Wow, Jesus!
Even though the subject has been discussed before, thank you Cedars for bringing it up, I would never have known. This is very useful to show JW friends in denial.
...even though it has a massive button on the home page saying "make a donation.".
Wow, Jesus!
Even though the subject has been discussed before, thank you Cedars for bringing it up, I would never have known. This is very useful to show JW friends in denial.
i have been hearing and reading on websites about some "new light" jws are saying concerning the faithful and discreet slave class.
it sounds like the same information they have been saying for years.
i was always taught the faithful and discreet slave class is the annoited governing body members dispensing food at the proper time for the non annoited jws.
Guys, guys, the FDS has always been the GB as of 1919. The only thing is that Jehovah forgot to tell them...
i found it a very interesting read.
the article was linked on one of my fav websites digg.
Yeah I thought the same Scotinsw, cultivating friendships with worldly people will only lead to spiritual detriment, the branch office should consider itself responsible for any witnesses realizing how loony the religion is when exposed to conditions which will make such a realization even more evident...
Exactly, Gladiator. Like when he debunked the first 3 chapters of Genesis in his Animals show.
Also, what did the land animals do that made God so angry so he had to destroy them but not the sea animals?
This is hilarious and amazing.
And God is not gay guys.
just wondering if questioned, which faction watchtower followers would favour, and which they would deem apostate:.
faction a - works, merits or organisation based salvation.
*** w93 9/15 p. 22 they compassionately shepherd the little sheep ***.
I also wonder if any conscious member of the Writing Department slips in on or two of their thoughts in the publications which go against GB doctrine.
Perhaps ex-Bethelites might help us on this one.
i found it a very interesting read.
the article was linked on one of my fav websites digg.
Wow, very interesting indeed. I share much of the same feelings when I started to awake and had to explain my beliefs to non-jws. It just didn't add up.
Thanks, Wolfy
i have been hearing and reading on websites about some "new light" jws are saying concerning the faithful and discreet slave class.
it sounds like the same information they have been saying for years.
i was always taught the faithful and discreet slave class is the annoited governing body members dispensing food at the proper time for the non annoited jws.
I love this thread in which Emery compares the FDS to Captain Planet.
i wonder whether any of you took note of the article in the 12/15 study edition wt "the simplified watchtower .. why introduced" i couldn't believe they actually had the temerity to put such tripe into print and onto the record.. i was flat-out astonished with its put-down of vocabulary building and self-improvement:.
one egregious example: " the time spent looking up words and explaining expressions (ostensibly from the "smart people's" watchtower) is now spent gaining an understanding of the scriptures and how they fit into the lesson.".
one jw cited in the article actually blames her college education for causing her to fall into the bad habit of "speaking and thinking a way that was more complicated than necessary.
Sorry, I couldn't help. :)
In my case, I was stranged from my family before I awoke. And for years I had had problems, issues, and confrontations with the elders also before my awakening. I was a MS and I was only not kicked out because I had good friends to protect me. It pains me to death to lose these good friends because of the wicked policies of a wicked corporation.
Well, because of the uniqueness of my situation, I just stopped attending meetings once and for all. As you all know when people have to choose between a friend and the WT, the WT usually has the upper hand due to their extreme cultish high-control techniques, brainwashing, and indoctrination of the R&F. Nevertheless, I must be true to myself.
I can be totally out of the cult, I don't have a wife or children still in or anything like that. So I'm out.
I am not going to the Memorial. I do not wish to insult God or Christ, if they exist.