Judicial meeting because I held the child of a disfellowshipped couple at an assembly...They were close friends before they got df'd and I hadn't seen them in years so when I saw them and heard they were working towards reinstatement I asked the grandparents who were not df'd to get the baby and I'd take him for a bit...they agreed and someone got a stiffy over it.....Unneccesary contact it was called and I was told I was being given private reproof.
Something similar happened in a hall that I was associated with years ago: Sister with unbelieving husband gets DF'd. She has two kids in grade school. Very popular at the hall. Several of the friends offered to go and pick them up for service and for any meetings that the DF'd sister couldn't make because of work. Elders, who had nothing but hatred for the sister who was in trouble, denied any help to her kids. Several people were upset. The kids did no wrong. Why are they being shunned, was the question of the day. Elders said it was her responsibility and no one was to offer help of any kind. Over time she left and never came back. Looking back, it was the best thing she did.
A few years later, a similar situation happened in another hall I was in. This time the sister who was DF'd had her kids picked up and brought to all meetings and service by elders, elders wives, MS and their wives and anyone else who offered. No one complained or offered criticism of the situation. The inconsistencies of treatment by different people in the same situation did not go unnoticed by me though. I file it away in the back of my head and it has been brought back to the surface by the experience above. Another good example of hypocrisy.