Thanks a lot, Cedars!!!
It seems like the GB has not even bothered to explain what role if any the rest of the anointed have in the organization now that they have been demoted by them. Just sit tight and wait and if you behave and obey us then you'll also be appointed over the belongings (but WE are the FDS, not you).
It seems like taking Russell out of the big picture matches the change in the language coming from the WT now regarding their founder. I remember reading in chapters 1 and 2 of the Proclaimers book that Abel was the first JW, and Jesus was a JW too. But now an FAQ on says Jesus is the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Also Cedars, it seems that until 1931 there was an editorial committee who was able to exercise some control over what was published in the magazines. Still, as president of the Society, is it correct to say that the ultimate authority on doctrinal matters rested solely with Rutherford? If so, that would make him the FDS.
In the Olin Moyle trial court transcript, page 865, we can read Fred Franz's very own words that in 1931 the committee was disbanded because it was not allowing what were felt to be 'timely and vital truths originating from him to be disseminated to the Lord’s people'. From that point forward, there was nothing even remotely resembling a governing body as we know it today. Doctrine published in the Watchtower came from or was filtered and approved by Rutherford.