The story of Adam and Eve lacks signs of realism. It is unlikely that Adam and Eve would respond to such a lie the way they did. If they wanted to know whether they would die without eating from the tree, it is common sense that they should wait for sufficient time. For need of eating from that tree arises only when they are going to die. Hence no one would choose to eat from that tree before such a need arises. Waiting was safer option. While waiting, either of the two situations will arise—they will continue to live on and on (in this case, they don’t have to eat from that tree), or they will gradually sense that their body is moving towards death (in this case, they can try that particular tree to avert death). On the contrary, if they go ahead and eat from the tree, and thereafter find that they are going to die, what will they do? They have no other option left to try!
This shows story is symbolic. Jesus says history has entered into Old World at some point, and in some point this Old World would be renewed and again it would be made into New World. (Mathew 19:28) This is the key to understand the account of Adam and Eve. Genesis 1:26-31 says God created mankind as two groups—male and female. And this New World continued for some time about which it is apprised as “was very good.”
How this New World was turned into Old World is shown, in Genesis chapter 3, through Adam and Even who represent the mankind as a whole—Adam is collective man and Eve the collective woman. [In Hebrew Adam primarily means mankind.] Mankind as a whole turned their attention towards “fruit of the tree” or produce of the earth which means they turned into materialism which continues even now. Even religious people are materialistic because they take up various forms of worship to get material benefits [I want this, I want that …] from God which means worship is the means and materialism is the end.
In all cultures you will find something like this story which would show behind the details the same essence—taking attachment from God and attaching themselves with His things. When mankind displays God’s qualities it is called paradise or New World, and when they turn materialistic it becomes Old World. Whenever mankind depletes/destroys the provisions for life’s enjoyment, God renews it.