Though Bible contains much meaningless things,
it also contains some truths here and there which came there not because of
inspiration, but because of intuition of some of its writers in line with what
is observed in nature. One among them sheds light on God’s activity and His silence
in between.
Compare the following three things:
“Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth
and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit.”
(John 12:24)
The Parable of the Prodigal Son Luke 15:11–32
“Renewal of system of things” when it becomes
decadent. (Mathew 19:28)
Just like every seed dies and new tree appears,
system of things on earth goes through phases such as new creation, growth, becoming
old/decadent which eventually requires renewal.
This would mean God has only one act to perform—renewal
whenever system of things on earth becomes too decadent, after which He goes
into silence. Thus God’s activity is not seen 99.99% of the time. Some may
interpret this situation as proof of non-existence of God. But in fact, this is
the proof of His elevated standard of non-intervention in the affairs of man
who is like Him in qualities, hence can solve any problem. But humans remain
perfect for some time and then they turn into seeking their own limited agenda
which is at the root of system of things becoming decadent.
The more humble a person, the less bothered he
would be about results such as gratitude/ingratitude and honor/dishonor. Looking
from His actions, God can be defined as
the servant of humanity because He has made abundant provisions for our
sustenance and also for enjoyment of our life (look at the variety of fruits,
flowers …etc). In other words, He recreates such provisions whenever they go
depleted/destroyed, and goes into silence which means He is not interested in
receiving our gratitude, honor or worship.
Now back to the illustration of seed of wheat. Seed-tree-seed
mechanism is eternal. If a seed is boiled/ burnt it would not sprout. If
materialism were true, and everything had a beginning at some point in time, it
would mean before such a beginning, situation was like that of seed being boiled/burnt
with no possibility for a seed or tree to come into existence. Thus materialism
is out of the picture which means seed-tree-seed mechanism is the eternal truth,
and God is the Supreme Seed.