Yes time for a PA, or bullhorn... Maybe a phonograph or Kingdom DJ... Maybe free lemonade or popcorn... bigger sign? sign flipper? carwash girls? dancers? cheerleaders? mariachis? I do not know, maybe the disappearance of the web and Bethel may help.
JoinedPosts by anonymouz
Ran into a witnessing table at the park today
by confusedandalone ini just got in from my daughters homecoming(she is a cheerleader and these guys make a huge deal out of this stuff).
they play 3 football games of various age groups.
it starts at 8 in the morning and just ended at 1:30. i just got in the house literally 5 minutes ago and i had to share.
Witnesses going rogue - trying to blend in with the world
by BluePill2 init's been a couple of years now since i left the pink-pony-world of the watchtower real estate & money laundering inc.. out of curiosity i researched a couple of "brothers" to see if they are still in, what they are up these days, etc.
using linkedin, facebook, and other online research i come up with this:.
1. branch committee member lothar mihank (formerly in nicaragua, now branch committee in indonesia) presents himself in linkedin as "ceo of ssyi" and tries to pass the borg as some kind of corporation (which is what they are).
Yes In my opinion it is part of the "mother" complex. But it is far worse than just "blending in". Trans-national CEOs, like many others, would plainly understand a financial globalization in the world scene would have to take a number of years, and possibly world war and world depression to actually globalize the national debt blackhole into an again functional system. And that will occur, and that will not be "any day now brothers!" as "the end" is said to be, but instead the beginning of a drawn out process globally that will take some years.
After or during such a globalization of the financial mechanism of control of say the leading 50 core nations economic systems first, then along with it or after it a globalization governmental infrastructure could then be extended fully into national powers (already in place in concept in many nations, and in preliminary application in the US and advanced in the EU) to bypass national governmental authority to guide this system from specialized internationalized groups who understand international issues with real-time reliable information, and national politicians could continue for a while to act as if they understand Texas and El Paso "issues". Issues that ultimately have an international fractal pattern that controls it all, or is about to fully in a more complete way I should say.
And that process is going to take some years to actually put in place with the globalized authoritative backing to enforce it. Which would be a final stage to uni-polar globalized military top control as the ultimate enforcer of last resort after finance and governmental regulation in internationalized control.
The point is, many people even on the street, now understand globalization concepts as a framework (not unrelated pieces), to actually present a true "8th King" world government, beyond the UN schematic, and that it will take years to actually complete. Not many, but nearly a decade or so. Yet WT CEOs are acting as if they do not understand some basic globalization projections, and instead tell JWs "it can end any day now brothers!", meaning the whole world system. Yet for that JW end scenario, the 8th King world government must complete first, it cannot be just a UN schematic, and that takes YEARS. Meaning the top Bethel brainwash creators full well know it cannot end "any day".
So it cannot end any day now, the final globalization cycle can START any day now. And in that start, eventaully national financial autonomy (Dan11:42-43) and eventually sovereign national power (Rev17:12-18) is what WILL also end starting any day now (deposition or transfer to globalist authority), but has to go on for some years to finalize into required national unions created or overhauled to cascade the international governmental administration according to how it's schematic is designed and already partly in use, to actually be a true world goverment.
Thus is appears the GB and other central Bethel authorities know a national collapse is coming in all te nations to some degree, and it is not "the end of the world", and in those periods of upheaval they also have a JW "theology" that can assist Bethel's financial pillage in that period to be covered up by (1.) "Daniel 11:44 is next!" fictional hoax King North role and further by (2.) "it is the attack on Babylon the Great" (BTG) as very convenient misappliable fictions, to cover up what is actually the end of Bethel to some severe degree in this initial national plunge that will take some years, and will in fact lead to world recovery, even from a final world war, as the obligatory womb of world chaos by which world government is born in concept and in final reality.
And obviously it takes some years to complete the process.
The fact is in JWs a self-fulfilling prophecy and predictive programming is so common in Bethel JW brainwash for anticipation of Bethel "desolation", and in fact globalization reality is just so far from actual world government at this time, it is hard to reconcile such an actual contradiction from WT top administrators who are not as dumb as they choose to appear without some purpose to the design. No one can today be this ignorant unless on purpose and at that level of operation at Bethel top globalizers of tat religion, tey cannot not know all this. Especially from men who claim to study the Bible and world events as full time jobs. (Which they do, to apply an illusion for cover, rather than the actual affirmable globalization reality).
JWs are indeed in 1980 levels of basic globalism understanding, that is complete ignorance of the understanding of the basis of the primary globalization of world finance, government and military from eventually all national "providers" that must precede and actually be the basis of an actual world government. (Dan11:42-43 assist Rev17:12-18 and Rev16:13-16) But the WT CEOs cannot run a trans-national corporate complex (and a globalized religious empire) and be ignorant of what is really going on in the world globalization process, but they can mislead JWs even at high levels into this illusion and project the impression they are also as backward, and that it is all progressive instead.
And that is why it is very interesting that JW "theology" is more aiding the globalization process of the initial cycle to start with engineered confusions, but suggesting to JWs it is "the end of the world any day" which already has also a JW pre-programmed theology of Daniel 11:44 "attack" expected with a BTG "attack" element as well. Meaning JWs expect a desolation, but JWs are not being told at what point in the process it is actually at, that is at it's beginning not it's end, that will actually be developing next - and on who the "attack" is coming Bethel, not BTG. And thus it is not the "attack" they think it is.
It appears the engineered retardation in globalization purpose and awareness in JWs and an engineered theology with the supporting deceptive advancement of "prophetic understanding" way too far in the cycle (Daniel 11:44) are elements requiring intelligent design and purpose to be promoted concurrently in JWs that can actually aid the Bethel transition to new ownership completely out of control of modern actual JWs as Daniel 11:42-43 process activates next, but Bethel will apply Daniel 11:44-45 out of sync with world developmental globalization reality requiring financial globalization at Daniel 11:42-43 first to assist the rest of the cycle. (Thus out of sync with their own prophecy, and not realizing Daniel 11:30-45 is 8th King "King North" activity of the 3rd and 4th UN continuum to the actual end years later).
Thus JWs can be organizationally desolated, and believe it is "the end of the world", but it will actually be the beginning of the full globalization final cycle, no Armageddon will come as expected, JWs will be bewildered, and that aids the following two years of the process. With no central reliable information, that confusion can last potentially years longer into what will actually be the trek to world government (Dan11:42-45), and the period JWs thought was developing but it was applied prematurely, due to Bethel hoax theology already setup for this purpose.
JWs will swing on and miss an ultimate change up for a while.
I do not see how a puzzle like that picture, just spontaneously constructs itself from these various pieces, without purposeful and intelligent guidance right from Bethel as the primary designer of this process. I can see the incentive in 100s of millions in Bethel assets though, and shutting down JWs fully for a few years in the process. -
Interesting page on finances
by snare&racket in
It comes down to the fact Bethel is a billion dollar empire that will abandon JWs with their loot in a "legalized" fashion already inherent in expert manipulation of the financial devices inter-relationship at trans-national scale, and JWs will accept the explanation for the implosions as "the attack on Babylon the Great has begun brothers!", as part of the "Daniel 11:44 is next to fulfill brothers!" which will leave JWs bankrupted organizationally globally in a drawn out process as JWs will be mentally preoccupied with "it is the end of the world brothers!" thinking. (for atleast a couple years in the process).
And the ingenuity of the actual operation and it's diversion to "Bible prophecy is fulfilling brothers!" is already in place in the JW theology that can be applied to any negative development as not only expected, but able to be "applied" for even two or three years of critical implosions, and JWs will be none the wiser but actually aiding the operation while it is completing to the very end. (of Bethel).
Then as the central Bethel communications network also implodes, JWs with zero cross communication network will truly be scattered sheep for potentially a few more years, as the national powers will also be going through engineered national finance implosions heading for a globalized finace system solution that will take a number of years to actually complete.
Rather than "Armageddon" coming as "the end", a globalization cycle will just be getting started as financial first, leading to internationalized governmental globalization next in the process.
Thus the "it can end anyday now brothers!" JW psychology, is contrary to the obvious globalization process duration of finances long before any true internationalized world government beyond the UN schemtic could even be truly possible as having later to absorb national "power and authority". So from JW's own interpretive rules, the end cannot come before a world government completes and makes world proclamations of the completion a many years down the road from even te first national sovereign debt intrigues into default or forgiveness or whatever form the process actually takes.
Thus we are talking years of total JW confusions and no "Armageddon".
It is Bethel that "can end anyday now brothers!". But even that implosion and absorption would take atleast two years to fully tangle up in international scale intrigues the pieces that do not fall into securitized transfer immediately to Bethel creditors. And that is an assumption; Bethel has great wealth, and with that wealth also great extended liabilities I assume in the hedges and derivatives that have also no doubt, if it was this case, have been as secretly reorganized as was the UN NGO, and also for atleast a decade now by the "GB" of WT finances, whoever they may be.
It is looking more and more like a rather ingenious con, rather than a random mishmash of "oversights" and hypocrisy in my opinion. Bethel is a wealth egg simply too hard to pass up, and too easy to compromise. And what further discourages the reverse engineered analysis and theoretical outcomes, is psychological aversion to acceptance of the world national finance compromise and implosions that would have to provide the context worldwide of this Bethel end game operation.
Other than that acceptance of the inevitable (by some external theorists), everything else is already visibly present in JW theology to assist the mechanics of the virtually invisible engine of legal pilllage. Everything in world geo-political awareness of the globalization process indicates it cannot occur to satifactory completion (as a real world government) for a numer of years. Thus JWs are expecting an end scenario way out of sync with developmental reality, way too early in the very system and mechanics of globalization they are supposed to be tracking, but instead went into cahoots with as UN NGO, and are mentally in 1980 in globalism understanding - globalism and globalized basis of world goverment simply does not exist to JWs, the UN schematic on 17 acres in NY state, is the end all "8th King" to mdern JW cavemen.
And that very thinking will greatly aid the final Bethel process.
DubYap - What is it ?
by EdenOne infrom wikidub:.
"dubyap is the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of the very special religious group known as jehovah's witnesses.
as philosopher condillac observed in 1782, "every [religion] requires a special language, because every [religion] has its own ideas ... it seems that one ought to begin by composing this language, but people begin by speaking and writing, and the language remains to be composed.
DubYap also includes purposeful dual meanings. For example "faithful slave" is "faithful slave" to DubYappers but Bethel's version of "the slave" is "evil slave" to some xDubYappers improvised lingo.
They Need War Now
by metatron in
there have been similar headlines on usa today and the drudgereport.. they need ww3 and they need it now.. the israelis understand what will likely happen if peace with iran breaks out.
there will be a movement towards eliminating all nuclear weapons in the middle east and the intensification of declaring 'apartheid' as regards the palestinians.. in other words, the practical end of israel as a zionist state.. in addition, there are senators who lust for war (lindsay graham, etc) they realize that the fog of war would move the us towards becoming a full police state, eliminating what's left of the bill of rights and distracting the whole nation from its failing economy.. i think it's too late for a phony false flag attack - to blame iran for some made-up terrorist attack.
Either these guys are telling the truth or they are too crazy to be in charge of nukes and we should enjoy every day we have left.
Do not worry too much about nuclear war, yes it will serious, but it will not be "the end of the world" because it is all controlled, planned and financed from the same hub of operations as WW1, 2 or 3 (cold war).
The point of world war is to accelerate economic control of the national powers by accelerating the process and applying controlled force to obstacles within the national systems, under the war or martial pretext.That economic control in globalized finance system will take some years, the elites want to rule the world, not destroy it.
And control of fuel as food or energy for peaople and industry, is control of the national powers who are now collectively in maybe a half QUADRILLION in debt and unfunded liabilities. But not all the banks, pensions, and investment houses are going down, only some of them.
The point of a final world war is it's peace resolution to make UN world government appear as the needed hero to save the day, depose national sovereignty, depose religious wealth for national recovery, and actually create a final world "peace and security" aided by an actual "freedom from care" as recovery always follows world war.
This recovery will be the greatest in world history, because the world government elites want people to have hope and optimism which resolving a world war will aid the effect of. They want people to admire a human world government, not to resist it, and bringing in this engineered final world peace, is why a final world war, even if uniquely branded as initially the "global war on terror", which is a world war by the way, must extend into it's final cycle of globalization aiding developments, first financial (Dan11:42-43) then governmental and military totality (Rev17:12-18; Rev16:13-16).
Fear and "end of the world" mentality merely aids the first sweeps of dissidents ultimately against world government, that te national powers must engage in soon, to pick up the social pieces that will fall out in the turbulence of a transiton tat will have ups and downs, will be worldwide and will take some years to actually complete. That is why it is not "the end of the world" for everyone, just those in a national "natural selection" process being activated by economic collapse as in internal national method for martial systems to also war on their own people in many nations already prepared for this initial phase that probably will not go on for more than 2 or 3 years, in my opinion.
It is not "the end", it is the beginning of the final cycle of world globalization in finance, government, and military, that of course controls the rest of the process in pretty much that order of necessity.
Don't let unrealistic negative thinking aid the process, keep your cool, expect a bumpy unqiue ride, but know it will resolve in world recovery at a scale humans have never seen before or thought possible under an actual world government for a while. The UN is just a schematic. What is coming is the real thing, and that is not going to occur over night or next year, or the year after that, it will take a good 7-10 years from the initial collapse to be effected, in my opinion and some Bible evidence of prophecy.As you know JWs will also think "it is the end of the world", and those kinds of misled JWs stuck in trust of an org, will also be able to be herded by the Bethel organization to aid the initial globalization process (WT 11/15/13 pg. 20, par. 17, statement #(3)), as merely part of the whole initial limited sweep at global scales and complexities.
Relationship with fellow fader?
by Kool Jo ini'm just curious....what would be the pros and cons of dating or even marrying someone who is fading or fully aware of ttatt?.
although i'm not in this situation, i've always wondered about it...for're reaching near that age, your parents, friends, family members, others in the congregation are giving you hints that it's time for you to get don't wanna marry anyone that the congregation/parents recommend because they're fully indoctrinated, so you make up some excuse that you're not ready blah blah blah, even though you long for then meet a fader or someone who knows that the wtbs in crap...what would be the pros and the cons...and could it work?.
Sure it could work. Even so-called "worldly people" have respected that marriage arrangement in certain cases. The "devout" JW marriage success record is no better, maybe worse.
And honestly we must see JWs today are now becoming proponents accidentally from guidance of purposeful leaders providing valid lawless evidence that is:(2 Peter 2:1-3) However, there also came to be false prophets among the people, as there will also be false teachers among you. These very ones will quietly bring in destructive sects and will disown even the owner that bought them, bringing speedy destruction upon themselves. 2 Furthermore, many will follow their acts of loose conduct, and on account of these the way of the truth will be spoken of abusively. 3 Also, with covetousness they will exploit you with counterfeit words. But as for them, the judgment from of old is not moving slowly, and the destruction of them is not slumbering.
THAT is wat the Bethel of today is, reproachers at global scale. And it is policy now.
Thus marrying a "devout" JW in today's Bethel system is marrying a member of the actual apostasy which is in JWs by clearly a 37 year pattern under add-on, non-Biblical "Governing Body" dictatorial power. In effect the modern papacy of Bethel is what is actually in power "in the truth" and that is why "you will know these men by their fruitage" is growing in public view on the now dead tree of Bethel and the GB collective "pope" "body".
So if one flees the main apostasy (Matt24:15 with also UN NGO evidence), and sticks to God, Christ, the Bible and UNDESERVED KINDNESS first, a marriage in such a state of spiritual transition preceding a "Jerusalem" judgment again, can work. Because if one truly repented, and on truly endeavored to obey the love and mercy commands, God would aid the union because God cannot be fooled if we are trying to serve him or we are not.
In spite of Bethel organized lies, there is still God, there is still Jesus Christ and there is still actual truth in the Bible. Bethel's leadership is the problem of the blind now leading the blind JWs.
A "fader" may actually have a far greater spiritual discernment than a whole elder body and governing body that now accepts even UN Bethel dedications as no big thing. Many faders are the actually spiritually strong, as no robot sheep in JWs is actually following Christ and God any longer, nor do the LISTEN to the Bible, they listen to non-anointed frauds in a modern papacy of Bethel above the commands of God.
(Matthew 15:7-11) you hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophesied about you, when he said, 8 ‘This people honors me with their lips, yet their heart is far removed from me. 9 It is in vain that they keep worshiping me, because they teach commands of men as doctrines.’” 10 With that he called the crowd near and said to them: “Listen and get the sense of it: 11 Not what enters into [his] mouth defiles a man; but it is what proceeds out of [his] mouth that defiles a man.”
Now God and Christ are stating that to JWs, but JWs only hear Bethel ear tickling that everything is AOK. You are better off with a fader, than with a JW heading rather into judgment (Matt24:15; Dan8:13-14), and great disappointment, because when the GB and Bethel pay the divine bill of God's accounting, JWs focused on those fallible idols and organizational idol, will be greatly stumbled when those sinful men go down as an organization.(JWs have had their faith diverted and diffused from God and Christ unto human "bodies" as idols God will smash, and in that demolition JWs focused on these organizational idols will have their misdirected faith onto men, also smashed.)
(Jeremiah 17:5) This is what Jehovah has said: “Cursed is the able-bodied man who puts his trust in earthling man and actually makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from Jehovah himself.
And they will, because it is plainly foretold in prophecy and principle, Bethel is lawless and reproaches God's name in a self-proclaimed covenant with him, and no people in history ever got away with transgressions of these magnitudes, with out a divinely selective judgment on the "wheat" and the "weeds". And the problem is, Bethel is the main weed patch and seeding system.
Faders, not the congregational leaders and zombies, are the ones clearly beginning to realize this, and that it's implication is Bethel going down like Jerusalem, for the criminal lawlessness in organized and self-justified fashion. It is the same old story, just repeating in JWs as blind as any Jew in Jerusalem for the most part, a few will make it out to tell the story later. It is all simply repeating right in JWs. -
They Need War Now
by metatron in
there have been similar headlines on usa today and the drudgereport.. they need ww3 and they need it now.. the israelis understand what will likely happen if peace with iran breaks out.
there will be a movement towards eliminating all nuclear weapons in the middle east and the intensification of declaring 'apartheid' as regards the palestinians.. in other words, the practical end of israel as a zionist state.. in addition, there are senators who lust for war (lindsay graham, etc) they realize that the fog of war would move the us towards becoming a full police state, eliminating what's left of the bill of rights and distracting the whole nation from its failing economy.. i think it's too late for a phony false flag attack - to blame iran for some made-up terrorist attack.
Yes and it is also a great opportunity when the "attack" begins, for Bethel to also fill their fictional "King North" character slot of Daniel 11:44 with whatever new "villain" should appear to play the hoax role. And this will make JWs think the Daniel 11:44-45 "end of the world" sequence has begun. Then the "Babylon the Great is being attacked" illusion can be made to cover-up the Bethel desolations of finance.
Because what will actually be occurring if catalyzed by world war or false-flag or real attack, or even naturally, is national financial implosion globally into a globalized international finance and monetary system over some years:(Daniel 11:42-43) And he (8th King globalists) will keep thrusting out his hand against the (national) lands; and as regards the land of Egypt (King South symbolic national domain), she (subservient to 8th King) will not prove to be an escapee. (8th King pawned soon) 43 And he (8th King) will actually rule over the hidden treasures of the gold and the silver and over all the desirable things of Egypt. (national wealth goes into globalist 8th King control).
But at Bethel, that worldwide "King of the Gold" was somehow a bankrupted and now non-existent USSR. And now JWs can be prematurely advanced too far into 8th King world government developments at a Daniel 11:44 that is not what is developing. In fact a worldwide globalization of finance is what is obviously next, plainly seen in the world alternative news and research, will take some years, would be aided and accelerated by world war and or tribulation. That is what must occur next as is easily seen in the 100s of trillions in national debts globally readying this very process of financial globalization which must occur prior to any real "world government" as the basis of economic control to "gather" the nations further into that unification.
And as Bethel implodes into intrigues of Daniel 11:42-43, JWs will be sold the Daniel 11:44 cover up a world war development would open up. Everything appears to be converging, and getting ready to blow in some direction to drag in all the nations, and JWs thinking "it is the end of the world brothers!", when to the contray, it is the beginning of the final globalization process that will take a number of years to complete, and needs a world war to get it going in accelerated fashion, and to provide a handy distraction from the real financial source of collapse.We have a perfect storm brewing here that will also wash the Bethel sand castle away, while the core engineers in that system have already positioned WT assets to be redirected into other hands in the process, all covered up with interpretive deceptions to dupe JWs to the very conclusion of the operation, for even a couple years in this process.
And in those years, JWs will be fully bewildered. (Dan8:13-14).
by abiather ini am still a jw.
i cant give any more details than this because of my family members who are devout jws.
i cherish a larger picture in my heart without anybody knowing ittrue worship means love and compassion, (luke 10:25-37) not belonging to any organization or having a set of belief system!
Yes Bethel is the apostasy JWs know about in the case of others, but not in Bethel's. Clearly then adverse judgment applies to everyone else, mercy applies only to JWs. But not even that, it is not mercy at JWville, none is shown, and it is under Bethel's new version of "deserved kindness" based on performance merit, visuals and employee manual quotes.
Thus something is terribly wrong at Bethel, just as at Jerusalem on two occassions of prophecy turning to history of divine judgment. And like blind Jerusalem, JWs see clearly a delusion causing systemic JW blindness as the pattern repeats like so many other times in human history.
And the new pharisees of the Bethel synagogue are the main blind leaders, leading JWs into a spirital pit. That repeats as well. In principle even the prophecies are repeating. (Isa1-5; 2Thess2:1-4. Zech3:1-3; Cor11:13-15)
JWs also repeat, but in unique form, the organized ignorance of the true reality of the UN NGO decomposing camel feasting Bethel, applying a well tuned elder body pinky scan upon the congreagtional membrane of "spiritual cleaness" to detect all species of JW gnat at that level of distraction, while the central osmosis of organizational and UN idols festering at the Bethel core imbibe the whole JW "body" with spiritual toxicity. (Rev8:10-11).
Now how can a construct of that effectiveness of blindness on one end, and world notoriety on the other, simply spontaneously develop while the leaders are all multi-millionaires in funds as easily covertly accessible as was the UN NGO dedications itself. Meaning the main engineers are getting paid very well to keep the core illusion funding their work. Meaning this is no accident, there is a multitude of evidence of intelligent rather than random "design".
And worse, things will continue to devolve within the Bethel sand castle. And by that things will get worse in congregations as just a veneer for a lawless distribution that many freelance predators are now taking advantage of due to lack of any true spiritual protection. In short order the apparent sheep farm, is actually a sheep slaughterhouse. The "organization" of salvation is actually a JW deathtrap. The Watchtower is an abandoned mineshaft. Awake! is asleep in deep coma, even dead. Elders are spiritual infants and GB clones. The "preaching work" in blowback form on the web now stumbles more people out and away from God, Christ and the Bible, than it brings into "the truth". The GB are high priests of the main UN NGO wildbeast "mystery religion" JW extended worship system at the inner demon sanctum of Bethel's pantheon of organizational idols. "New light" is a blackhole even devouring the classic basis of the JW "belief" system. "Old light" of core JW basis of existence is now apostasy with Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Franz as the main "misled ones", etc...
The list could go on and on.
But at the JW echoe chamber of the past, everything is just fine. And now "apostates" are more Jehovah's and Christ's witnesses than even JWs. Thus the transformation (2Cor11:13-15) is not just complete on individuals but also upon the Bethel collective "superfine apostle" body. And it is the world exposing it, not JWs.
Very strange, and in no way can such a development not be foretold, yet covered up by Bethel in the process. (Dan11:30-35; 2Thess2:1-4; 1Pet4:17; Dan8:11-14).
Bethel covers up the very prophecies foretelling their activities of today, while they are fulfilling them. Strange indeed; (Isa28; 28:21).
Now how can Bethel repeating everything somehow avoid divine judgment repeating as well to finish this picture?
Yes, you can "pioneer" 24/7 worldwide naked if you want, and getting 200 hours a month is no problem but a breeze, and reach 100 times more people with every blog post! LOL
It is too innovative for the Bethel dark ages. You can even start your own congregation in Zambia, New Zealand or Guam. Pay-pal button is optional.
My mom wants me to disassociate myself from her on facebook if
by JWdaughter inmy mom sent me a email telling me that if i want to put any of that (non jw/non christian) religious stuff on my facebook then i should unfriend her.
i didn't respond directly.
i did take the email, remove id'ing aspects and ask my facebook friends to tell me what they thought of the request.
Does she know about the Bethel UN NGO? Because that is Bethel HISTORY, that Bethel created, and maybe you can bend that logic to say you are informing people of Bethel's own history and dubious covenant in "wildbeast" co-promotions as per Awake! 9/8/1991 onward.
I say this not to give fuel to any disagreement, but due to Bethel's silence before, during and after the UN NGO, a number of JWs have no idea Bethel joined the UN "family of organizations", and if all JWs knew that fact, some would leave the org that day (Matt24:15), and hence why Bethel covers up that affair.I do not know how a JW could reconcile Bethel joining a rival world government while preaching God's Kingdom and all JWs should be made aware of Bethel's actual alliances.