I love the chart cofty, thanks.
That's why a a body of evidence, critical thinking, and scientific literacy is necessary.
besides it being pseudoscience, what interests me about this is that even though it's something to do with the "qi" energy flowing in our bodies, that wasn't a problem for some members of my family or a special pioneer i knew.. new study exposes acupuncture as pseudoscience.
I love the chart cofty, thanks.
That's why a a body of evidence, critical thinking, and scientific literacy is necessary.
i know this is one huge rant, but i want to put my own questions and doubts in writing.. i am a fading jw who has become agnostic... i still believe in "god" and "jesus," but i simply cannot explain to people why i believe in them.
i just do.. about the existence of god: it is an infinite regress.
"all things were created by someone"... well... who created god?
You're welcome jgnat!
besides it being pseudoscience, what interests me about this is that even though it's something to do with the "qi" energy flowing in our bodies, that wasn't a problem for some members of my family or a special pioneer i knew.. new study exposes acupuncture as pseudoscience.
Besides it being pseudoscience, what interests me about this is that even though it's something to do with the "qi" energy flowing in our bodies, that wasn't a problem for some members of my family or a special pioneer I knew.
i know this is one huge rant, but i want to put my own questions and doubts in writing.. i am a fading jw who has become agnostic... i still believe in "god" and "jesus," but i simply cannot explain to people why i believe in them.
i just do.. about the existence of god: it is an infinite regress.
"all things were created by someone"... well... who created god?
If anyone's interested, here's an update on Lenski's experiment.
i know this is one huge rant, but i want to put my own questions and doubts in writing.. i am a fading jw who has become agnostic... i still believe in "god" and "jesus," but i simply cannot explain to people why i believe in them.
i just do.. about the existence of god: it is an infinite regress.
"all things were created by someone"... well... who created god?
Define "kind" please.
for the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.
- romans 6:7 (nwt).
i got a chance to witness to my dad scripture for scripture for one whole hour over the holidays.
All I know is that the bible doesn't teach that I'll be judged for something they did.
My question still stands, what happened in the bloody Garden of Eden?
ok third rant since last night.
a "demonstration" was given on how to give some brochures and in this demo it starts:.
"hi im suchandsuch and im one of jehovahs witnesses".
the word god is defined a certain way and asking the person to list those properties can proove nothing.
Exactly bohm, a very dishonest way on the part of the Watchtower to programme publishers to avoid having an actual conversation with the householder and just talking about their god.
My second way of answering the question on 'what attributes would god have', would probably be winding them up.
"He'd have long blonde hair, the power to fly, a hammer, and the power to cause thunders."
"He'd have a penchant for mischief."
for the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.
- romans 6:7 (nwt).
i got a chance to witness to my dad scripture for scripture for one whole hour over the holidays.
All I know is that the bible doesn't teach that I'll be judged for something they did.
Right, but you still will be judged for some sin someone committed at some point in history, somewhere, some time ago. I don't know, I'm just riffing here.
Btw, you "don't know" about Adam and Eve? What happened in the bloody Garden of Eden?
for the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.
- romans 6:7 (nwt).
i got a chance to witness to my dad scripture for scripture for one whole hour over the holidays.
Thankfully the bible doesn't teach this.
So what's the deal with A&E?
for the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.
- romans 6:7 (nwt).
i got a chance to witness to my dad scripture for scripture for one whole hour over the holidays.
I personally have a problem with god condemning all of us for the sin of two people and then deciding to torture his son to make up for it. That is child abuse.