I'm looking forward to asking believers/JWs questions regarding your 2004 Tsunami thread, Cofty, whenever they come with their spiel on god, the bible and science. I've been keeping a low profile but family and friends won't leave me alone.
You know, if they just had their faith and didn't bother us with it, didn't try to get it preached in schools, didn't try to change laws because of it, were not bigoted and treated those who do not share their beliefs with respect, I'd be perfectly happy to keep my atheism to myself. But they don't. Every day I have to hear it on TV, the street, the bus: how god is great and how I need him and I'm instantly reminded of 2004 tsunami, to begin with.
It's 2014 and I won't have it anymore. I want a world where the pastors in that video have no credibility at all, where they can't teach their garbage to our children, where everyone has access to science, and philosophy, and freedom of speech and freedom of thought.