Behind the details, my point is that God is not using any medium--oral or written, humans or divine. Religions and scriptures are humans questions and human answers.
even wicked queen jezebel knew ‘what is good and what is bad’ because she described those who hurt others for no reason as “good-for-nothing.” (1 king 21:10).
from her comment the following universal truths can be discerned:.
1) everyone is endowed with the knowledge of good and bad, which makes god’s communication with humans unnecessary.
Behind the details, my point is that God is not using any medium--oral or written, humans or divine. Religions and scriptures are humans questions and human answers.
even wicked queen jezebel knew ‘what is good and what is bad’ because she described those who hurt others for no reason as “good-for-nothing.” (1 king 21:10).
from her comment the following universal truths can be discerned:.
1) everyone is endowed with the knowledge of good and bad, which makes god’s communication with humans unnecessary.
It is not God's failure, but His confidence in humans who have the ability to make earth a paradise again if only they avoid all the wastages. Some part of the earth is already paradise and devoid of any war which means if humans want, they can make the whole earth paradise again.
even wicked queen jezebel knew ‘what is good and what is bad’ because she described those who hurt others for no reason as “good-for-nothing.” (1 king 21:10).
from her comment the following universal truths can be discerned:.
1) everyone is endowed with the knowledge of good and bad, which makes god’s communication with humans unnecessary.
You nicely expanded what I left unuttered. Example of babies and dogs is really illuminating. What is observed is that everyone knows what is right and wrong—yet degree of implementation varies from person to person which makes God’s communication unnecessary. Religious leaders spoke against ego as the root cause of all human problems; yet after their death, followers continued with their ego and its divisive tendency. Germany remained divided as East Germany and West Germany for 44 years, and then showed the example of reunion; yet this good example has no effect on other countries (such as North Korea & South Korea; India & Pakistan …) who still remain divided at a very great cost to themselves. A few countries (such as Switzerland) have never taken part in any war, yet this good example has no effect on other countries. At least 108 million people were killed and many others suffered other losses in various wars in the twentieth century alone. (http://www.nytimes.com/2003/07/06/books/chapters/what-every-person-should-know-about-war.html) And there were 263 wars fought in just 116 years from 1900 A.D. (http://www.war-memorial.net/wars_all.asp).
Hence, Jezebel is a symbol of all those who know what is right and do not act accordingly.
even wicked queen jezebel knew ‘what is good and what is bad’ because she described those who hurt others for no reason as “good-for-nothing.” (1 king 21:10).
from her comment the following universal truths can be discerned:.
1) everyone is endowed with the knowledge of good and bad, which makes god’s communication with humans unnecessary.
The point I wanted to highlight was that what is found practical by some may not be viewed so by others--its technicality matters not.
When a temptress (very beautiful young lady) approached Bhuddha, he addressed her "Mother, what can I do for you?" which turned her into his disciple. What is found possible by Buddha may not be viewed so by others. But that is not what matters. If it is possible for some, then it is possible for others too if they want.
even wicked queen jezebel knew ‘what is good and what is bad’ because she described those who hurt others for no reason as “good-for-nothing.” (1 king 21:10).
from her comment the following universal truths can be discerned:.
1) everyone is endowed with the knowledge of good and bad, which makes god’s communication with humans unnecessary.
Whether she proved good-for-nothing is different matter.
What is important is that even she knew what is good and what is bad
even wicked queen jezebel knew ‘what is good and what is bad’ because she described those who hurt others for no reason as “good-for-nothing.” (1 king 21:10).
from her comment the following universal truths can be discerned:.
1) everyone is endowed with the knowledge of good and bad, which makes god’s communication with humans unnecessary.
Even wicked queen Jezebel knew ‘what is good and what is bad’ because she described those who hurt others for no reason as “good-for-nothing.” (1 King 21:10). From her comment the following universal truths can be discerned:
Everyone is endowed with the knowledge of good and bad, which makes
God’s communication with humans unnecessary.
2) God is
required to fine-tune the earth to make it congenial for life and for its
enjoyment; but God is not required
to be a distributor of those resources because humans who are endowed with
knowledge of good and bad must of necessity know how to make a fair
distribution of what is given to them.
3) People
may act according to their knowledge or not—that is their choice. For example,
many countries feel they cannot live without war thus makes wastage of
unimaginable proportion whereas many countries (more than 10 countries) know
that they can live without war and have never partaken in any war, which means
even good example of some countries has no effect on other countries just like
good individuals have no effect on others.
4) Those who want any guidance should seek it in the vast ocean of experience (own or of others)
much as been revealed over the years to the date setting doctrines made by the wts.
such as ( 1874, 1914, 1925 , 1975 this generation, the last days, the end times etc.... which were not created by other christian based faiths.. as to critically examine why might reveal a hidden agenda to all these date setting proclamations.. the point in question is did the wts and its leaders intentionally manipulate or exploit the preaching of the gospel to enhance the proliferation of their own printed publications ?.
i would say convincingly yes, no question.
Here is the proof. The Watchtower, October 15, 1969, pages 622-3 declared: "More recently earnest researchers of the Holy Bible have made a recheck of its chronology. According to their calculations the six millenniums of mankind's life on earth would end in the mid-seventies.”
This was a mere publicity stunt because in 1975 the Watchtower had spent nearly 2 million dollars to buy the Neo Baroque building in New York known as The Towers only to sell it later when they get maximum returns of 10,000%--they sold it recently for 200 million dollars.
disclaimer: i do not approve or condone any acts of violence that result in the deaths of innocent persons.. alright.. let me just say that i have no idea what motivated the latest mass shooting, nor do i condone those actions.
i am, however, beginning to understand why some individuals may feel that violence is their only choice, although i do not approve of that choice.. when i read topics on this forum that concern religion and legalism, topics that drone on and on, getting nowhere, i feel extremely frustrated.
yes, religions are given certain freedoms, but many are obviously going beyond the spirit that motivated the separation of church and state.
Great question: "If you reap what you sow, will Religion ironically bring about its own demise?"
i happen to be cruising around the net and stumbled upon this question on a different forum.
how do jw's answer jesus words in john 6:54 today?.
"whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and i will raise them up at the last day.
Great post.
What is symbolic must also be true literally. You one can drink wine as though blood of somebody, it makes no difference if you literally drink blood of somebody. Jesus makes no difference between doings--literal or symbolic: "I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to desire her has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Mathew 5:29)
1) god gives more wisdom to solomon to become the wisest ever lived on earth.. 2) using this “higher”wisdom, he solved a problem involving two women who claimed ownership of a child looking at the facial expression of the dishonest woman.
* his ruling revealed that ‘a loving mother would not permit her child to be killed’ (1 king 3:27).
this ruling reportedly rooted at the “higher wisdom” given to solomon by god actually backfires on god whose core quality is love and yet he sent his son to be murdered for the betterment of mankind—a thing which no parents can teach their children because it would shock them.. 3) if jesus really came to be murdered and thus “to take away the sin of the world” (john 1:29), he would have used his superhuman skills to explain this incomprehensible teaching (killing the innocent removes the sins of the sinners).
You can't agree with this because you have heard ransom teaching many times and accepted it on the force of its repetition. Suppose you are hearing this for the first time, then think how reasonable it is, that would make the difference. This is how it was happened to me. I believed many things such as ransom teaching because others were believing it. But when I analysed as though hearing each belief for the first time, I had to shun many of them.