Each day we do not get a setp closer to Armageddon.
Each day we do not get a setp closer to Armageddon.
hi everyone, there is a rumor on a french speaking forum saying that the elders were to assist to a 9 h meeting,yesterday or today depending on availability, about pedophilia exclusively.
meeting directed by an circuit overseer.
more infos to come.
Wow, if it is confirmed to be true and they didn't even allow mobile phones on during their meeting, that would really tells us something about the WT's trust in their elders and the overall state of the affairs in the congregations.
i have been skimming the magazine this morning, and the whole issue seems designed to keep the flock at the kh.
yes, i know this is not exactly " new " information.
still with all the problems the organization is having, this one just seemed to strike me as odd.
Could it be that in choosing this year's text they took into account the real bad things that were/are happening to them--lack of money, Candace Conti, the Australia court case, etc. and so braced themselves in for a difficult year?
And since non-sensical new light always causes them to lose followers, and they have one of the worst if not the worst retention rate, that must also \have weighed in their minds when choosing the year text. I wonder how many left the borg last year or how many became inactive and what bearing that also may have had.
1. mark 7:15 "there is nothing from outside a man that passes into him that can defile him; but the things that issue forth out of a man are the things that defile a man.. so how can eating black pudding or having a blood transfusion be a sin?.
2. roman 14:5 one [man] judges one day as above another; another [man] judges one day as others; let each one be convinced in his own mind.
so how come they say birthdays and festivals are a sin?.
I like this thread.
"well osts, satan, through adam challenged god's right to rule......so god had to let it play out to show that he really should be the one ruling mankind.
both the angels and humans needed to see this.
me - why couldn't god have allowed adam's children to remain perfect?
LOL perfect Tater-T.
that's right, a knife and a baby in close proximity.... .
anything goes, so long as you're proving how "wise" king solomon was.. .
The same kids seeing these pictures are watching violent movies with their dad or playing violent games when their parents aren't looking.
The people who make those movies do not claim to be God's sole channel of communication on earth, the only organization through which one can survive the impending destruction of the world, or the FDS.
Or are children not supposed to know that knives exist?
They are not supposed to associate knives with cutting babies.
And how about you read more of someone's posts before pronouncing them a troll, newbie?
Don't worry, I will. I just think it's sick that a publishing company who professes to be God's channel of communication with mankind chooses to make activities for kids which focus on a morbid side of said God. And I personally can't support that, that's all.
that's right, a knife and a baby in close proximity.... .
anything goes, so long as you're proving how "wise" king solomon was.. .
Apognophos, I don't know why but I have this sinking feeling that you may be a Watchtower troll.
You're welcome!
"well osts, satan, through adam challenged god's right to rule......so god had to let it play out to show that he really should be the one ruling mankind.
both the angels and humans needed to see this.
me - why couldn't god have allowed adam's children to remain perfect?
You're welcome! Thanks!
"well osts, satan, through adam challenged god's right to rule......so god had to let it play out to show that he really should be the one ruling mankind.
both the angels and humans needed to see this.
me - why couldn't god have allowed adam's children to remain perfect?
LOL Tater-T