The fact that belief in God exerts no power over their attitude which expresses itself in keeping the GB filled the white until Kofi Atta Annan was elected as the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations in 1996 [JWs were too late to appoint one GB member from the black community (Samuel F. Herd) in the year 1999]
Posts by venus
In one sentence, can you pinpoint a single event that woke you up?
by Brian J inmy turning point: serving on a child abuse judicial case.
Sun can never be stopped which means sun did not stop. If part of Joshua's account is never took place, then it may apply to rest of his accounts too.
Animals Have Soul
by glenster inawwrr see the video at the next link:
Interesting video!
Original command was to lovingly take care of animals (Genesis 1:29, 30) That part of the history is described as “very good” (Genesis 1:31) Life span of people were longer—as symbolized by Methuselah who lived for 969 years (need not be literal, it only means he lived longer). Looking at his vibrant health, observers would doubt: ‘when he will die?’ That is what his very name, Methuselah, literally meant.
When humans turned egoistic, they began to see flesh as an object of enjoyment and began hunting (which was later copied by some animals too). To legitimize this change in habit, some invented the story of Noah’s flood whose very basis is irony. God supposedly wanted to protect Noah’s family and “two of all living creatures, male and female” (Gen 6:19) and to destroy the rest. After the flood, God says ‘now you can eat the animals.’ (Gen 9:3)
Immediately after the conclusion of such a great colossal event of Global Deluge which destroyed all species except “two of all living creatures”, God would naturally have made a long speech with specific details to avoid such a global catastrophe again. Instead, God is too brief saying: “Everything that lives and moves will be food for you” which is in conflict with His own earlier command (Gen 1:29) as though He had to destroy the world because people went wrong on their diet.
I feel like I am going crazy at times ...
by CovertsadJW ingood evening , .
i feel like i am going crazy - it’s so hard not being able to talk to the ones i love about how i really feel - meaning the “ truth “ is a big lie and a big waste of time.
it’s so weird - i can’t talk to my wife , or kids about how i really feel and it’s causing me probalms that i recognize.
They have the right to do what they like—as you appreciate your right to do what you like. Surrounding tries to turn us into something we are not which we may feel as strange. But we can make this situation itself into an accomplishment: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson). Me and my twin sister are in two different extreme as far as our beliefs are concerned—yet we live in harmony because we have decided not to comment on each other’s beliefs. I even go a step further—I do not even think about her beliefs. Beliefs are food to the mind. You can live together just like family members who are mixed—vegetarian and non-vegetarian.
by Freedom rocks indoes anyone celebrate valentines day since leaving the borg?
and which other celebrations if any do you now take part in?.
I celebrate all festivals because purpose of all festivals is to give a break from the hectic, mundane life style. Interestingly, the word for festival in many Eastern languages is utsav (meaning, that which elevates your mind) just like mandir (temple) which also means the same.
Dead Wrong (A Tolerance for Ambiguity)
by TerryWalstrom inwhat is your level of tolerance for ambiguity?.
ambiguity is a clunky, uncomfortable word, imho.. .
ambiguity means "open to more than one interpretation".
Much depends on the context. Henry Ford is right when he said: "'Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."
Hence I don't worry much about this; I transcend everything--then life becomes humorous. For example, if you keep going to North, you would reach South. Even conflicted isms end up in harmony. Christianity teaches a virgin (Mary) gave birth to a child; Hinduism teaches a virgin (Kunti) gave birth to 6 children; atheism teaches that matter (virgin) gave birth to 8.7 million life forms.
Did the Jews invent themselves and Israel in response to Hellenism
by Crazyguy inafter alexander the great died a greek family called the ptolemy’s took over egypt and the area we call israel today.
they instituted a new form of god worship for their empire the worship of the king and a new god named serapis.
serapis was a combination of several egyptian and greeks gods combined into one god.
It's all fabricated. If God had given a promise such as "I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth, so that if anyone could count the dust, then your offspring could be counted.” (Gen 13:16) why is it not fulfilled even now? Another proof is that Genesis mentions that early humans lived nearly 1000 years for which no fossil record exists. This is obviously because inventors felt tired of finding details to fill 4000 years history, hence they simply wrote Adam lived for 930 years, Methuselah lived for 969 years etc.
Is it ethical to have children?
by joey jojo inthis was a news article recently in an australian newspaper that caught my eye.. the premise was that to have a child is to inflict an extra human being onto the world and also, to inflict the world (with all its problems) onto the child.. there is a lot to say about this but from jw point of view, i have always believed it to be incredibly hypocritical that jw's have children in 'this system'.
all my life at the meeting i heard how little time we have left, how sick the world is, how i was probably going to be persecuted and end up in a jail cell for being a jw.
why would anyone want to become parents in this situation, particularly if they are confident there is only 'a short time left'?.
You can compare this to loading into a cargo ship. There is nothing wrong in loading goods to a cargo ship. But when it has crossed all the limits and ship is about to sink--at this point it is wise to think whether one should continue to load.
Bible Prophecy and the GB
by Lost in the fog inofriends, having followed many of your posts on this website, i am convinced that the prophecy of the last days as penned in 2nd timothy 3:1-7 is actually now being fulfilled by the present governing body.. .
2 tim 3:1… but know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here.
(definitely, we all face hardships from the gb policies.
Excellent post.
This and some of the recent posts (such as if one among GB raise an issue, would he be permitted to prove his point as Jehovah did with an angel; praying in the name of Michael; if imperfection and death automatically follow sin why not that in the case of Satan ...) show that real enlightenment happens here.
Fear of Dying
by SplaneThisToMe indid anyone else develop a weird fear of dying and death after leaving jw?
i recently left and have realized for the first time in my life that i’m not going to live forever.
anyone else have these same feelings toward discovering your own mortality?
You are fortunate to have that experience. I liked your expression: “I had a sense of drifting fwd and all cares and woes were gone behind me I was no longer a man, a husband, a dad and the voices of the ambulance crew were as many meters away, the sense of peace I had was better than morphine.”
Near Death Experiences are proofs that appear spontaneously when the victim has no control over his body or mind. “774 NDEs per day are experienced in the United States [according to a 1992 Gallup poll cited by the Near-Death Experience Research Foundation].” That means an estimated 19 million. (