If all publishers are true believers, there is no need for CO visit.
Posts by venus
School inspection is just like a CO visit.
by pleaseresearch inso our school has just had the school inspectors in, looking and observing lessons.
the similarities with a co visit is uncanny.. how well behaved teachers, members of staff and pupils are..
Do you believe in god?
by freakyAL ini used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
The intensity with which people do not believe in the existence of God is proportionate to the intensity of misrepresentation all the religions did. Hence both the groups--atheists and religionists--have nothing to do with the existence of God.
Truth is not unattainable
by venus inseeing corrupt rulers creating war to divert attention of the public, almighty arms industry loving conflicts, religious leaders finding religions as a means for easy income ….etc one may conclude that truth is not attainable.
yet there is a place where truth remains hidden for the seeker to experience his thrill—in the vocabulary of different languages.. when i was studying in mount holyoke, i had the opportunity to mingle with many foreign students and thus to my surprise came to know certain words are like a treasure of truth in at least one language among the vast reservoir of languages which means you have to continue your search for the truth of one word till you get it through different languages.
for example, take the word ‘king’ and start seeing the meaning of it in all the languages and you will find it means a person ruling with dynastic root, then suddenly you find in one language, the word ‘king’ is the summarized form of this sentence: “one who brings delight to all of his subjects and keeps them (of various interests) reconciled to each other.” to mention a few other words which my search took me to the truth:.
smiddy3 wrote: “What is truth for one person is utter bollocks to another person.”
That is implied in the OP when I wrote “almighty arms industry loving conflicts” which means we love peace and arms industry hates peace. There are many opinions about truth such as: ‘There is no truth, truth is relative, truth is absolute, truth is God …. etc.’
Many would say they believe only what can be ascertained by their senses which means experience is the key. But we can be tricked even by our own experience. (1) Lukewarm water would be felt as cold water if you touch it after dipping your finger in hot water; and the same lukewarm water would be felt as warm water if you touch it after dipping your finger in cold water. (2) Senses can sometimes see only half-truth. When you see cards arranged as a pyramid you do not see more important aspect of it—forces acting in various directions, nullifying each other thus making the pyramid shape possible.
If mind can be tricked by what physical eyes see, how much more it would be tricked when it ventures into the realm of the invisible such as What is before and after this life … What was before Big Bang or God, What is His purpose for us …etc. This explains why we have we have conflicted religions and scriptures which prompt people to say there is no truth, or truth is relative. Yet for an analytical mind truth is not a complicated subject because they find out that there are truths that are relative and there are truths that are absolute. For example, Mike Gallagher declared: “Right and wrong are not relative terms. There are fundamental truths. Evil flourishes, but good men continue to battle it – and win.”
Truth is not unattainable
by venus inseeing corrupt rulers creating war to divert attention of the public, almighty arms industry loving conflicts, religious leaders finding religions as a means for easy income ….etc one may conclude that truth is not attainable.
yet there is a place where truth remains hidden for the seeker to experience his thrill—in the vocabulary of different languages.. when i was studying in mount holyoke, i had the opportunity to mingle with many foreign students and thus to my surprise came to know certain words are like a treasure of truth in at least one language among the vast reservoir of languages which means you have to continue your search for the truth of one word till you get it through different languages.
for example, take the word ‘king’ and start seeing the meaning of it in all the languages and you will find it means a person ruling with dynastic root, then suddenly you find in one language, the word ‘king’ is the summarized form of this sentence: “one who brings delight to all of his subjects and keeps them (of various interests) reconciled to each other.” to mention a few other words which my search took me to the truth:.
Seeing corrupt rulers creating war to divert attention of the public, almighty arms industry loving conflicts, religious leaders finding religions as a means for easy income ….etc one may conclude that truth is not attainable. Yet there is a place where truth remains hidden for the seeker to experience his thrill—in the vocabulary of different languages.
When I was studying in Mount Holyoke, I had the opportunity to mingle with many foreign students and thus to my surprise came to know certain words are like a treasure of truth in at least one language among the vast reservoir of languages which means you have to continue your search for the truth of one word till you get it through different languages. For example, take the word ‘king’ and start seeing the meaning of it in all the languages and you will find it means a person ruling with dynastic root, then suddenly you find in one language, the word ‘king’ is the summarized form of this sentence: “one who brings delight to all of his subjects and keeps them (of various interests) reconciled to each other.” To mention a few other words which my search took me to the truth:
Family = Place where delight results when members get together
House = Building from which you depart forever
Son = One who ensures no dishonor happens to his father
Soul = That which is made of knowledge and acts egoless
Intelligence = Reading between lines/happenings and arriving at intuitive discernment
Diabetes = Sweet urine
Ego = Opposite of construction (egoless = construction)
Personality = That which is visible on the outside, like a mask on the face
World = Place where mostly illogicality is abundant and logicality is too rare
Hell = Me-first attitude
Heaven = Living in awareness of common origin of all humans.
Worship = Engaging in something fully focused as happens during dating and courting
Biblical gems
by venus inthough the trunk, branches and even most of the leaves of the bible tree make no sense, there are some leaves here and there which are like gems of high value, such as:.
1) “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” often mistaken as the law of retaliation is actually a beautiful foundation of a perfect judicial system because behind the details the essence is that any loss caused should perfectly and proportionately be compensated.
original writing of this law and its context are not relevant because jesus described them as those being orally transmitted (which makes random additions possible), not written (mathew 5:38-42).
That's interesting.
Biblical gems
by venus inthough the trunk, branches and even most of the leaves of the bible tree make no sense, there are some leaves here and there which are like gems of high value, such as:.
1) “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” often mistaken as the law of retaliation is actually a beautiful foundation of a perfect judicial system because behind the details the essence is that any loss caused should perfectly and proportionately be compensated.
original writing of this law and its context are not relevant because jesus described them as those being orally transmitted (which makes random additions possible), not written (mathew 5:38-42).
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho asked "no one is a sinner by birth" - is that true? What about Psalm 51:5?
Many have read in various scriptures that we are sinners from birth and heard scriptural characters saying: “The good I wish to do I do not do, but the bad I do not wish to do is what I do. What a wretched person I am!” or “This is the way God has made me” …etc. Reading such things people feel that sin is an inherited tendency—something normal!
But I would not agree because I find an avalanche of proofs against this. We find variety of people acting/reacting differently in same situation: Some do more righteous acts, some do more sinful acts, and others mix them in varying degrees, one-time sinners changing into saints, one-time saints changing into sinners, some very poor people who refuse to steal, and some very wealthy people who steal in various ways… etc. This shows people choose to act the way they like which means they are not sinners from birth—resulting in all sorts of people from sinless to the sinful ones. Interestingly, even Bible makes many references to some sinless persons who lived in the ancient times (Genesis 5:24; Job 1:8; Psalm 18:23; Ezekiel 14:14; Luke 1:6 …etc.) and human capacity to perform righteousness. (Habakkuk 2:4; Hebrews 10:38).
If we are not sinners from birth, when does sin arise?
Our experience shows that beliefs and attitudes are linked. For example, if one truly believes in the principle “one reaps what he sows”, he would not display a casual attitude towards life, but he would think before acting and be alert to do good to others and to avoid doing harm to others as far as possible. That means from beliefs, attitudes are formed; and from attitudes, thoughts are formed; from thoughts, action is produced; from repeated action, tendency and habit are produced which in turn determine one’s destiny. For example, a person steals for first time and he was not caught; then he goes on repeating it and a tendency to steal comes into existence. Similarly, a person chooses to give joy to others and stop giving sorrow to others, and he reaps accordingly which in turn makes him repeat the same and a tendency to do good comes into existence.
Thus tendency to commit sin/virtue begins from repeated action, not from birth. That means performance of an action and its repetition is result of choice people make. Bible describes king David who unwisely used this faculty of choice. From his palace when he looked down he saw his neighbor, a very beautiful woman, taking bath. Now he had two choices—either to immediately withdraw his eyes and mind and carry on with his duties as king or “to keep on looking at” that scene. Unfortunately, he chose the latter which kindled lust in him, and finally committed adultery with her and took her as his wife after deceitfully killing her husband even though he had many wives at that time. (2 Samuel, chapter 11) If he had simply withdrawn his eyes and mind as many have done, no sin would have been committed. (James 1:15)
If doing vice/virtue is out of choice, then it would mean no one is a sinner from birth, hence we cannot call anyone sinner. A person may sometimes get swelling on his leg and may have limped a few times—but he is never called lame. Similarly, a person may at times slip into selfishness and use his free-will to his own harm or to the harm of others—but this does not make him a sinner because the ability to perform virtuous acts also exists in him. If one’s occasional sinning does not make him a sinner, sin of another person such as his parents (immediate or distant) can also never make him a sinner.
Biblical gems
by venus inthough the trunk, branches and even most of the leaves of the bible tree make no sense, there are some leaves here and there which are like gems of high value, such as:.
1) “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” often mistaken as the law of retaliation is actually a beautiful foundation of a perfect judicial system because behind the details the essence is that any loss caused should perfectly and proportionately be compensated.
original writing of this law and its context are not relevant because jesus described them as those being orally transmitted (which makes random additions possible), not written (mathew 5:38-42).
You are right--analogy is superb. My point was to highlight looking behind the details and benefiting. When we read the Bible with the conditioned mind we may not benefit much. This is what happened to me till I read: ‘You have control over your thoughts. When you change your thoughts, your life changes!’ (Mathew 5:29; James 1:26; Phil 4:8) This great truth hides behind the those verses. Soon I understood that no one is a sinner by birth; hence Genesis account of original sin was not a historical and all the teachings built on that fiction is also useless.
How do they get away with "New Light"?
by moreconfusedthanever inone thing that bothers me greatly is the fact that they can change their policies and beliefs and just say its "new light" and no one bats an eyelid.. there are many scriptures such as isaiah 40:8 "the word of god will last to time indefinite.
" or hebrews 6:18 "it is impossible for god to lie".
if he is "spirit directing" the borg then there should be no need for new light..
It is like how some of the writers made the distinction of what is clean diet and what is unclean. Some of the clean diet described in Leviticus are now proved unhealthy and some of the unclean ones are now found to be healthy.
Biblical gems
by venus inthough the trunk, branches and even most of the leaves of the bible tree make no sense, there are some leaves here and there which are like gems of high value, such as:.
1) “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” often mistaken as the law of retaliation is actually a beautiful foundation of a perfect judicial system because behind the details the essence is that any loss caused should perfectly and proportionately be compensated.
original writing of this law and its context are not relevant because jesus described them as those being orally transmitted (which makes random additions possible), not written (mathew 5:38-42).
Though the trunk, branches and even most of the leaves of the Bible tree make no sense, there are some leaves here and there which are like gems of high value, such as:
1) “An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” often mistaken as the Law of Retaliation is actually a beautiful foundation of a perfect judicial system because behind the details the essence is that any loss caused should perfectly and proportionately be compensated. Original writing of this law and its context are not relevant because Jesus described them as those being orally transmitted (which makes random additions possible), not written (Mathew 5:38-42)
2) “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (Mathew 19:24) often mistaken as the anti-rich verse is actually a great verse that is in harmony with what we find in our experience. One who becomes rich in any one particular aspect (money-making, knowledge, art, talent, skill …etc) is often weak in many other aspects of life which invites problems making life (of his and others) a hell. Also, many who are exceptionally good in one aspect is often seen arrogant and treat others as good for nothing which also creates hell for him and others. Because they think their happiness depends on the validation of others, they often experience unhappiness. But if one views life as something to be enjoyed, relaxed—with nothing to “prove” and live in “the now” he is already in the Kingdom of God (Colossians 3:23; Luke 17:21)
Who is "The" Creator ? Jehovah or Jesus ?
by smiddy3 inis jehovah the creator ?.
apparently jehovah created the "word" or "logos" ( jesus).
and he never created anything else according to bible scripture.. however the first born of creation the logos /jesus was used to create everything else in the material world.. so then isn`t jesus also a creator ?.
This is nothing but obscurantism, and priestly class needed this tactics so that people were there always looking to them for information. If it is made clear, that is the end of flocks coming to them.