big (((((smoochies))))).
luv deb xxxx
Tina - Put up, or shut up!
by Amazing in
regards,tina edited by - tina on 28 june 2001 6:52:50
by Valentine incyberstalking behavior is defined as one or more of a constellation of behaviors directed toward a specific individual/s which is experienced as intrusive and unwanted.. while the legal definition varies from state to state they all contain 3 elements.. 1. a pattern/course of conduct of behavioral intrusion.attempts to breach their privacy.. 2.implicit or explicit threats(you insulted me once so now im gonna dog you forever).
3.the willful malicious and repeated following and harrassing(come out and play)which means i want to fight w/ you.. the internet can be used for 2 criminal functions:.
to gather private info on the target to further pursue her.
Oh dear, problems...
by Abaddon in... well, tomorrow there will be a big announcement in my company that will, if the gossip is correct, mean redundancies in all departments.
my normal gossip network has no reliable data, just scuttlebutt.
i don't know if i am safe or not... i think i might be, as my manager's asked me to be in to help him (boss code for "help me sack people?
Wow I'm getting married
by lauralisa inhe asked me on friday night.
he's the man of my dreams, and i'm so happy i was able to meet him.
Anyone been sent a virus by EMail recently?
by Abaddon ini got a virus (worm_badtrans.b) sent to me from < [email protected]> (which looks like a spoofed email addy); i was wondering whether anyone else had got it sent to them, or whether someone was selecting me specially (awwww, how sweet), as it was sent to my [email protected] address which i use almost exclusively here.. ah, the joys of automatically updated virus scanners.... .
people living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...