After a number of years out I heard I had converted to Islam...that's as well as being materialistic.
Posts by Roski
Not surprisingly, the rumor mill has started...
by SweetBabyCheezits inmy wife and i have not even been df'd for a week and an old friend on fb (an inactive jw who has active jw friends who used to be friends of mine) says there's a rumor going around that i'm gay.
really jws?
Legacys, wills and bequeathments to WT$
by oldlightnewshite inany body ever heard of the wt$ backing down on a contested will or bequeathment?
seen a similar thread, but thought a more direct headline would get more responses.. cheers x.
I was told recently that if a person contests a will where the society is the sole benefactor - they will allow that to stand - ie not argue with it. I don't know if this happens in reality - about to find out...somehow I doubt it.
Meal nights for meeting nights
by Lady Lee inas a jw i had an elder and 2 kids to feed.
because of the elder we always had to be at the hall early - not an easy thing between homework and dinner.. so meeting nights i had a set schedule of things to cook and serve that were easy to make, eat and clean up after.
my ex is italian so pasta was a staple in our house except on meeting nights - couldn't have red spaghetti sauce splattered on clothes.
I was always in awe of the sisters who gave their pioneer experiences at assemblies who, without fail would prepare a months worth of frozen food before pioneering. I used to pioneer but could never get the frozen dinner thing right:-( they always seemed very smug...
Calling all Aussies!!!
by palmtree67 in.
anyone watching the lions/bulldogs play tonight?.
the dogs are winning!!!.
But the Socceroos lost in Korea 1:3
Bethel Brother for 15 years called to "head office" thought he was qoute: "Going to get fired."
by Witness 007 inhe's been there since the early 1980's and was called to the "head office" for the first time in 15 years!
i was told he crapped himself saying i qoute: "i thought they were going to fire me.
" instead he got a free trip to korea to represent our bethel during the next convention....a reward or bonus for his many years of service....the elder who told me about this said how "kind" bethel is to do this, but i just thought damn, the guys been getting $50 bucks a month pay for 15 least send him to disneyland as well!.
They only sent an Aussie to Korea - things must not be going to well in the land of the morning calm.
My Story
by ~Jen~ ini was raised a jw by very strict parents who, in my early teen years were physically and then later emotionally abusive all the while with my dad being and elder (and he still is).
i didn't want to be a jw then but my life was all about making my parents happy which started with me being baptized at 13. my parents constantly drilled into my head that most things were "bad" and i was "bad" i constantly did whatever i could to avoid being bad.
i had no life but then met a nice jw boy when i was 17. against my better judgement, i stayed with him and married him when i was 20. i didn't have a lot in common with him but he was really nice and was safe - he was a witness and even though i wanted to be in the world so bad i chose to be with him because he would keep me grounded, in the truth and away from where i really wanted to be because it was the right thing to do.. we were married for 7 years and have 3 sons.. for the past few years i've known that i did not want to be a jw even more and was sick of being fake.
My story is very similar. I married a 'non-believer' and was told the same thing (and intuitively felt the same thing) but we have been together for 15 years through good and difficult times. Your relationship may or may not survive - take it slowly and look out for yourself and your children first. The behaviour of your family will fade in importance as you grow in your own strength.
Elder doesn't remember being on judicial committee with my wife
by JimmyPage inmy wife was talking to an elder at the meeting recently.
he asked her if she was still on restrictions (for our pre-marital hanky panky).
he went on to imply that they would probably be lifted soon.
A friend of mine was on restrictions at one time. A year went by with no word from the elders (they had told her they would monitor her progress and get back to her). When she finally went and asked them - they had all forgotten about it. They were all a bit old so maybe that was the problem.
There was a case in Australia quite some time ago (maybe late 80's) where a sister witnessing in a prison hooked up with a prisoner. How a female was in contact with a male prisoner I don't know, but it made the news and after that I heard that having sisters witnessing in prisons was no longer allowed. I never did get all the details regarding the outcome - so may have been some hear-say involved.
what happened to "peace and security"???
by highdose ini remember growing up as a dub that everyone was constantly on the look out for what could be the cry of peace and security... then suddenly people just stopped, it stopped being mentioned in talks ... everything.
theories please?.
I seem to remember (if my memory serves me correctly) that it was R. Reagan that first mentioned P+S and everyone was sure the end was imminent.
by JWdaughter inanyone live or travel there lately?
i have an interesting prospect and wonder if there are any opinions about the place that have some actual experience of qatar attached to them?
did you feel safe?.
Just an idea - if you go to the Dave Sperling website you can go to the Qatar page and read some entries. They will be mainly about teaching but other more general issues are discussed - you could also join and ask questions.