Any intervention in the form of miracle always happen in past tense?!, not in present sense. It's only story brought forward to the present from the past where no witnesses are necessary.
found this little gem when going through the daily texts.... so let me get this straight.... god knows your suffering really badly and wants to help.
he knows you feel like you're at your limit, but he also knows that you are not really - that you can handle some more suffering.
so instead of helping, he "patiently" waits till you are at your absolute limit, and only then does he help!?.
found this little gem when going through the daily texts.... so let me get this straight.... god knows your suffering really badly and wants to help.
he knows you feel like you're at your limit, but he also knows that you are not really - that you can handle some more suffering.
so instead of helping, he "patiently" waits till you are at your absolute limit, and only then does he help!?.
It shows they have no idea why humans should suffer! Even a cursory look would reveal that there is violation of law(s) behind suffering, and there is observance of law(s) behind well-being. Everything goes by law. Look at the wonderful mechanism called seeds. Each of all the species on earth (about 8.7 million) reproduces only its own kind, which shows how perfectly laws are working. Both well-being (when laws are observed) and ill-effects (when laws are violated) are results of some laws at work, like two sides of a coin. For example, in skillful cooking, delicious dishes are produced which means some laws are perfectly observed. In careless cooking, what you cook is burned, or food item being turned black into carbon, which again means some laws are at work. Living things contain the element carbon. That is because many organic compounds are present in living things such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. Organic compounds contain both the elements Hydrogen and Carbon besides any other elements that may be present in a compound. Therefore, anything that was once alive that you cook and subsequently burn, will turn black and the charred material will definitely contain the element carbon. The unexpected ill-effects from violating some laws are felt as suffering and as bad. Interestingly, God cannot get involved in the affairs of mankind because everyone’s viewpoint varies. Humanity’s situation can be symbolized by a potter and an umbrella merchant. Potter whose business depends on sun would pray no rain should come whereas an umbrella merchant would pray for rain to come always because rain is a source of suffering for the potter and the same is a source of business for the umbrella merchant.
However, suffering helps the humble who would take lessons from it and would be careful in the future to avoid things that led to suffering. For example, a person not careful about being hygienic is finally to suffer from related diseases which would give him a thirst to be hygienic. That means suffering glorifies the well-being.
jonah account as given in the bible proves the account is illogical, hence written by thoughtless human writer because:.
1) god is shown to be forcing jonah against his will.
(god would not go against the free-will of his children because history shows: he doesn’t punish atheists nor does he do any favors to theists).
You asked: “Do you think the Bible is worth bothering with? If so, why is that? What about the book of mormon or the rig vedas?”
I have read most of the scriptures of major religions, and found they are all paraphernalia of devotion, designed to keep the flock looking to leaders. Just like we see one or two verses such as Mathew 5:44-48 in the Bible as true and beneficial, they may also have some few verses true.
jonah account as given in the bible proves the account is illogical, hence written by thoughtless human writer because:.
1) god is shown to be forcing jonah against his will.
(god would not go against the free-will of his children because history shows: he doesn’t punish atheists nor does he do any favors to theists).
Such stories are paraphernalia of devotion. We have good Samaritan story. Yet what effect does it have on believers? My colleague used to say in her native country, a poor boy who sought Arch Bishop's help to continue his studies was sent out in a sarcastic tone. Boy left Catholicism and he is now the country's best singer who has recorded more than 100,000 songs in a number of languages. Yet people who may not know about the parable of good Samaritan may help those in need.
jonah account as given in the bible proves the account is illogical, hence written by thoughtless human writer because:.
1) god is shown to be forcing jonah against his will.
(god would not go against the free-will of his children because history shows: he doesn’t punish atheists nor does he do any favors to theists).
Parables are made to obscure meaning, thus to keep the flock looking to leaders who thus become the beneficiaries. All the parables Jesus purportedly made may not have been made by him because he categorically declared: “For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." (Mathew 11:30) Such a person would not say: ““The kingdom of heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into about sixty pounds[b] of flour until it worked all through the dough” (Mathew 13:33) and leave it without explaining what it means, and nobody knows what he meant (which defeats the very purpose of communication)
jonah account as given in the bible proves the account is illogical, hence written by thoughtless human writer because:.
1) god is shown to be forcing jonah against his will.
(god would not go against the free-will of his children because history shows: he doesn’t punish atheists nor does he do any favors to theists).
I get ideas from unlearning, and from inference: for example,
1) Conflicted religions and scriptures, and God is not doing anything to straighten them out (which means religions and scriptures do not belong to God)
2) Order and fine-tuning prove existence of laws which in turn existence of Law-Giver. Ill-effects that result from violation of laws which are often felt like suffering is also part of working of Law. Both the results—well-being (when laws are observed) and ill-effects (when laws are violated) are only the part of workings of law, like two sides of a coin. For example, in skillful cooking, delicious dishes are produced which means some laws are perfectly observed. In careless cooking, what you cook is burned and turns black, or food item being turned into carbon, which again means some laws are at work. In other words, this unexpected ill-effect too happened according to some law. Living things contain the element carbon. That is because many organic compounds are present in living things such as carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids. Organic compounds contain both the elements Hydrogen and Carbon besides any other elements that may be present in a compound. Therefore, anything that was once alive that you cook and subsequently burn, will turn black and the charred material will definitely contain the element carbon. The unexpected ill-effects from violating some laws are felt as suffering and as bad. However, suffering helps the humble who would take lessons from it and would be careful in the future to avoid things that led to suffering. For example, a person not careful about being hygienic is finally to suffer from related diseases which would give him a thirst to be hygienic. That means suffering glorifies the well-being.
3) There will always be things which we will not understand (which means those who want to search, life would be thrilling for which I am the proof)
if someone believes they're being plagued with demons or they have problems with hauntings, things moving by themselves or hearing voices or footsteps, who they gonna call?
i know they take demons very seriously, so who in the congregation do they go to when they need to bring out the big guns?
do they try to handle it themselves or is this a job for the elders?
If JWs are God's people, and if demons really exist, they would simply stamp them out completely. If that did not happen, it means either JWs are not God's people, or demons do not exist.
If demons exist, they must be perverted and would enjoy seeing the pains of others. If so, they would know how to make all the nukes of the world explode on their own and kill every human being on earth. They don't do it, which means demons do not exists.
jonah account as given in the bible proves the account is illogical, hence written by thoughtless human writer because:.
1) god is shown to be forcing jonah against his will.
(god would not go against the free-will of his children because history shows: he doesn’t punish atheists nor does he do any favors to theists).
Jonah account as given in the Bible proves the account is illogical, hence written by thoughtless human writer because:
1) God is shown to be forcing Jonah against his will. (God would not go against the free-will of His children because history shows: He doesn’t punish atheists nor does He do any favors to theists)
2) Unlike other prophets who prefixed their pronouncements with wordings such as “The word of the Jehovah came to me and said ……” “Jonah simply began by going a day’s journey into the city and then proclaimed, ‘Only forty days more and Nineveh will be overthrown.’ And the people of Nineveh believed in God.” (Jonah 3:4-5) This is impossible because millions of miracles Jesus supposedly performed did not convert people who preferred Barabbas to Jesus.
3) Even Jesus went wrong with details of Jonah’s account. “For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of a huge fish, so the Son of Man will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth” (Mathew 12:40) John says Jesus was in the tomb for a quarter of day (of Friday) + full Saturday because on Sunday before sunrise, “Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark,” Jesus came out. (John 20:1)
4) Miracle God supposedly performed (keeping Jonah in fish’s belly for three days) converted Jonah. (God would not perform any miracle because earth is filled with miracles. For example, any seed is much more than a physical object because within it exists an invisible software-like-program in which the memory of billions and billions of its future generation remains protected).
i heard many times when i was a witness how much "learning the truth" helped people.
many have been said to have become much better people.
addictions were given up.
Men folk became more headship-minded, and women folk became more subjective-minded.
even wicked queen jezebel knew ‘what is good and what is bad’ because she described those who hurt others for no reason as “good-for-nothing.” (1 king 21:10).
from her comment the following universal truths can be discerned:.
1) everyone is endowed with the knowledge of good and bad, which makes god’s communication with humans unnecessary.