How many fingers am i holding up
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
ok, over my many years of being a witness, on rare.
occasions, strange, almost miraculous things would.
happen in my life - since these things were mostly.
How many fingers am i holding up
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
this danny pearl thing has brought home memories of murder to me(my 1st husband) please,please.......just say you care right now-nothing else.......please.i'm having a real emotional night...i had no one before.............t. todays affirmation:.
the complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
thanks harmy and sis,
yanno,it's so so,unbelievably sardonic.....that we come from a place that told us we would be loved supported and the reality is we find,when the shit hits the fan -we are all alone.But,not here,no way.
And to know there is no god,but god is in the people I know and love,and who love me?-that's what sprituality is allabout-us and love.Thank you my darlings...thank you.'s not a sky-daddy,it's you Jules,Md,Alan harmy etc,who show me strength and love...the rest of ya's-lose that crutch-here is the love-see it-know it
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
this danny pearl thing has brought home memories of murder to me(my 1st husband) please,please.......just say you care right now-nothing else.......please.i'm having a real emotional night...i had no one before.............t. todays affirmation:.
the complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
This danny pearl thing has brought home memories of murder to me(my 1st husband) please,please.......just say you care right now-nothing else.......please.I'm having a real emotional night...I had no one before.............T
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
well, i had a run in with my sister in law this weekend.
nothing direct between me and her since she shuns me.
but my brother dave told me something that just pissed me off to no end.
(((wasa))))))0you are the best..I 'm havin a hard time tonight-it;s the Pearl thing-tpp close to homr and know another woman had to watch her husband die,oh,,,,,wasa,I feel like such a weak,,,,Id dunno
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
well, i had a run in with my sister in law this weekend.
nothing direct between me and her since she shuns me.
but my brother dave told me something that just pissed me off to no end.
mommy wendy please mail me
help me tonight
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
WTg JT!! Looking forward to your report on this! hugs to you and MrsT! Tina-the other white meat heheheheh
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
it seems that i'm a dangerous man.. last time we went over to vist my dad in canada, my sister rang the local congregation to warn them that i was going!.
wow ... i feel like 'the jackal' or something ... international danger man!.
what sad pathetic little lives they lead ...
I knew it,I knew it,I knew it!!!!
You're not Simon.You're Bond.....James Bond.....
And Ang is Miss MoneyPenny!!!! "> hugs to both,T
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
for everybody who has my email addy for the, it's not working right, so just send emails to the one next to my posting-name .
if you were going to send them...thanks.. ashi
((((((ashi))))))thank you hun. And thanks for sharing yourself with us on board! luv,T
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
oh oh lol. I see it's time for memorial easter Bonnets!!
An event where the ladies in the cong(at least in my old one) attend wearing bridesmaids dresses,little girls in white gloves lolol.....the odd lil boy in a tux lol. Was really hard to tell the diff between them and the ladies attending the RC church. ahh well,I'm on a shit-free diet these days,so I'll be refusing Mom's yearly invitation.......Tina,throwing matzohs around the room :>
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.
well, i had a run in with my sister in law this weekend.
nothing direct between me and her since she shuns me.
but my brother dave told me something that just pissed me off to no end.
(((((((harmonita)))))))))) my baby!
The emotional terrorism just never stops........I feel for you greatly. I experience similar in my family. You have my email hun. I'm here for ya anytime you need me.
luv and hugs going your way always! T
Todays Affirmation:
The complete lack of evidence is the surest sign that the conspiracy is working.