I would ask:
What makes you stick to the organization even after numerous changes it made in the teaching--something that is not the sign of being God-directed?
hi guys.
sooner or later we're going to get a jw knocking on our door.
just like when we were jw's doing the knocking, it's good to have a question prepared to get them thinking about their own beliefs.
I would ask:
What makes you stick to the organization even after numerous changes it made in the teaching--something that is not the sign of being God-directed?
if you get the chance, watch this documentary:.
substitute the name kim jong un for the governing body and it's exactly the same!
This is how Jesus defined hypocrisy "You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye." (Mathew 7:5)
When they see their own traits in others, JWs describe it as the identifying marks of "seed of serpent."
to revolt is a natural tendency of life.
even a worm turns against the foot that crushes it.
the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt.
I appreciate that.
It is true that all revolt is a reaction, and all reaction is not a rebellion. When JWs suffer passively, this is also a reaction. Hence to differentiate from this, revolt may be good even though it may carry a negative connotation. Yet, revolt could be positive when it is used for freedom and against oppression, as happened in the case of American revolt against the British. It is in this land of hard-earned freedom that we find JWs thriving suppressing the freedom of their members.
to revolt is a natural tendency of life.
even a worm turns against the foot that crushes it.
the vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt.
To revolt is a natural tendency of life. Even a worm turns against the foot that crushes it. The vitality and relative dignity of an animal can be measured by the intensity of its instinct to revolt. It follows: human dignity is measured by the intensity of its instinct to question.
If a JW excises this basic instinct, he is not only disfellowshipped but is eternally shunned.
Thus, creation proves JW system is wrong. What creation proves is necessarily of the will of the Creator.
google news featured the following article.
will the world end on saturday?...then there were the followers of charles taze russell, a 19th-century preacher who looked for jesus’ return and the resurrection of the dead (christians only, please) in 1878 (and again in 1914).
they became jehovah’s witnesses, who now ring doorbells around the world (and are persecuted for it in some places — looking at you, russia).
A catholic nun who claimed to have received vision from Mary too adds to the news
just wanted to share an interesting read.. i have purchased the ebook "how jesus became christian" by historian and philosopher barrie a. wilson.. it's a book by a scholar but it's not written in dense academic language, thus, is easily readable by the general public (unlike, for example, the incredibly dense "james, the brother of jesus", by robert eisenman).
in this book, wilson invites the reader to inquiry how the 'jesus movement' and his early followers, entirely part of the jewish framework, became metamorphosed into the 'christ movement' that rejected the torah, and was much more related to mystical religions of the greco-roman world.
how did this change came about?
Samuel Sandmel gives us in "The Genius of Paul" one of the bast understandings of Paul the Apostle that has ever been written; yet in between the lines one can read how Jesus was invented.
one’s mindset and its conditioning pursue what one believes to be the “truth” which it says ‘i can perceive with my senses.
this makes possible for the life to be perceived in many different ways.
imagine all were born blind.
When I wrote about water, I was trying to show that truth changes according to circumstance. Ask: Does the sun rise in the east? You will have many contradicting answers, yet all are right to the level of understanding capacity of the listener.
Sun rises in the East (right for the ordinary)
Where the sun rises is East (right for the educated)
Sun never rises nor sets (right for the highly educated ones)
You also ask: “Does 'truth' even exist?”
1) It depends on your definition of what truth is. When someone is owning up what he says you may say he is truthful. Finding someone as speaking truth during a job interview, you may appoint him in your company. But when you find his later actions as proving that he was only trying to impress you during interview with his truthfulness which he obviously used as a means to get into your company to undermine your good-will, what you called truth in the beginning would be actually falsehood in the over-all perspective even though it s true in the limited perspective.
2) During war time, what is normal activity like driving the vehicle with head-light on during the night would be wrong. And during peace, driving the vehicle without head-light on during night would be wrong. Yet there is an underlying principle that remains unchanged which you can call truth—safety of the people during peace time, and safety of the country as a whole during war time.
In the broader perspective we can say what exists is true—what is transient is true for a limited period, and what remains as the invisible support to the transient is true for unlimited period. For example, a seed has a physical appearance which remains for some time and disappears later. Yet it has an invisible software programme in which future generations remain protected which can be called true for longer period.
wt state that the global flood that wiped everything away happened in 2370 bce.. there's been a wealth of evidence from many quarters which prove that life continued as normal for civilizations during that time period.. now scotland adds to that body of evidence as detailed in this bbc report:.
neolithic orkney - new study.
key dates indicated by the study.
Even Chinese civilization continued untouched by the so-called "global flood."
What I find it difficult to digest is that God chose such an option of flood which caused more trouble to the righteous man Noah and his small family than those who were destroyed in flood--they had to endure a suffering of a few minutes, then we find God repenting about His action (which would not happen with God)
john 1:3 states in the nwt, "all things came into existence through him, and apart from him (the word, or jesus) not even one thing came into existence.".
the wt states apart from him one thing came into existence, that is, jesus the first created being.. is there an explanation for this apparent contradiction?.
The whole gospel of John was written later with a view to validate the Holy Mass celebration of the Church, hence we find elaborate explanation about 'this is my flesh and blood ...." which would not have been missed by other gospel writers who wrote earlier to John. Internal evidence too suggests that gospel is a later invention. For example, For example, Jesus did not say what is reportedly said in John 3:13 where it says he ascended into heaven at the very start of his ministry (which brings the question: then who did all the works attributed to Jesus?); and it follows, if John 3:13 is based on imagination then following verses such as John 3:16 on which the main purpose of Jesus' coming on to earth is built upon is also imaginary!]
If the whole gospel is based on imagination, then John 1:3 too would lack meaning.
anyone who questions the governing bodys authority is labelled as an apostate and almost always they bring up the story of korah and his revolt against moses.. watchtower august 1st, 2002, the article loyally submit to godly authority paragraphs 8-15.. https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2002563.
in not so subtle hint, the gb likens themselves to moses, and those who disagree with the gb are korah.. paragraph 15 is actually quite damaging to the gb's argument though:.
it was so unnecessary for all those people to lose their lives.
Characters like Korah are created to safeguard authority of leaders