When the truth is preached, everyone would accept.
However when untruth is preached, it would only create various sects. For example apostle Paul believed his generation would see the New World (1 Cor 10:11) which proved to be untrue.
i thought this during my wake up.
if you think about it, jehovahs promise for the faithful is actually a bum deal.
some would even say a con.
When the truth is preached, everyone would accept.
However when untruth is preached, it would only create various sects. For example apostle Paul believed his generation would see the New World (1 Cor 10:11) which proved to be untrue.
how often did we as witnesses say something like this : "unlike members of false religion, who venerate or worship through statues or idols, we give our focus to jehovah!".
members of religious groups focus their religious adoration via an image or statue.
they do this in order to provide some sort of focus to their need to worship.. witnesses give extreme focus on the name "jehovah" .
Attacking worship through images makes no sense because keeping a photo of one's physical father is a sign of love toward him, and it serves as a reminder to all his father stands for.
Use of symbols are everywhere--even the wine and bread JWs pass in their memorial service is a symbol that is used as part of their worship.
If God is true, whatever helps me to keep myself attached to Him or whatever helps me to remember Him is also true. Some people say they remember God as the great Illuminator (giver of enlightenment) and elevator (giver of empowerment) when they see sun (compare Psalm 84:11).
not all scripture is god-breathed.
there are verses that also dishonor god.
for example, subject of preaching seems to be too illogical even though it is the very basis of many sects [especially of jw organization which defines itself as the preaching organization].
You said: "I don't know how you came to this conclusion."
You take yourself back to Jesus' time and be among his immediate listeners, listen to him as saying: "No one has ascended into heaven except me"
You would say "no, Jesus, you are here right now, you would ascend into heaven only after three and half years later."
Did you get the problem with the verse John 3:13?
some years ago, i attended a jw wedding.
marriage speaker said something which changed my life for the better, and it helps me even now.
he told the couple: “the very make up of man and woman is such that conflicts can often arise between you.
Diogenesister, millie210
Because what he said was an eye-opener for me, I went straight and sat with him during the dinner and congratulated him, and asked him: “You mean to say anger is the part of our very design by God—remember all religions teach it is one of the vices?” Interestingly, he wanted to be politically correct with his answers. He said: Let religions teach what they like—we are concerned with our practical life. I have found anger to be a mechanism within to keep us uneasy till we find out a solution. There are people who did this in large scale and brought freedom to countries with millions of population without channelizing their anger towards the aggressors.
Then he gave some more details on the second point which he said is connected with the first point. You have heard no man is in an island. Similarly, no action is an isolated action. Nothing happens without something preceding—there is always a basis for something to happen. Everything that happens is part of a flow. In addition, every action is influenced by many factors and forces which are often beyond the control of the doer. It explains why people behave differently in same situation because they are operating from their immediate background—such as coming in good mood or in bad from home. That is why in a traffic jam, you see some are yelling at each other, some are agitated, some are impatient, yet some are relaxed making use of the time doing something creative such as planning, reading, praying, doing breathing exercise … etc. In office world, management behaves very nicely with employees when company makes good profit, and vice versa, which means every action is the offspring of the time and circumstances. Person coming from such office atmosphere on to house may not be fully himself/herself.
some years ago, i attended a jw wedding.
marriage speaker said something which changed my life for the better, and it helps me even now.
he told the couple: “the very make up of man and woman is such that conflicts can often arise between you.
Good observation
some years ago, i attended a jw wedding.
marriage speaker said something which changed my life for the better, and it helps me even now.
he told the couple: “the very make up of man and woman is such that conflicts can often arise between you.
Some years ago, I attended a JW wedding. Marriage speaker said something which changed my life for the better, and it helps me even now. He told the couple: “The very make up of man and woman is such that conflicts can often arise between you. There will be many things that would unfold which would make you angry at each other. If you channelize this energy called anger on the person with whom you are angry, then you are abusing it. If you channelize it on the problem with a view to finding a solution, then you are using anger rightly because it acts like a catalyst to reach a solution. For example, when you choose to watch your favorite TV show, your spouse wants to change the channel to his favorite TV show. When this is repeated many times, it can make you angry. Now turn this anger to buying one more TV which means the end of anger on this subject. Hence anger is like a knife—you can use it beneficially or harmfully. So are all other emotions! They are all energy in motion.
You are quick to find excuses for the wrong you committed and you have found it often works to neutralize your behavior to some extent. That means there are excuses for behavior—no matter who performs it. When you are wronged, be quick to find excuses for the behavior of the other person who often acts under the influence of many factors and forces. Just like great events and great leaders are offspring of their time and circumstances every action/reaction (of your spouse) is also the offspring of the time and circumstance—even though you may seem to be the immediate object of an action/reaction. When you reason like this you will begin to find space around your problem which will gradually become too small to be reckoned with.”
Though most of the JW teaching seemed unsound and irrational, points in this marriage talk were amazing which helps me even now in all avenues of my life. [I don’t know all JW marriage speakers use the illustration and explanation because this was the only one I attended]
it’s really a bitch when god takes a day off.
he’s supposed to be watching over all things-except when he doesn’t and he can control any situation-except when he doesn’t.. so he gets all the credit for the good things that are and that happen due to his “dynamic energy”.
it must be tiring because he obviously takes days off.
I think God is enjoying this post also as He gives freedom to humans to blame or even to deny His existence. I love Him because of His silence. His silence is meaningful because nothing happens without something preceding which means everything has answer—some answers are too obvious and some are not.
not all scripture is god-breathed.
there are verses that also dishonor god.
for example, subject of preaching seems to be too illogical even though it is the very basis of many sects [especially of jw organization which defines itself as the preaching organization].
Your explanation about John 3:13 is a joke. Truth is that Jesus never said it, and it is impossible to say that. It is like Obama saying in 2007 "No one from the Black community has become US President except me."
If you were listening to Obama making such a statement in 2007, you would definitely say like me: "it is a joke." Now put yourself in front of Jesus in 1st century when he was supposedly making that statement; you will say the same: "It is a joke." But it is obvious that he did not say.
Since you are knowingly misleading yourself, I am not commenting on your other points.
how many times have you heard that trope?.
i found it more irritating than a dose of farmers on the bum.
i've even said it when i was a brainwashed jobo drone.
You put nicely; "JWS have blinders on their heads where they can only see the good of the religion, oblivious to the harm this religion can cause"
This is the trait of an average human being who is quick to notice other's mistakes and notice own good points. This trait is seen on the organization collectively.
not all scripture is god-breathed.
there are verses that also dishonor god.
for example, subject of preaching seems to be too illogical even though it is the very basis of many sects [especially of jw organization which defines itself as the preaching organization].
2000 years of heralding mixed and confused message by his so-called messengers show that it is not God's way of conveying some message He wants to convey. (1 Cor 14:8, 33). People self-style themselves as messengers and use God's name to get easy acceptance.