They don't know such probing stifles one's joy--still they ask. They don't know no one misses meeting for no reason. They are yet to know the meaning of Mat 7:12
Posts by venus
We missed you at the meetings...
by punkofnice inhow many times have you heard that trope?.
i found it more irritating than a dose of farmers on the bum.
i've even said it when i was a brainwashed jobo drone.
Illogicality of preaching
by venus innot all scripture is god-breathed.
there are verses that also dishonor god.
for example, subject of preaching seems to be too illogical even though it is the very basis of many sects [especially of jw organization which defines itself as the preaching organization].
1) God-breathed scriptures are those which are prima facie true—like Mathew 5:44-48. They need no interpretation like saying ‘the whole is greater than its part”
2) Fear evoked in verses such as Mathew 10:28, 33; Ezekiel 3:18 is morbid fear, not healthy fear as you feel.
3) Governments asking for valid documents is not a valid comparison with Mathew 10:32, 33.
4) Knowing what is right and what is wrong is more than enough to suggest that preaching is not necessary. If one knows what to do, then it is up to him—he may or may not do it. Others have nothing to do with his decision. This is why even God chooses not to respond to people who try to dishonor Him—nothing will be accomplished. He gives freedom even to deny Him
5) Many of the verses are not inspired. If you step on to the 1st step of a staircase having 10 steps, you won’t say: “No one has climbed the whole 10 steps of this staircase except me.” Now read John 3:13 where Jesus is reportedly saying: “No one has ascended into heaven except him.” How can he say this in the beginning of his ministry—he ascended into heaven in the end of his ministry. Try this verse as a sample, and you will find many verses falling into this category.
Illogicality of preaching
by venus innot all scripture is god-breathed.
there are verses that also dishonor god.
for example, subject of preaching seems to be too illogical even though it is the very basis of many sects [especially of jw organization which defines itself as the preaching organization].
Not all Scripture is God-breathed. There are verses that also dishonor God. For example, subject of preaching seems to be too illogical even though it is the very basis of many sects [especially of JW organization which defines itself as the preaching organization]. To mention a few reasons why preaching commission is illogical:
1) Preaching commission is followed by all sorts of unreasonable instructions (such as 10:23, 34, 37 …etc. compare Ezekiel 3:18) which would not originate from God or Jesus. It is unlikely that they would say ‘fear should be your motive behind your service to God’ (Mathew 10:28, 33) because what is done out of fear is mechanical and is also as good as nothing being done.
2) In contrast to Mathew 6:2, 3, 5, 16 where he said what is done for reward is useless, it is unlikely that Jesus would say: “Every one therefore who shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father who is in heaven.” (Mathew 10:32) This statement (often used to encourage the preachers to do more) dishonors Jesus and God because it essentially means: ‘If you do this we will do that for you’ which is a worldly attitude against which Jesus himself cautions us in great detail (John chapter 15, 17 … etc) and contradicts other fundamental truths Jesus emphasized earlier such as Mathew 5:44-48.
3) Result-wise too preaching is unnecessary as it accomplishes nothing because everyone already knows what is right and wrong. For example, people are quick to notice the wrong when it is committed by others [which proves they know ‘what is wrong?’] and are quick to seek glory for the good when it is committed by themselves [which proves they know ‘what is right?’]. We all know what actions of others make us happy and unhappy which means we know what actions to be adopted and what actions to be avoided in relation to others. We have also an ocean of experiences (of our own and of others) to decide what is beneficial and harmful.
4) We are already endowed with the capacity to live as though in heaven. When we are fully focused on the now we live as though in heaven [for example, three hours in an examination hall are felt by us like three seconds; in contrast three hours waiting in the Airport when we have something urgent to do on arrival are felt by us like three days]. When we base our happiness on perfect behavior of others we live as though in hell because they cannot often rise to the level of our expectation as actions of others depend on many factors and forces often beyond their control. Even when we are wronged, we have the freedom to move ahead leaving the past where it belongs to and to fully focus on the now which again makes us live as though in heaven. Jesus reiterated this saying: “the kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21)
[Unfortunately, here too preachers tried to distort the meaning replacing the phrase “within you” with the phrase “in your midst.” But they didn’t know Jesus did mean Kingdom of God is “within” or “inside” us because he used the same Greek word in other unambiguous verses (such as Luke 11:39) where he says: “You Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness.” If one wants he can choose to make his life heaven or hell. It’s all within us because our mind is too wonderful that it can choose to be self-contented (like some of the poor people do) or greedy (like some of the rich people do) in any circumstances.]Thus, the major subject of preaching too falls into the category of God-dishonoring subjects such as those where God is shown as saying ‘I don’t like humans to become like Me’ (Genesis 3:22); ‘I would not permit humans to undertake engineering wonders’ (Genesis 11:4-7); ‘I authorize plundering and killing’ (Numbers 31); ‘Let sinners do the greatest sin of murdering an innocent, the value of which I would use to take away the sins of the world’ (John 1:29); ‘I have predetermined everything that happens’ (Isaiah 40:13; Ephesians 1:3-12; Romans 8:28) ….etc. all of which are obviously the product of human thinking.
Why should WE be the bloodguilty ones??
by stuckinarut2 init struck me just how odd and weird it is that jws are told that if they do not preach, they are "bloodguilty" for failing to warn people of the upcoming destruction at armageddon.. hang on a minute now, hang on!.
why should a mere human be made to feel "bloodguilty" and "responsible" for "failing to warn someone" of gods wrath??.
these average people are not the ones who are about to unleash a genocidal massacre on 99% of humanity (including babies born to non-witnesses).
You are right. God has not arranged any organization with absolute clarity that matches His messenger, hence God will not hold listeners like us blood-guilty. This is HIS assurance: "Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?" (1 Corinthians 14:8)
In addition, God knows everyone knows what is right and wrong [and it is not necessary to make people agree on this subject]. Hence preaching is unnecessary and it accomplishes nothing. For example, people are quick to notice the wrong when it is committed by others [which proves they know ‘what is wrong?’] and are quick to seek glory for the good when it is committed by them [which proves they know ‘what is right?’]. We all know what actions of others make us happy and unhappy which means we know what actions to be adopted and what actions to be avoided in relation to others. We have also an ocean of experiences (of our own and of others) to decide what is beneficial and harmful
Why should WE be the bloodguilty ones??
by stuckinarut2 init struck me just how odd and weird it is that jws are told that if they do not preach, they are "bloodguilty" for failing to warn people of the upcoming destruction at armageddon.. hang on a minute now, hang on!.
why should a mere human be made to feel "bloodguilty" and "responsible" for "failing to warn someone" of gods wrath??.
these average people are not the ones who are about to unleash a genocidal massacre on 99% of humanity (including babies born to non-witnesses).
The whole concept of need of preaching is based on illogical grounds. For example, Jesus reportedly warned: “Every one therefore who shall confess me before men, him will I also confess before my Father who is in heaven.” (Mathew 10:32) This statement (often used to encourage the preachers to do more) dishonors Jesus and God who sent him because it essentially means: ‘If you do this we will do that for you’ which is same as the commercial attitude of the world against which Jesus himself cautions us in great length (John chapter 15, 17 … etc) and contradicts other fundamental truths Jesus emphasized earlier such as Mathew 5:44-48.
It is unlikely that Jesus gave it especially because a spiritual person would not say ‘fear should be your motive behind your service to God’ (Mathew 10:28). What is done out of fear is mechanical and is also as good as nothing being done.
Paradise? Was it?
by TerryWalstrom inparadisewas it really paradise to be in paradise?adam and eve never were held by a mother, never cuddled and sung to with a lullaby nor nursed or coddled with tenderness or any human familial embrace.
the first humans (adam and eve) never learned to toddle surrounded by brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles and grandparents cheering them on.
the entire experience of childhood was excised surgically like a trauma patient awakening from an accident with amnesia.adam and eve were never in a neighborhood with other kids forming friendship bonds for life and exchanging dreams and hopes for a future they were building in their community.
Paradise description and its loss were the best humans could think of as the answer to the question “How did suffering arise?” If this description were correct, then its conclusion too should be correct where God is reportedly said: ‘He doesn’t like humans to become like Him’ (Genesis 3:22) which of course God the Father would not say. That means paradise and Adam and Eve story is a piece of human imagination, and is a parallel account of creation to Genesis chapter 1 where it says God created “mankind,” not one couple. (Genesis 1:26)
JW teaching about the final war of “Gog and Magog” and identity of “North King” may be wrong. Here is an interesting development
by venus ina modern day jewish prophet who correctly predicted the six day war in 1967 and the yom kippur war in 1973 has also predicted north korea would bomb seoul which would culminate in the final war of gog and magog.. .
for details.
A modern day Jewish prophet who correctly predicted the Six Day War in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War in 1973 has also predicted North Korea would bomb Seoul which would culminate in the final war of Gog and Magog.
for details
If Apostle Paul had been living in our time, would he have written certain things he did?
by venus in1) he wrote woman are not qualified to teach (1 corinthians 14:34).
in my experience, i have been taught by both teachers—male and female.
some of the female teachers were too wonderfully effective.
That's interesting information
Facing Existential Dread
by Brokeback Watchtower inthe watchtower corporations main appeal is a everlasting life, this makes it possible for one to avoid existential dread.
this type of anxiety is a part of the human condition, and it explains the appeal of many religions to the human condition as it offers some relief from the anxiety about our life ending.. psychologist show the importance for facing this dread/anxiety.
my feeling is that the more you can accept the fact that your life is very very temporal, the better you will live your life as you accept that you are very temporary and try to live life to the full and not be duped by religions appeal to calm this anxiety.. .
Great thread.
There is nothing to fear. I know I came through my parents who in turn came through their parents which goes into infinity; yet each one supplied the seed in which all future generations remains protected. Yet parents did not design the software that the physical thing called seed is based on. This shows there is some interesting purpose to life which everyone has to find out which makes the search a thrilling experience.
In some language, the word for heaven is coined out of two words which collectively means 'living in the awareness that I am child of God' which automatically makes feel confident of his enormous skills and talents, and if he also lives in the now exploring new avenues with his skills and talents he would live like being in heaven. On the contrary, if one is aware what others should do for him, or did to him, he would live like as though in hell.
What is the Baptism all about?
by Old Navy indoes the act of baptism make us a "member" of any group or organization?
or, is it something much greater in its purpose?.
when we as former jws came to the truthful conclusion that what the wtborg cult inc. was teaching/preaching was not an accurate representation of the word, many of us decided to look into every nook and cranny to see if we could discover the real truth.
With regard to its symbolic meaning it is very useful—dead to the old personality and emerging as alive to do God’s will. However, the Jews had this concept in-built into their very vocabulary. For example, the word for life is chayim in Hebrew. Chayim is written in the plural to imply truths such as:
1) Life cannot be lived alone. We come to life not on our own, but through our parents who came, in turn, through their parents which ultimately starts from God. In other words, one’s life has meaning only when he knows he is a child of God. Interestingly, Chayim is formed from the word Chai (alive) and im (if), suggesting that being alive is conditional on our union with God in the truth.
2) The plural also indicates each of us lives more than one life—inner and outer. It is not enough to have an upwardly mobile outer life filled with material possessions. It is not satisfying unless a person also has a richer inner life filled with meaning and purpose.
Hence for a Jew, there was no need of being taught through Baptism.