1) God gives more wisdom to
Solomon to become the wisest ever lived on earth.
2) Using this “higher”wisdom, he solved a problem involving two women
who claimed ownership of a child looking at the facial expression of the
dishonest woman.* His ruling revealed that ‘a loving mother would not permit
her child to be killed’ (1 King 3:27). This ruling reportedly rooted at the “higher
wisdom” given to Solomon by God actually backfires on God whose core quality is
love and yet He sent His son to be murdered for the betterment of mankind—a thing
which no parents can teach their children because it would shock them.
3) If Jesus really came to
be murdered and thus “to take away the sin of the world” (John 1:29), he would have used his superhuman skills to
explain this incomprehensible teaching (killing the innocent removes the sins
of the sinners). The only passing comment Jesus made on this is found in Mathew
20:25-28 which was ascertained by Luke as later adoption, hence Luke deleted the
controversial verse (“son of man came to give his life as a ransom for
many”) from his account. (Luke
4) Even after the so called
ransom was paid, sin continues to rule the world, and mankind continues to be
under the slavery of sin for over 2000 years.
In this chain of “truths,” is there anything really truth? Aren’t rather
they signs of human writing that arose out of thoughtlessness?
*What Solomon performed was not the sign of
super-human intelligence. Listen to one historical account of a Prime Minister
who solved a nearly impossible problem (narrated by my Professor when I was
doing my clinical psychology in Capella University). ‘One ghee merchant had borrowed
500 gold coins from his colleague. But when it was time to repay his debt, he
refused to do so and claimed he never borrowed the money. The merchant who had
lent the money went to the Emperor Akbar for justice, who in turn assigned
Birbal (His Prime Minister) to find a solution. Birbal listened to both sides,
then asked for ten days’ time and sent both the merchants away. He then ordered
10 tins of oil. Each tin contained 10 kg oil and in two of them Birbal put a
gold coin. Then he called all the ten merchants including those two merchants
in dispute and gave each of them one of the tins saying, “Examine this oil
carefully, determine the price and return them after three days.” But he
ensured he gave the two containers with the gold coins to the two merchants
whose case was pending. The merchant who had lent the money was an honest man
and as soon as he found the gold coin, he returned the coin to Birbal. But his
dishonest neighbor found the coin and did not return it to Birbal. Thus Birbal
proved who was lying.’ Anyone who has
keenly observed human expressions can detect deception by observing body
language and microexpressions through the Facial Action Coding System. Just
like babies have universal language of waving the face to reject food it does’nt
like, humans have universal facial expressions that match with their deception.