well Amazing,
How convenient of you to dismiss all of Julies salient points by simply dismissing them as,she never was a JW,so couldn't possibly have a good understanding.....blah blah'.
That makes about as much sense as somebody saying your cardiologist can't understand his heart patients unless he's had a heart attack lol.Quite the facile and weasely one aren't you? lololol But we know where you learned that technique.
Sorry,As you crow and kiss ass of so-called objectivity,of which I saw little of. Fact is,some of us see what we see,all the excusogetics as to why it 'seemed' that way doesn't erase it.Ego admiration needs are easily spotted,don't have to have a cult background to see these.Just an awareness of them.
Nothing has or will change my mind that you have certain ego needs once addressed by your position in the WTS,that show thru here loud and clear.
As for all who wrote you,that was very nice I'm sure. Too bad your sense of self seems to need that to feel 'right' about yourself and much of what you write,and how it is presented. Ever consider what those who didn't write you may think?
A secure individual doesn't need a cheering section. They will be comfortable with themselves,ideas . They will plod along w/o the ego massages to express individual thought.
This is all I have to say.You presented your opinion.I present mine. I find it a waste of time to argue such shenannigans like yours. Have a good day/life.
Tina,finding bloated egos continually boring and loathesome.Now waiting for the ex elder homies to jump in lol.Still a good old boys club at times here.
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.