What DATA DOG wrote makes sense. Resurrection is possible only by ‘uploading soul into the new body.’
However, the implied truth of this is that soul is immortal and immutable taking charge of another body. This is what reincarnation means.
i woke up this morning thinking about when my mom died about 10 years ago.
she was an avid jdub and was confident that she would be resurrected to an earthly paradise petting zoo.
if i would today go to my mom's house and because god brought her back to life, saw her sitting in her favorite chair, would she really be my mom?
What DATA DOG wrote makes sense. Resurrection is possible only by ‘uploading soul into the new body.’
However, the implied truth of this is that soul is immortal and immutable taking charge of another body. This is what reincarnation means.
i woke up this morning thinking about when my mom died about 10 years ago.
she was an avid jdub and was confident that she would be resurrected to an earthly paradise petting zoo.
if i would today go to my mom's house and because god brought her back to life, saw her sitting in her favorite chair, would she really be my mom?
Sour Grape
You wrote: "There is not one shred of evidence that there has even been one resurrection on earth."
This is true. If there was one resurrection at any time in the history, that would have marked the end of all religions because that is the absolute proof the one who performed it is God, and everybody on earth would have abandoned his religion and followed Him.
during one co visit to our congregation, i was asked to work with co as i was a new publisher.
after some ordinary visits, we entered a house where there was only a lady who proved be well-educated.
though it was my turn, i told co to present the good news.
Thanks for sharing this!
She is really great taking pride in who she is and remaining true to her core self—thus refusing to erode herself at the preaching of others. It seems she knew true happiness lies in loving and celebrating oneself, not in imitating others in their beliefs. I really liked what she said: “I am not seeking happiness; but I am seeking a meaning to my life”which would automatically bring happiness.
i don't think the wt ever say anything about this prophecy.
if they did, i think they will say it is symbolic and that it doesn't mean damascus will be destroyed literally,.
but watching the things happening now in syria , it seems very possible that it could happen.. if this prophecy comes true, will those of you here who have rejected the bible as the word of god think twice regarding the bible?.
The very fact that God did not ensure non-tampering of the Bible shows that it doesn't belong to Him, nor any other scriptures because they all have been tampered with whereas Book of Nature cannot be tampered with by anyone. Many have discerned vital truths reading the Book of Nature.
Even if Bible somehow proved to be God's word, then problems are more because it has books in it contradicting to each other. If Damascus is destroyed we can say ok at the most some portion of the Bible is true.
But prophecy is not a too significant aspect because it can come from other source also:
For example, Craig Hamilton-Parker has had a streak of correct predictions about significant developments in geopolitics.
Chiefly among them are Brexit, and the election of Donald Trump in 2016.
As someone who sees the future, New Year's Eve is probably a night without much wonder, or hopeful anticipation.
Hamilton-Parker has deigned to share his visions with us.
Speaking in a video posted to his YouTube channel, he predicted:
Writing on his blog, Hamilton-Parker said that despite this gloomy list, the year 2018 will have some good moments.
2018 will be a year of political turmoil and environmental crisis caused by dramatic and unprecedented weather.
nothing is ever fixed, laws change and religious myth evolves.
no doubt the habiru (hebrew) forebears of the jews when arriving in the levantine highlands cherished their stone age practices and sacred rituals.
child and human sacrifice was a grim stone age social mechanism to make for balance, loyalty and control within a tribe.there was no connection then with an almighty spirit, polytheism ruled the hebrew mentality.
Hi punkofnice,
Those who seek happiness would not find it because a happy person does not have thoughts about being happy or unhappy—he is always in the now fully focused in what he does—which is the key to happiness.
Similarly, those who seek proof for God’s existence would not find it because they expect it to come from high-voltage theological/philosophical/scientific debates. But proof exists in what we see everyday which we make use of several times a day. For me, tree-seed mechanism that ensures food for us in all its varieties that take care of all our varying taste is the proof that God exists—because humans did not design it. In my garden there are some plants which would die if I don’t care for them which means not only a designer, but a tender caretaker is also needed for certain varieties of plants and trees. Suppose God withdraws this provision of tree-seed mechanism, we all would immediately cry for the reinstatement of this proof.
nothing is ever fixed, laws change and religious myth evolves.
no doubt the habiru (hebrew) forebears of the jews when arriving in the levantine highlands cherished their stone age practices and sacred rituals.
child and human sacrifice was a grim stone age social mechanism to make for balance, loyalty and control within a tribe.there was no connection then with an almighty spirit, polytheism ruled the hebrew mentality.
Situation is like Leo Tolstoy’s story of a man named, Pahom, who was obsessed by amassing more and more land, and in the process acquiring relentlessly more than enough only to fall to the ground, dead. His servant took a spade and dug a grave. He made it just long enough and just wide enough to match Pahom’s body and buried him. Here’s the title Tolstoy gave his story: “How Much Land Does a Man Need?” He ends this short story with this line: “Six feet from his head to his heels was all that man needed”.
People know the essence of this story, still they repeat what Pahom did. Similarly, even a cursory look is enough to know that Bible doesn’t match the lofty personality of God, hence could be the work of puny humans. Still people would cling on to it.
some doubt about the bible completely, some partially.
what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.
would you still believe in a creator?.
If God were not performing the act of renewal (Mathew 19:28) at the regular interval, universe would have gone into a state of darkness long back in view of the eternity. If universe exists, earth remains with its life support system … all go to show that God is in action. And my conviction is strengthened by what I read in the Book of Nature. In nature everything happens in cycles. Even history is a never-ending cycle of New World and Old World [or cycle of paradise earth becoming a hellish earth which would again be renewed to paradise earth]—something Jesus implied in Mathew 19:28. But this is very much seen in the Book of Nature. Nature has a rhythm and things happen in cycles—cycle of day and night, cycle of season, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle… etc. There are cycles happening within us too—our breathing is a cycle of inhaling and exhaling; cells in our bodies become old and are being replaced with new ones at regular intervals! Even when we sleep at night, we typically go through several sleep cycles. And each one of these cycles consists of 4 different stages of sleep—awake, light sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep. Those cycles show a mutual interdependence and purpose. For example, each season emerges from the previous and gently turns into the next. Winter snows feed the ground for Spring’s blossoms. Summer’s heat ripens the plants for Fall’s harvest. While in day, we desire for night and vice versa. While in hot Summer we wish it was Fall. While in cold Winter we wish it was Spring. While in old, decadent world we wish for New World—and God does it in His time.
the bible passage at luke 15 speaks about being a "sheep who is lost".
the shepherd looks for and brings the sheep back into the fold.. the passage at matthew 13 speaks about the righteous being like wheat - kept separate from the weeds.. but, there is an inherent problem with both passages!
for what reason are the sheep saved?
All symbols are like traffic lights--red, amber, green. They convey some specific messages. Sheep & goat, and wheat and weed are contrasted like the humble and the proud are contrasted. These are to be seen in their essence, not in details.
i’m 71 years old now.
seven decades plus.
but, i put that in perspective owing to the fact that my older brother died in 1992 at the age of only 51. it was a very sobering time for me even though i was only 45 at the time.
Extremists made life look like very complicated with concepts such as heaven, heal, mortality etc. If we start thinking fresh, then life is very simple. We descend to play and return home. Thus descending and returning alternate eternally. Certain degree of order makes life enjoyable; and simultaneously certain degree of disorder such as diseases, natural calamities make us want to return home. We cannot go on drinking/eating something sweet without its sweetness being felt diminishing. But when we alternate with something not sweet [like we take a sip, then have something not sweet, again have a sip ...] we enjoy sweetness again, and again. Principle is shown also by day and night. How boring it would be if we have only night. In nature everything happens in cycles. Even history is a never-ending cycle of New World and Old World [or cycle of paradise earth becoming a hellish earth which would again be renewed to paradise earth]—something Jesus implied in Mathew 19:28. But this is very much seen in the Book of Nature. Nature has a rhythm and things happen in cycles—cycle of season, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle… etc. There are cycles happening within us too—our breathing is a cycle of inhaling and exhaling; cells in our bodies become old and are being replaced with new ones at regular intervals! Even when we sleep at night, we typically go through several sleep cycles. And each one of these cycles consists of 4 different stages of sleep—awake, light sleep, deep sleep and REM sleep. Those cycles show A MUTUAL INTERDEPENDENCE and purpose. For example, each season emerges from the previous and gently turns into the next. Winter snows feed the ground for Spring’s blossoms. Summer’s heat ripens the plants for Fall’s harvest. While in day, we desire for night and vice versa. While in hot Summer we wish it was Fall. While in cold Winter we wish it was Spring. Hence you will continue to exist in some form, somewhere. It is like sun—when it sets here, it has already risen elsewhere. Likewise, death here is birth elsewhere. For life is eternal. In reality, there is no death.
some doubt about the bible completely, some partially.
what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.
would you still believe in a creator?.
I read in between the lines, events and isms, and this is my conclusion:
Looking at events at an Olympic swimming pool, one cannot conclude swimmers are the emergent properties of the swimming pool.
Looking at things such as flowers, varied fruits and grains … that match our varied tastes I must conclude that they have been put in place for our enjoyment.
Looking at the history of nations (collective individuals) we find that their present is the result of past—good or bad. This must be true of every individual. Every seed/species reproduces its own kind, and everyone reaps what he sows: “With the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” (Luke 6:38) God’s role is illustrated in what Jesus said in Mathew 19:28: ‘God is the one who renews/recreate the provisions made for man’s sustenance and enjoyment whenever they are depleted/destroyed.’ When the old world ends, all the souls return to heaven, as though children returning for home from play ground, and remain there till the new world is recreated/renewed on earth, and start coming down to play in certain order. And cycle repeats.
In other words, life is not complicated. We descend to play and return home. Thus descending and returning alternate eternally. Certain degree of order makes life enjoyable; and simultaneously certain degree of disorder such as diseases, natural calamities make us want to return home. We cannot go on drinking/eating something sweet without its sweetness being felt diminishing. But when we alternate with something not sweet--we take a sip then have something not sweet, again have a sip ..., we enjoy sweetness again, and again. Principle is shown also by day and night. How boring it would be if we have only night.
In other words, the best definition for God is He is the servant of humanity because His role is only once in a cycle—to renew/recreate whenever situation calls for it. Then He goes into silence which means He is not interested in our worship/gratitude.