Alec- At the same time? Maybe that's what's meant as a three- fold cord?
that and the "intimate relationship with Jesus" thing
... well its the bible, not the straightble, im just following the book.. .
(source: the internetz).
Alec- At the same time? Maybe that's what's meant as a three- fold cord?
that and the "intimate relationship with Jesus" thing
... well its the bible, not the straightble, im just following the book.. .
(source: the internetz).
... Well it’s the Bible, not the Straightble, I’m just following the book.
(source: the internetz)
im a long-time lurker turned member, finally felt the need to share my experience with people who know where im coming from.
will try to be as succinct as possible!.
am from the uk and was born in as 3rd generation.
Whoa OLK, welcome!
So now I’ve sort of come to terms with things but am unable to vent to anyone
Please vent away, you'll feel better putting it our of your system.
Do work on getting new friends. I survived the last year or so without contact from my old KH friends who haven't called me, maybe emailed me twice to say 'come to the meetings, we miss you', and without my family, all of whom are in.
It has been my girlfriend (non JW) who gave me the personal support I needed. And I've done a lot of venting online. My gf and I are both instropective people who don't have loads of friends, but we have a few close ones. As the year ends it dawned on me how I don't need my family's/friend's conditional love to survive.
So, by all means, make connections, go out, have fun, enjoy yourself.
Take it easy on searching for all the answers, it's overwhelming, it takes time. You've got the rest of your life. But I say this: don't let guilt and fear paralyse you--these are the WT's weapons over the rank and file. Trust us, it's OK, your life is yours now, go and live it in peace.
We're here for you!
i came across this forum and started reading it long before i decided to join.
it is amazing to read that i am not the only one feeling the way i have for many years.
i come from a family of jw's.
Welcome Justmenthedogs!
besides it being pseudoscience, what interests me about this is that even though it's something to do with the "qi" energy flowing in our bodies, that wasn't a problem for some members of my family or a special pioneer i knew.. new study exposes acupuncture as pseudoscience.
I am not sure I buy it. It's one study, with one condition.
It's not.
WHO exactly did this study, who was it funded by and what alternative were the (nodoubt) pharmaceuticals firms pushing as an alternative?
Just because people assign 'majical' names to something doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't work legitimately.
Read the article/additional links please?
for the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.
- romans 6:7 (nwt).
i got a chance to witness to my dad scripture for scripture for one whole hour over the holidays.
I did, I said I have a problem with god condemning US for the sin of two people and then deciding to torture his son to make up for it.
Aside from the fact that there was no Adam and Eve, and that I was a born in who spent years praying to a non-existent deity for the spirit you mentioned, what's the basis of your evidence for this version of Adam & Eve's (and indeed our) fall?
besides it being pseudoscience, what interests me about this is that even though it's something to do with the "qi" energy flowing in our bodies, that wasn't a problem for some members of my family or a special pioneer i knew.. new study exposes acupuncture as pseudoscience.
Besides the links about more studies on this subject provided by others, and the ones in the article, here are some more for those interested.
Effects of acupuncture, acupressure, electroacupuncture, and moxibustion
besides it being pseudoscience, what interests me about this is that even though it's something to do with the "qi" energy flowing in our bodies, that wasn't a problem for some members of my family or a special pioneer i knew.. new study exposes acupuncture as pseudoscience.
There is no such thing as "alternative medicine".
for the one who has died has been acquitted from his sin.
- romans 6:7 (nwt).
i got a chance to witness to my dad scripture for scripture for one whole hour over the holidays.
besides it being pseudoscience, what interests me about this is that even though it's something to do with the "qi" energy flowing in our bodies, that wasn't a problem for some members of my family or a special pioneer i knew.. new study exposes acupuncture as pseudoscience.
I love the chart cofty, thanks.
That's why a a body of evidence, critical thinking, and scientific literacy is necessary.