I feel for Nietzsche who ignored the simple fact that humans cannot conceive something greater than themselves and believed that no being higher than humans exists.
Posts by venus
Thus Spoke Zarathustra - audiobook
by Brokeback Watchtower innietzsche wrote this 1883-1891 a parable about the death of god and prophesizes about the superman.
moral responsibility/universality is questioned in depth, altruistic concern, guilt for wrongdoing, moral responsibility, the value of compassion, the demand for equal consideration of persons, was examined by this soon to be insane(1889) intellectual philosopher.. cg jung says that nietzsche was under the possession of an archetype from the collective unconscious and i think a closer examination suggest this is true.. http://www.depthinsights.com/depth-insights-scholarly-ezine/e-zine-issue-3-fall-2012/jungs-reception-of-friedrich-nietzsche-a-roadmap-for-the-uninitiated-by-dr-ritske-rensma/.
with this in mind here is the reading in english :.
Does Following The Christian Precepts Of Truthfulness Lead To Nihilism?
by Brokeback Watchtower in"i am the way and the truth" said jesus.
also "speak truth to you neighbor and put away false hood".. this reverence for truth in christianity also leads to its undoing in the information age of science and technology.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/nihilism.
nihilism is often associated with the german philosopher friedrich nietzsche, who provided a detailed diagnosis of nihilism as a widespread phenomenon of western culture.
Brokeback Watchtower & Badpenny,
I too read that link. True Christianity does not lead anyone to disbelief or atheism. [Each religion appears as offspring of the time and circumstances and follows the chain of thesis-antithesis-synthesis. Hence they are not talking about God, but just are caught up in a web of human questions and human answers. Unreasonable religious stories and corruption of religious leaders gave rise to disbelief and atheism.]
There are few self-evident truths contained in scriptures here and there. For example, I dismiss 99% of Bible as meaningless. But when I read Mathew 5:44-48 it is truth and full of benefits. Between the lines lies the commandment: “Don’t worship me, but become worship-worthy by imitating sun which is a giver (of light and warmth) and never receives anything from any body—a quality that has its source in God Himself. When you imitate qualities of sun, you become like your heavenly father.”
I found my own way of practicing the above principle. I work for Forbes magazine which involves mostly money and money-minded people. Hence I took a hobby of practicing Past Regression therapy without any fee. I treat victim of deep depression and take them back to the incident through their mind journey and erase that bitter experience from their mind.
The best case I handled was of one teenage girl who was brutally gang-raped and thus went into deep depression. Parents tried every form of treatment—nothing worked. Her teacher was my class mate who told me to help her. She brought her to my house. I put her into induced sleep and asked her to relate what happened. When she described every detail I stopped. In the next session, I asked her to relate what happened. When the scene before the rape came, I started saying forcefully—no you did’nt go there, you were in such and such place doing such and such thing along with such and such people … replaced all her rape-memory with something else. After the session she never remembers anything about rape—completely normal and cheerful.
Though I practice this as a hobby, when I see the victims back on track leading normal life—the kind of satisfaction I get is beyond any description. Thus victim benefits, and I benefit more. There is an interesting side to this. Victim is cured, but they never know who cured or how they were cured. The thrill that comes from doing something with no monetary benefit, fame, or thanks is a too wonderful experience which is the fulfillment of Mathew 5:44-48.
People may have different views about this. For example, as a delegate of Forbes I had to cover an event in which Mr. Richard Hawkins too participated in 2010. On my return flight it so happened that I got seat next to Mr. Hawkins. We talked about many subjects and when I mentioned about my hobby, he too was skeptical about it. But when I narrated the above incident to him he then commented “in that case, this can be used to bring back the jihadists who are indoctrinated to kill others.” I said “Yes, of course; it is a possibility. We can reverse anything and bring back the person to be a normal human being.” This incident was before he suffered an intracranial brain hemorrhage.
Does Following The Christian Precepts Of Truthfulness Lead To Nihilism?
by Brokeback Watchtower in"i am the way and the truth" said jesus.
also "speak truth to you neighbor and put away false hood".. this reverence for truth in christianity also leads to its undoing in the information age of science and technology.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/nihilism.
nihilism is often associated with the german philosopher friedrich nietzsche, who provided a detailed diagnosis of nihilism as a widespread phenomenon of western culture.
I go by reason, and I look to the silence within which is the true essence of what Jesus said in Luke 17:21. In this sense I am a true Christian in practice.
Does Following The Christian Precepts Of Truthfulness Lead To Nihilism?
by Brokeback Watchtower in"i am the way and the truth" said jesus.
also "speak truth to you neighbor and put away false hood".. this reverence for truth in christianity also leads to its undoing in the information age of science and technology.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/nihilism.
nihilism is often associated with the german philosopher friedrich nietzsche, who provided a detailed diagnosis of nihilism as a widespread phenomenon of western culture.
This is my experience. You have to try your own experience. Try stilling your mind and experience the difference.
Does Following The Christian Precepts Of Truthfulness Lead To Nihilism?
by Brokeback Watchtower in"i am the way and the truth" said jesus.
also "speak truth to you neighbor and put away false hood".. this reverence for truth in christianity also leads to its undoing in the information age of science and technology.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/nihilism.
nihilism is often associated with the german philosopher friedrich nietzsche, who provided a detailed diagnosis of nihilism as a widespread phenomenon of western culture.
Cofty, I appreciate your view. There comes a point in life when we find everything meaningless. Who we are and what we have done, suddenly appear to be inconsequential and worthless. When we look around, everyone else also seems to be confined in a similar ‘futile’ existence. In this context, we start losing hope and develop a gamut of psychological (or even physical) disorders. Is this our destiny? Perhaps not, because, alongside the darkness, there exists light for those who try out of the box. For example, I do not plan anything according to others’ view (because their views are shaped by their mind and their experience); but I look to the silence within me after stilling the mind. Once mind is stilled, what comes out from deep within is truth, beneficial truth. Why do I say beneficial? Because whenever I have listened to this (something other than my mind), I have benefited whereas whenever I have listened to mind, I have gone into trouble.
Does Following The Christian Precepts Of Truthfulness Lead To Nihilism?
by Brokeback Watchtower in"i am the way and the truth" said jesus.
also "speak truth to you neighbor and put away false hood".. this reverence for truth in christianity also leads to its undoing in the information age of science and technology.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/nihilism.
nihilism is often associated with the german philosopher friedrich nietzsche, who provided a detailed diagnosis of nihilism as a widespread phenomenon of western culture.
My reason tells me that I should live life, and find meaning, and enjoy life, for its own sake, rather than for the sake of something external to life. I know nothing happens without a reason. Even when someone hurts me, I know that it’s some settlement of account which I am not aware of, hence I pleasantly accept everything that happens in my life.
Does Following The Christian Precepts Of Truthfulness Lead To Nihilism?
by Brokeback Watchtower in"i am the way and the truth" said jesus.
also "speak truth to you neighbor and put away false hood".. this reverence for truth in christianity also leads to its undoing in the information age of science and technology.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/nihilism.
nihilism is often associated with the german philosopher friedrich nietzsche, who provided a detailed diagnosis of nihilism as a widespread phenomenon of western culture.
I would call myself opposite to nihilist because I am endowed with reason! It is only by the exercise of reason that man can discover meaning. Take away that reason, and he would be incapable of understanding anything. Everything we behold carries in itself the internal evidence that it did not make itself. Every man is an evidence to himself that he did not make himself; neither could his father make himself, nor his grandfather, nor any of his race; neither could any tree, plant, or animal make itself, which is infinite into the past and will be infinite into the future. All things have inherent purpose and meaning (whether we know it or we can know it is a different matter). All the forces of existence are working together with purpose, and by design. The world is imbued with meaning, as if every instance is part of an unfolding master plan.
Does Following The Christian Precepts Of Truthfulness Lead To Nihilism?
by Brokeback Watchtower in"i am the way and the truth" said jesus.
also "speak truth to you neighbor and put away false hood".. this reverence for truth in christianity also leads to its undoing in the information age of science and technology.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/nihilism.
nihilism is often associated with the german philosopher friedrich nietzsche, who provided a detailed diagnosis of nihilism as a widespread phenomenon of western culture.
Brokeback Watchtower, you gave some points to think. Yet I disagree with you.
The strongest argument against any nihilism is that it is ultimately impossible to believe in the nihilism itself if you purport to believe in nothing. That means nihilism is not an important subject but it appeared as the offspring of some special circumstance. Yet there is nothing wrong in that nihilism appeared because people go mad after seeing many perspectives such as ‘there is no truth, truth is relative, truth is absolute, truth is God …. etc.’ So is the case with other related subjects. Sadly, conflicted religions and their scriptures add to this confusion. Hence the question arises: Is truth really a complicated subject? What is the truth about truth?
One may feel truth changes according to circumstances. For example, to the question “Is water life-saving?” one may say “yes” because drinking water in moderation helps; yet another one would say “no” because drinking water more harms. To the question “Does the sun rise in the east?” One may say “Yes, sun rises in the East (which is right for the ordinary); another one may say “No, where the sun rises is East” (which is right for the educated); another one may say “No, sun neither rises nor sets” (which is right for the highly educated ones). Something that is true could be false in larger perspective. For example, when a traitor is dismissed, the management might explain he used his truthfulness to make the entry with the ulterior aim of undermining company’s good-will, which means truth used as a means for a greater evil is actually part of falsehood. In contrast, something that is wrong could be right at another time. Driving the vehicle without headlight on is wrong, yet right during war-time because it ensures well-being of the whole citizens.
Many would say they believe only what can be ascertained by their senses which means experience is the key. But we can be tricked even by our own experience. (1) Lukewarm water would be felt as cold water if you touch it after dipping your finger in hot water; and the same lukewarm water would be felt as warm water if you touch it after dipping your finger in cold water. (2) Senses can sometimes give only half-truth. When you see cards arranged as a pyramid you do not see more important aspect of it—forces acting in various directions, nullifying each other thus making the pyramid shape possible.
If mind can be tricked by what physical our eyes see, how much more it would be tricked when it ventures into the realm of the invisible such as What is before and after this life … What was before Big Bang or God, What is His purpose for us …etc. This explains why we have conflicted religions and scriptures which prompt people to say there is no truth, or truth is relative. Yet for an analytical mind truth is not a complicated subject because they find out that there are truths that are relative and there are truths that are absolute. For example, Mike Gallagher declared: “Right and wrong are not relative terms. There are fundamental truths. Evil flourishes, but good men continue to battle it – and win.” Interestingly, everyone knows what is right and wrong because people are quick to notice the wrong when it is committed by others [which means they know what is wrong] and are quick to seek glory for the good when it is committed by them [which means they know what is right]. That means those who say truth is relative have a limited view. They are like a farmer who describes a plant as useless calling it a weed without knowing it is highly valuable for herbalists, or like those who dismiss Cause and Consequence Principle (that says “you reap what you sow”) as useless without knowing that there are many who derive great benefits from this principle by doing good and thus receiving good in return.
Thus the big picture shows that there are truths that are relative and there are truths that are absolute. In other words, what exists for a limited period is real/true for a limited period, and what exists for unlimited period is real/true for unlimited period. For example, a seed has a physical appearance which exists for a limited period; yet more importantly it has an invisible software program in which all its billions and billions of future generations remain protected and this invisible aspect can be called true for unlimited period. This applies to humans too. Our body which is destined to grow to maturity and to finally disintegrate is real for a limited period, yet more importantly life, the invisible software-like entity acting through the visible body is real for unlimited period about which we are unable to study because it is invisible and immaterial.
If there was a resurrection in paradise
by Sour Grapes insomething that bothered me even when i was a watchtower company drone was the thought of dying and being resurrected in paradise.
would the resurrected person really be me or just a copy of me?
if god could recreate one of me, he could also recreate five of me.
Great comments Larry, VW.org, steve2, Sour Grapes
What you say makes sense. God being the source of all souls would not go for the trouble of remembering everything each human being thought, said and did as to resurrect each one with the same personality. Such things go with soul and exist within soul. God needs to give only a new body and send the soul back to the new body. This He has already shown in a different way through the wonder called seed in which all the memories of future generation remain protected, which means seed is more than its physical form, and within it exists an invisible program which is more important than the visible container.
Asking for help with wife
by Are you serious inhello everyone, my wife wants nothing to do with my awakening.
every time i try explaining something she tells me she doesn't want to hear it.
i believe she's afraid of learning something she's not ready for.
I have similar situation with my twin sister who is a very zealous Witness. What astonishes her is that I never engage her any any religious talk. I once told her "God gave us reason, not religion" which prevents her from engaging me in any religious talk either.
Even God respects this position because He is not bothered about all those religions which misrepresent and dishonor Him. He knows each one varies in his means to find out happiness. Religions make some happy, atheism make some happy, agnosticism make some happy ... and God takes no serious view of anyone of them which actually shows He is merciful.