find three categories of people according to the way they display their human qualities—(1)
more than humans, (2) less than humans and (3) mixed
in those qualities in varying degrees.
When I observe how they are all faring with their choices, it
tells me what I should do and what I should not do. Hence my Scripture is the
mankind and letters are living human beings—present and past. Though it is not
possible to see beyond an individual’s birth, I can see the history of nations (collective
individuals) beyond their present generation into their past, through many
generations which shows how their past deeds contributed to their present
reality. What is true of collective individuals is true of each individual.
Each one’s thinking creates his reality—hence everyone receives what he deserves.
scriptures contain both—good and confusing things
Written scriptures can be tampered with, or writers could be
unwittingly serving the interests of their sponsors. For example, Bible reports
on Go’s communication—one time even through a donkey to avert a disaster that
was looming over Israel. (Numbers 22:21-39) It means God can communicate with
anyone, anytime, anywhere and through any medium. Yet He is often depicted as
communicating with the wrong people!
1) God did not give advance information to Abel,
the innocent, saying ‘You should not go when Cain invite you because he wants
to murder you using deception.’ Yet we find God speaking to Cain after he had murdered
his innocent brother and even offering His help and support to him: “’anyone
who kills Cain will suffer
vengeance seven times over.’ Then
the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one who
found him would kill him.” (Genesis 4:15)
2) God did not alert Uriah, the innocent one,
saying ‘beware of David who is scheming to murder you so that he can steal your
wife.’ (2 Samuel 11) Yet God has only full of mercy and praise for David which
is spread throughout the Bible (Psalm 89:3, 28; Jeremiah 23:5, 6; Luke 1:31,
32; Revelation 22:16)
3) When He sent Jesus, God assured him ‘people
would respect him’ (Mathew 21:37) rather than telling him he would be killed.
Yet we find God making last minute patch-up work communicating with the wife of
Pontius Pilate, Roman Governor. (Mathew 27:19)
4) God is depicted as supporter of slavery.
(Mathew 5:41; 24:45; Ephesians 6:5; Colossians 3:22 ….)
shows Bible writers were unwittingly serving the interest of the mighty ones of
the earth rather than the Almighty of the heavens. First they wrote, and later
they attributed to it inspiration from God, just like Jacob did. Jacob (who was
renamed Israel by God) presumptuously went ahead and robbed Laban, his
father-in-law and employer (30:33-42), an act Laban described as “deception”
(Genesis 31:26, 27); yet Jacob later attributes God’s direction in whole episode
written scriptures can leave us more confused. However, when we look at the
living Scripture or living drama that is going on earth we find how each one
fares with his choices which would show what we should do and what we should
[First para is Inspired by the householder in FS experience narrated by Ireneus-A Field Service that gave a shock to the CO]