Bible gives a very beneficial principle when it states “too much talk” is problematic whereas “anyone who holds his tongue is prudent.” (Proverb 10:19) In harmony with this if Bible had given us just enough verses like this: “Remember God always and do everything as an offering to Him” (Ecclesiastes 12:1; Colossians 3:17), it could have kept itself invincible.
Instead, it started to speak “too much” which often backfired. For example,
1) Too much information on a too less important subject (such as woman’s menstruation) and yet too less information on too important subject such as creation which comes in just one sentence: God created “the mankind in His image.” (Genesis 1:27)
2) Jesus was taken to a mountain top so that he and Satan could see “all the kingdoms of the earth” [which is in support of flat-earth belief], and Satan tried to tempt Jesus by offering them all in exchange of an act of worship to him. Such a temptation makes no sense because “all those kingdoms” were already belonged to God and to Jesus. (Proverbs 21:1; Daniel 4:17, 25, 35; Jeremiah 27:5-7; Ezekiel 7:24; Romans 13:1, 6; Ps 110:1; Mathew 22:42-45) Further, Jesus was a supernatural person as he is “the exact representation of God’s very being” (Hebrew 1:3) and “the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father” (John 1:18), hence is able to perform supernatural feats such as calming the storm, resurrecting the dead…etc. For such a person to come out victorious over Satan’s temptation provides no example for the ordinary people like us. [Like chicken find no example in peregrine falcon’s diving speed of 389 km/h]
3) If all the wonders Jesus performed were to be written “even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written” (John 21:25) Now the question would arise: Why did the beneficiaries of all the miracles Jesus performed not come in support of him—not even one person when he was tried under false charges, or at least why did they not come in support of preaching work even after Jesus’ death? [especially in view of the fact that even criminals come in support of their human leader when he is in trouble]